.. _roofTheory: Roof type classifier ========================== Roof type is a crucial information for wind hazard analyses of buildings because it is a key attribute needed for consideration of wind effects on structures. There are three major roof types, as shown in :numref:`roof_types`, that are widely used in the world: flat, gabled, hipped. .. _roof_types: .. list-table:: Roof prototypes * - .. figure:: ../../images/technical/flat.jpg Flat - .. figure:: ../../images/technical/gable.jpg Gabled - .. figure:: ../../images/technical/hip.jpg Hipped Correspondingly, a typical satellite image of each roof type is shown in :numref:`roof_images`. .. _roof_images: .. list-table:: Example satellite images of different roof types * - .. figure:: ../../images/image_examples/Roof/flat/94.png Flat - .. figure:: ../../images/image_examples/Roof/gabled/76.png Gabled - .. figure:: ../../images/image_examples/Roof/hipped/54.png Hipped Satellite images are a scalable source for inferring roof type information. In the attempt to determine roof type for every building in a region, a ConvNet classifier is trained to take a satellite image of a building and predicts its roof type. A training data set of 6,000 satellite images (2,000 for each roof type: flat, gabled, hipped) is collected. Specifically, ResNet :cite:`he2016deep`, which is a widely-used ConvNet architecture for image feature recognition, is employed. The architecture of the model is shown in :numref:`fig_resnet`. In this module, we used a 50-layer ResNet. .. _fig_resnet: .. figure:: ../../images/technical/ResNet.png :width: 70% :alt: ResNet ResNet