brails.types.image_set module
This module contains classes for managing and manipulating image sets.
- Classes:
Image: A class to represent an individual image.
ImageSet: A class for handling collections of images.
A class to represent an image. |
A class representing a set of images. |
- class brails.types.image_set.Image(filename: str, properties: dict | None = None)
A class to represent an image.
- Attributes:
filename (str): filename of image properties (dict): properties of image if known, i.e., camera
location, depth map
- Methods:
set_image: Set the filename for an Image. update_properties: Update image properties. print_info: Print Image properties.
- print_info()
Print Image properties.
- set_image(filename: str)
Set the filename for an Image.
- Args:
filename (str): New filename.
- update_properties(additional_properties: dict)
Update Image properties.
Args: additional_properties (dict): additional properties to update the
current Image properties
- class brails.types.image_set.ImageSet
A class representing a set of images.
- Attributes:
- dir_path (str):
A path to image directory if images all in same location.
- images (dict):
A dict of all images, key is the id for the image, value is an Image
- Methods:
set_directory: Set the directory path and load existing images. add_image: Create and add a new image to the ImageSet. get_image: Retrieve an image by its key. print_info: Print details of the image set.
- add_image(key: str | int, filename: str, properties: dict | None = None)
Create and add a new image to the ImageSet.
- Args:
key (str|int): The identifier for the image. filename (str): The name of the file containing the image. properties (dict): Image properties (default is an empty dict).
- Returns:
bool: True if Image is added, False if Image already exists.
- get_image(key: str | int)
Get an image.
- Args:
key (str|int): The identifier for the image.
- Returns:
- Image:
The image or None if no image with key
- print_info()
Print the image set.
- set_directory(path_to_dir: str, include_existing_images: bool = False, limited_to_extension_types=None)
Set the directory path.
- Args:
- path_to_dir (str):
The path to the directory.
- include_existing_images(bool):
Boolean to indicate if all files in path_to_dir should be added in self.images.
- limited_to_extension_types (list):
if include_existing_images will only include files with specific extensions in list, default is None, i.e. include all files
- Returns:
- bool:
True if the directory exists and is valid, False otherwise.