Damage and Loss Model Library
Development Preview Only. This documentation is intended for internal review and demonstration purposes. It is not finalized or ready for public use.
- About
- Release Notes
- Damage Models
- Hazus Earthquake Methodology - Transportation
- FEMA P-58 2nd Edition
- Hazus Earthquake Methodology - Buildings
- GF - Geotechnical Failure
- LF - Lifeline Facilities
- LF.W1 - Wood, Light Frame
- LF.W2 - Wood, Commercial & Industrial
- LF.S1 - Steel Moment Frame
- LF.S2 - Steel Braced Frame
- LF.S3 - Steel Light Frame
- LF.S4 - Steel Frame with Cast-in-Place Concrete Shear Walls
- LF.S5 - Steel Frame with Unreinforced Masonry Infill Walls
- LF.C1 - Concrete Moment Frame
- LF.C2 - Concrete Shear Walls
- LF.C3 - Concrete Frame with Unreinforced Masonry Infill Walls
- LF.PC1 - Precast Concrete Tilt-Up Walls
- LF.PC2 - Precast Concrete Frames with Concrete Shear Walls
- LF.RM1 - Reinforced Masonry Bearing Walls with Wood or Metal Deck Diaphragms
- LF.RM2 - Reinforced Masonry Bearing Walls with Precast Concrete Diaphragms
- LF.URM - Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Walls
- LF.MH - Mobile Homes
- NSA - Non-Structural Acceleration-Sensitive
- NSD - Non-Structural Drift-Sensitive
- STR - Structural
- STR.W1 - Wood, Light Frame
- STR.W2 - Wood, Commercial & Industrial
- STR.S1 - Steel Moment Frame
- STR.S2 - Steel Braced Frame
- STR.S3 - Steel Light Frame
- STR.S4 - Steel Frame with Cast-in-Place Concrete Shear Walls
- STR.S5 - Steel Frame with Unreinforced Masonry Infill Walls
- STR.C1 - Concrete Moment Frame
- STR.C2 - Concrete Shear Walls
- STR.C3 - Concrete Frame with Unreinforced Masonry Infill Walls
- STR.PC1 - Precast Concrete Tilt-Up Walls
- STR.PC2 - Precast Concrete Frames with Concrete Shear Walls
- STR.RM1 - Reinforced Masonry Bearing Walls with Wood or Metal Deck Diaphragms
- STR.RM2 - Reinforced Masonry Bearing Walls with Precast Concrete Diaphragms
- STR.URM - Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Walls
- STR.MH - Mobile Homes
- HAZUS Earthquake Methodology - Power
- SimCenter Hurricane Wind Component Library
- Repair Consequence Models