Stochastic Ground Motions ------------------------- This panel allows users to generate synthetic ground motions for a target seismic event. In order to do so, the stochastic ground motion model is selected from the ``drop-down menu``, which is as shown in :numref:`fig-stochasticVlachos-event`. Two stochastic motion models are currently available: Vlachoes et al. (2018) :cite:`vlachos2018predictive` and Dabaghi \& Der Kiureghian (2014, 2017, 2018) :cite:`dabaghi2014stochastic,dabaghi2017stochastic,dabaghi2018simulation`. Depending on the model selected, the user will be asked to enter values for a number of parameters that are used to generate a seismic event. For the Vlachos et al. model users are required to input the ``moment magnitude``, ``site to rupture distance`` and the ``average shear wave velocity``. .. _fig-stochasticVlachos-event: .. figure:: figures/stochasticVlachos.png :align: center :figclass: align-center :width: 80% Vlachos et al. (2018) model inputs. .. _fig-stochasticDabaghi-event: For the Dabaghi and Der Kiureghian model geometric directivity parameters, as shown in :numref:`fig-dabaghi`, required by the Dabaghi and Der Kiureghian model are described completely in Somerville et al. (1997) :cite:`somerville1997modification`. .. _fig-dabaghi: .. figure:: figures/stochasticDabaghi.png :align: center :figclass: align-center :width: 80% Dabaghi & Der Kiureghian (2018) model inputs. Additionally, users can provide a seed for either model if they desire the same suite of synthetic motions to be generated on multiple occasions. If the seed is not specified, a different realization of the time history will be generated for each run. The backend application that generates the stochastic ground motions relies on **smelt**, a modular and extensible C++ library for generating stochastic time histories. Users interested in learning more about the implementation and design of **smelt** are referred to its `GitHub Repository `_. All input parameters can be specified as **random variables** by entering a string in the parameter field. Please note that information for the inputs that are identified as random variables needs to be provided in the **UQ** tab. .. .. bibliography:: ../../../../references.bib