RES: Results ============ The **Results** panel is where the user can review the results of an analysis. Currently, the results post-processor supports output from the following applications: .. contents:: :local: Pelicun Damage and Loss ----------------------- :numref:`fig-R2DRESPanel` shows the results panel for the **Pelicun Damage and Loss** application. The results panel is comprised of several docking windows that can be moved, rearranged, resized, and opened and closed by the user. The results panel contains these main docks: #. **Regional Map Dock:** Geographic map of the region. The assets are colored according to their most likely critical damage state. Clicking on an asset will produce a popup showing the detailed information of that asset. .. note:: The critical damage state of an asset is defined as the largest damage state experienced by its components. For asset-level damage assessment (e.g., Hazus-MH EQ IM) each asset is represented by several components that are prone to different hazard intensity measure inputs. For example, a building may be represeted by one ground shaking vulnerable component and one ground failure vulnerable component. The damage state of the first component is determined by `PGA` while the damage state of the second component is determined by `PGD`. The large damage state of the two components is defined as the critical damage state. The `Most likely` critical damage state is the mode of the critical damage state realizations. Pelicun will generate a number of damage state realizations as defined in :numref:`fig-R2DPelicunDLPanel`. Additional information on Pelicun and descriptions of its output are available at `Pelicun Documentation `_. A critical damage state can be determined in each realization and the most likely damage state is the mode of the critical damage state realizations. #. **Detailed Building Results Dock:** Table showing the detailed results. For each asset, the table provides the: - Asset ID - Mean and standard deviation of repair Cost - Mean and standard deviation of repair Time - Mean and standard deviation of most likely damage state The **Table Sort** combo box, shown in :numref:`fig-R2DRESPanel`, sorts the table in descending order according to the selected filter, e.g., repair cost. .. _fig-R2DRESPanel: .. figure:: figures/R2DRESPanelNew.png :align: center :figclass: align-center Pelicun results visualization panel.