Python: Assignments Day 2 ========================= .. note:: Day 2 will focus on :green:`numeric data types` for linear algebra (vectors and matrices), introduce :green:`plotting` features available in python, and show you how to :green:`read and write data from files` on your computer. :red:`If you are already experienced using` :green:`numpy`, :green:`matplotlib` and doing :green:`file I/O`, we still ask you to actively participate and help others learn quicker by facilitating small group discussions in which you can share your insight. Self-study portion for day 2 (ahead of class) ----------- 1. Watch `chapter 2 of our self-study videos <./lecture_videos_part1.html#chapter-2-matrix-data-types>`__. This should take :green:`~30 minutes`. #. Watch `chapter 3 of our self-study videos <./lecture_videos_part1.html#chapter-3-plotting>`__. This should take less than :green:`15 minutes`. #. browse through the `matplotlib gallery `__ to explore available plot types. This should take :green:`~5 minutes`. #. Watch `chapter 4 of our self-study videos <./lecture_videos_part1.html#chapter-4-file-io>`__. This should take :green:`~45 minutes`. Live exercises (in class) -------- * ``LessonNotes/Lesson 02-Data Types and Loops.ipynb`` * ``LessonNotes/Lesson 03-Loops and matrix operations.ipynb`` * ``LessonNotes/Lesson 04-some more numpy and plotting.ipynb`` * ``LessonNotes/Lesson 05-File IO.ipynb`` Practice problems (after class) --------- * ``./HomeworkExercises/02.1 Exercise numpy.ipynb`` * ``./HomeworkExercises/02.3 Exercise on more matrix operations.ipynb`` * ``./HomeworkExercises/03.1 Exercise Plotting.ipynb`` Self-study portion for day 3 (watch before tomorrow’s class) ----------- 1. Watch all videos that you've skipped so far. This should take you :green:`0 to 4 hours`, depending on how busy you've been over the past few days. #. Watch `chapter 5 of our self-study videos <./lecture_videos_part1.html#chapter-5-object-oriented-programming>`__. This should take :green:`~50 minutes`.