Tapis provides a RESTful API (web-based API) allowing users to securely manage computational workloads on outside resources (remote HPC and Storage resources). The API allows users to transfer files and launch user defined applications at remote sites. The Tapis API was developed at TACC and is highly utilized by DesignSafe to provide NHERI researchers with access to the TACC resources made available through DesignSafe in a secure and managed way.
The Tapis CLI is a human-friendly, scriptable command line interface, implemented in Python, that allows users to interact with Tapis through the command line, and not the browser.
Tapis CLI provides a unified interface to multiple web service APIs, allowing them to be easily orchestrated and composed into higher-order constructs combining HPC, data management, cloud computing, and other aspects of computing.
This short NOTE will provide NHERI users the needed information to utilize the HPC and storage resources at TACC that DesignSafe makes available. It is in the form of a series of exercises which provide information for transferrig files, creating and launchiing applications using the Tapis cli. You can review the more detailed on-line documentation for the Tapis CLI. if you need more detailed information.
- C: Assignments Day 5
- Problem 1: Parallelize normVector.c using OpenMP
- Problem 2: Parallelize pi.c using OpenMP
- Problem 3: Additional Exercise JUST for Frank
- Step 1: Setting Up an Execution System
- Step 2: Exploring File System Commands
- Step 3: Build a Tapis app
- Step 4: Submitting a Job
- Step 5: Allowing Others to Use your App