Welcome to the NHERI-SimCenter 2024 Programming Bootcamp

Following the success of our online version of this workshop, this year’s offering will be solely online. Expect to collaborate with students from across the globe and enjoy the oportunity to make new friends at unexpected places.

The format of the course this year has changed. This year the workshop is a one week intensive course of online instruction. The course is split evenly into *Python and C/C++. The particpants will be asked to review material before the workshop. Each day the material presented in those videos will be reviewed briefly before example progams are developed from scratch.

Every morning, office hours are held for one (1) hour before the days presentations begin..


It is intense. While instruction is limited to a few hours a day, expect to spend significant hours daily working and submitting assignments if you intend to get anything worthwhile from the courses.

The outline of the workshop is follows.

  1. Python Workshop

    • July 29-31, 2024, 2.5 days

    The first part of the Python training is geared towards beginner and intermediate level material. In it we will cover the basic concepts of python, as well as fundamentals of code design. It will utilize Python notebooks to acheive this. In the latter part of the workshop we will transition you to the command-line use of python. In it we will cover creating a modular python program, utilizing for example development environments and file editors, things you’ll need working on any high-performance computing (HPC) environment.

  2. C/C++/HPC Workshop

    • July 31 - Aug 2, 2024, 2.5 days

    The second half of this bootcamp is all done on a HPC target environment. We will start by reviewing coding basiscs in C and C++, but quickly transitioning to the fundamentals of parallel programming. This is a highly intensive crash course which introduces attendees to concepts of computing, and quickly goes through fundamentals of coding in C and C++ to build applications that run in parallel. The particpants will be logging on to the TACC HPC resources, developing C and C++ applications, compiling these programs and then running the built applications on some of the fastest computers in the world.


Course material is available through the NHERI-SimCenter/SimCenterBootcamp2024 repository on https://github.com

You will need your own GitHub account and DesignSafe accounts to participate in our exercises.