![]() |
Common functionality used within different SimCenter projects
This is the complete list of members for QCPAxisRect, including all inherited members.
addAxes(QCPAxis::AxisTypes types) | QCPAxisRect | |
addAxis(QCPAxis::AxisType type, QCPAxis *axis=0) | QCPAxisRect | |
antialiased() const | QCPLayerable | inline |
applyAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter, bool localAntialiased, QCP::AntialiasedElement overrideElement) const | QCPLayerable | protected |
applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPAxisRect | protectedvirtual |
autoMargins() const | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
axes(QCPAxis::AxisTypes types) const | QCPAxisRect | |
axes() const | QCPAxisRect | |
axis(QCPAxis::AxisType type, int index=0) const | QCPAxisRect | |
axisCount(QCPAxis::AxisType type) const | QCPAxisRect | |
background() const | QCPAxisRect | inline |
backgroundBrush() const | QCPAxisRect | inline |
backgroundScaled() const | QCPAxisRect | inline |
backgroundScaledMode() const | QCPAxisRect | inline |
bottom() const | QCPAxisRect | inline |
bottomLeft() const | QCPAxisRect | inline |
bottomRight() const | QCPAxisRect | inline |
calculateAutoMargin(QCP::MarginSide side) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPAxisRect | protectedvirtual |
center() const | QCPAxisRect | inline |
clipRect() const | QCPLayerable | protectedvirtual |
deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged) | QCPLayerable | protectedvirtual |
draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPAxisRect | protectedvirtual |
drawBackground(QCPPainter *painter) | QCPAxisRect | protected |
elements(bool recursive) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPAxisRect | virtual |
graphs() const | QCPAxisRect | |
height() const | QCPAxisRect | inline |
initializeParentPlot(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) | QCPLayerable | protected |
insetLayout() const | QCPAxisRect | inline |
items() const | QCPAxisRect | |
layer() const | QCPLayerable | inline |
layerChanged(QCPLayer *newLayer) | QCPLayerable | signal |
layout() const | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
layoutChanged() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPAxisRect | protectedvirtual |
left() const | QCPAxisRect | inline |
mAADragBackup | QCPAxisRect | protected |
mAntialiased | QCPLayerable | protected |
marginGroup(QCP::MarginSide side) const | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
marginGroups() const | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
margins() const | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
mAutoMargins | QCPLayoutElement | protected |
mAxes | QCPAxisRect | protected |
maximumSize() const | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
maximumSizeHint() const | QCPLayoutElement | virtual |
mBackgroundBrush | QCPAxisRect | protected |
mBackgroundPixmap | QCPAxisRect | protected |
mBackgroundScaled | QCPAxisRect | protected |
mBackgroundScaledMode | QCPAxisRect | protected |
mDragging | QCPAxisRect | protected |
mDragStart | QCPAxisRect | protected |
mDragStartHorzRange | QCPAxisRect | protected |
mDragStartVertRange | QCPAxisRect | protected |
minimumMargins() const | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
minimumSize() const | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
minimumSizeHint() const | QCPLayoutElement | virtual |
mInsetLayout | QCPAxisRect | protected |
mLayer | QCPLayerable | protected |
mMarginGroups | QCPLayoutElement | protected |
mMargins | QCPLayoutElement | protected |
mMaximumSize | QCPLayoutElement | protected |
mMinimumMargins | QCPLayoutElement | protected |
mMinimumSize | QCPLayoutElement | protected |
mNotAADragBackup | QCPAxisRect | protected |
mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QVariant &details) | QCPLayerable | protectedvirtual |
mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPAxisRect | protectedvirtual |
mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QVariant &details) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPAxisRect | protectedvirtual |
mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPAxisRect | protectedvirtual |
mOuterRect | QCPLayoutElement | protected |
moveToLayer(QCPLayer *layer, bool prepend) | QCPLayerable | protected |
mParentLayerable | QCPLayerable | protected |
mParentLayout | QCPLayoutElement | protected |
mParentPlot | QCPLayerable | protected |
mRangeDrag | QCPAxisRect | protected |
mRangeDragHorzAxis | QCPAxisRect | protected |
mRangeDragVertAxis | QCPAxisRect | protected |
mRangeZoom | QCPAxisRect | protected |
mRangeZoomFactorHorz | QCPAxisRect | protected |
mRangeZoomFactorVert | QCPAxisRect | protected |
mRangeZoomHorzAxis | QCPAxisRect | protected |
mRangeZoomVertAxis | QCPAxisRect | protected |
mRect | QCPLayoutElement | protected |
mScaledBackgroundPixmap | QCPAxisRect | protected |
mVisible | QCPLayerable | protected |
outerRect() const | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
parentLayerable() const | QCPLayerable | inline |
parentPlot() const | QCPLayerable | inline |
parentPlotInitialized(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPLayoutElement | protectedvirtual |
plottables() const | QCPAxisRect | |
QCPAxisRect(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, bool setupDefaultAxes=true) | QCPAxisRect | explicit |
QCPLayerable(QCustomPlot *plot, QString targetLayer=QString(), QCPLayerable *parentLayerable=0) | QCPLayerable | |
QCPLayoutElement(QCustomPlot *parentPlot=0) | QCPLayoutElement | explicit |
QCustomPlot class | QCPAxisRect | friend |
rangeDrag() const | QCPAxisRect | inline |
rangeDragAxes(Qt::Orientation orientation) | QCPAxisRect | |
rangeDragAxis(Qt::Orientation orientation) | QCPAxisRect | |
rangeZoom() const | QCPAxisRect | inline |
rangeZoomAxes(Qt::Orientation orientation) | QCPAxisRect | |
rangeZoomAxis(Qt::Orientation orientation) | QCPAxisRect | |
rangeZoomFactor(Qt::Orientation orientation) | QCPAxisRect | |
realVisibility() const | QCPLayerable | |
rect() const | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
removeAxis(QCPAxis *axis) | QCPAxisRect | |
right() const | QCPAxisRect | inline |
selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged) | QCPLayerable | protectedvirtual |
selectionCategory() const | QCPLayerable | protectedvirtual |
selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPLayoutElement | virtual |
setAntialiased(bool enabled) | QCPLayerable | |
setAutoMargins(QCP::MarginSides sides) | QCPLayoutElement | |
setBackground(const QPixmap &pm) | QCPAxisRect | |
setBackground(const QPixmap &pm, bool scaled, Qt::AspectRatioMode mode=Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding) | QCPAxisRect | |
setBackground(const QBrush &brush) | QCPAxisRect | |
setBackgroundScaled(bool scaled) | QCPAxisRect | |
setBackgroundScaledMode(Qt::AspectRatioMode mode) | QCPAxisRect | |
setLayer(QCPLayer *layer) | QCPLayerable | |
setLayer(const QString &layerName) | QCPLayerable | |
setMarginGroup(QCP::MarginSides sides, QCPMarginGroup *group) | QCPLayoutElement | |
setMargins(const QMargins &margins) | QCPLayoutElement | |
setMaximumSize(const QSize &size) | QCPLayoutElement | |
setMaximumSize(int width, int height) | QCPLayoutElement | |
setMinimumMargins(const QMargins &margins) | QCPLayoutElement | |
setMinimumSize(const QSize &size) | QCPLayoutElement | |
setMinimumSize(int width, int height) | QCPLayoutElement | |
setOuterRect(const QRect &rect) | QCPLayoutElement | |
setParentLayerable(QCPLayerable *parentLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protected |
setRangeDrag(Qt::Orientations orientations) | QCPAxisRect | |
setRangeDragAxes(QCPAxis *horizontal, QCPAxis *vertical) | QCPAxisRect | |
setRangeDragAxes(QList< QCPAxis * > axes) | QCPAxisRect | |
setRangeDragAxes(QList< QCPAxis * > horizontal, QList< QCPAxis * > vertical) | QCPAxisRect | |
setRangeZoom(Qt::Orientations orientations) | QCPAxisRect | |
setRangeZoomAxes(QCPAxis *horizontal, QCPAxis *vertical) | QCPAxisRect | |
setRangeZoomAxes(QList< QCPAxis * > axes) | QCPAxisRect | |
setRangeZoomAxes(QList< QCPAxis * > horizontal, QList< QCPAxis * > vertical) | QCPAxisRect | |
setRangeZoomFactor(double horizontalFactor, double verticalFactor) | QCPAxisRect | |
setRangeZoomFactor(double factor) | QCPAxisRect | |
setupFullAxesBox(bool connectRanges=false) | QCPAxisRect | |
setVisible(bool on) | QCPLayerable | |
size() const | QCPAxisRect | inline |
top() const | QCPAxisRect | inline |
topLeft() const | QCPAxisRect | inline |
topRight() const | QCPAxisRect | inline |
update(UpdatePhase phase) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPAxisRect | virtual |
updateAxesOffset(QCPAxis::AxisType type) | QCPAxisRect | protected |
UpdatePhase enum name | QCPLayoutElement | |
upLayout enum value | QCPLayoutElement | |
upMargins enum value | QCPLayoutElement | |
upPreparation enum value | QCPLayoutElement | |
visible() const | QCPLayerable | inline |
wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPAxisRect | protectedvirtual |
width() const | QCPAxisRect | inline |
zoom(const QRectF &pixelRect) | QCPAxisRect | |
zoom(const QRectF &pixelRect, const QList< QCPAxis * > &affectedAxes) | QCPAxisRect | |
~QCPAxisRect() | QCPAxisRect | virtual |
~QCPLayerable() | QCPLayerable | virtual |
~QCPLayoutElement() | QCPLayoutElement | virtual |