Common functionality used within different SimCenter projects
QCPDataRange Member List

This is the complete list of members for QCPDataRange, including all inherited members.

adjusted(int changeBegin, int changeEnd) const QCPDataRangeinline
begin() const QCPDataRangeinline
bounded(const QCPDataRange &other) const QCPDataRange
contains(const QCPDataRange &other) const QCPDataRange
end() const QCPDataRangeinline
expanded(const QCPDataRange &other) const QCPDataRange
intersection(const QCPDataRange &other) const QCPDataRange
intersects(const QCPDataRange &other) const QCPDataRange
isEmpty() const QCPDataRangeinline
isValid() const QCPDataRangeinline
length() const QCPDataRangeinline
operator!=(const QCPDataRange &other) const QCPDataRangeinline
operator<<(QDebug d, const QCPDataRange &dataRange)QCPDataRangerelated
operator==(const QCPDataRange &other) const QCPDataRangeinline
QCPDataRange(int begin, int end)QCPDataRange
setBegin(int begin)QCPDataRangeinline
setEnd(int end)QCPDataRangeinline
size() const QCPDataRangeinline