![]() |
Common functionality used within different SimCenter projects
This is the complete list of members for SimFigure, including all inherited members.
AxisType enum name | SimFigure | |
axisType(void) | SimFigure | |
cla(void) | SimFigure | |
clear(void) | SimFigure | |
clearSelection(void) | SimFigure | |
curve_selected(int ID) | SimFigure | signal |
exportToFile(QString filename, SimFigure::FileType type=SimFigure::FileType::PNG, QSizeF size=QSizeF(300, 200), int res=85) | SimFigure | |
FileType enum name | SimFigure | |
fit_data() | SimFigure | slot |
grid(bool mayor=true, bool minor=true) | SimFigure | |
itemAt(const QPoint &pos) const | SimFigure | protected |
labelFontSize() | SimFigure | |
legend(QList< QString > labels, Location loc=Location::South) | SimFigure | |
legendVisible(void) | SimFigure | |
lineColor(int ID) | SimFigure | |
lineStyle(int ID) | SimFigure | |
LineType enum name | SimFigure | |
lineWidth(int ID) | SimFigure | |
lineWidthF(int ID) | SimFigure | |
Location enum name | SimFigure | |
marker(int ID) | SimFigure | |
Marker enum name | SimFigure | |
markerSize(int ID) | SimFigure | |
maxX() | SimFigure | inline |
maxY() | SimFigure | inline |
minX() | SimFigure | inline |
minY() | SimFigure | inline |
moveLegend(Location loc) | SimFigure | |
on_picker_activated(bool on) | SimFigure | slot |
on_picker_appended(const QPoint &pos) | SimFigure | slot |
on_picker_changed(const QPolygon &selection) | SimFigure | slot |
on_picker_moved(const QPoint &pos) | SimFigure | slot |
on_picker_removed(const QPoint &pos) | SimFigure | slot |
on_picker_selected(const QPolygon &polygon) | SimFigure | slot |
plot(QVector< double > &, QVector< double > &, LineType lt=LineType::Solid, QColor col=Qt::red, Marker mk=Marker::None) | SimFigure | |
refreshGrid(void) | SimFigure | protected |
rescale(void) | SimFigure | protected |
saveToFile(QString filename, SimFigure::FileType type=SimFigure::FileType::PNG, QSizeF size=QSizeF(300, 200), int res=85) | SimFigure | |
scatter(QVector< double > &, QVector< double > &, QColor col=Qt::blue, Marker mk=Marker::Circle) | SimFigure | |
select(int) | SimFigure | |
select(QwtPlotItem *) | SimFigure | protected |
setAxisType(AxisType type) | SimFigure | |
setLabelFontSize(int) | SimFigure | |
setLineColor(int ID, QColor color) | SimFigure | |
setLineColor(QwtPlotCurve *, QColor color) | SimFigure | protected |
setLineStyle(int ID, LineType lt=LineType::Solid, Marker mk=Marker::None) | SimFigure | |
setLineStyle(QwtPlotCurve *, LineType lt) | SimFigure | protected |
setLineWidth(int ID, int wd) | SimFigure | |
setLineWidthF(int ID, double wd) | SimFigure | |
setMarker(int ID, Marker mk, int size=10) | SimFigure | |
setMarker(QwtPlotCurve *curve, Marker mk, int size) | SimFigure | protected |
setTitle(QString title) | SimFigure | |
setTitleFontSize(int) | SimFigure | |
setXLabel(QString lbl) | SimFigure | |
setXLim(double xmin, double xmax) | SimFigure | |
setXlimits(double xmin, double xmax) | SimFigure | inline |
setYLabel(QString lbl) | SimFigure | |
setYLim(double ymin, double ymax) | SimFigure | |
setYlimits(double ymin, double ymax) | SimFigure | inline |
showAxisControls(bool show) | SimFigure | slot |
showLegend(bool=true) | SimFigure | |
SimFigure(QWidget *parent=nullptr) | SimFigure | explicit |
title() | SimFigure | |
titleFontSize() | SimFigure | |
xLabel() | SimFigure | |
yLabel() | SimFigure | |
~SimFigure() | SimFigure |