How to BuildΒΆ
To build the tool follow the instructions below:
Install Qt. Qt is free for open source developers.
Download and install the qwt library following the instructions here.
Download and install the MKL library following the instructions here.
Download this repository from Github.
Download the SimCenterCommon repository from Github.
Open the file using Qt Creator, and change the path to the appropriate qwt and MKL folders as installed in your system.
Build the Tranfer Function Tool by clicking the Run button.
Alternative build method using Conan:
Install Qt. Qt is free for open source developers.
Download and install the qwt library following the instructions here.
Install the MKL library using the C/C++ package manager Conan
Install conan with pip (requires python)
Add the necessary remotes to the conan enviroment using:
conan remote add simcenter conan remote add conan-community conan remote add bincrafters
Download this repository from Github.
Open the file using Qt Creator, and change the path to the appropriate qwt folder as installed in your system.
Run qmake.
Build the Tranfer Function Tool by clicking the Run button.