1. Building TInF

1.1. Install External Software

Please note that in order to build and run the Turbulent Inflow Tool, your system must have installations of the following components:

  1. Install a modern C++ compiler that is compliant with modern C++ standards (preferably C++17).

  2. Install the Qt framework. Qt is free for open source developers. Qt version 5.10 or later is required and version 5.12 or later is recommended.

  3. Install OpenFOAM (v6 or v7) from the OpenFOAM Foundation


The first open source release of OpenFOAM was in 2004. It was based on the FOAM code, which was originally developed by Henry Weller in 1989. As sometimes happens with open source software when commercial interests get involved, the code forked over time and a number of open source distributions from different entities are available. The two main distributions of the code come from the OpenFOAM Foundation and from ESI OpenFOAM. Currently Turbulence Inflow Tool compiles and runs with versions 6 and 7 of the code released by the OpenFOAM Foundation.

1.2. Building the UI from Source

You must first obtain the source-code from Turbulence Inflow Tool Github page and then compile and build it using Qt’s qmake. This can be done in a command window on Windows or a terminal window on a Mac machine using the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/NHERI-SimCenter/TurbulenceInflowTool
git clone https://github.com/NHERI-SimCenter/SimCenterCommon
cd TurbulenceInflowTool
qmake TurbulenceInflowTool.pro

1.3. Compiling the Source Code in OpenFOAM

Download the source code of the turbulent velocity boundary conditions from


The source code files are contained in a directory named turbulentInflow. Note that the code is provided for OpenFOAM version 6 and 7, and is slightly different in this two versions. Please choose the correct package to download according the version of OpenFOAM you have installed on your computer.

Create a project directory by typing the following script in a terminal prompt:

$ mkdir -p $FOAM_RUN

Copy or move the turbulentInflow directory which has been downloaded earlier and all the files in it to the above created directory. Go to the relocated turbulentInflow directory by typing:

$ cd $FOAM_RUN/turbulentInflow

Compile the codes in the turbulentInflow directory by typing the following in the terminal prompt:

$ wmake

After the compilation is successfully complete, a library file named libturbulentInflow.so will be generated in the directory $FOAM_USER_LIBBIN.