.. _lblEDPApp: EDP Applications ================ The **EDP application** specifies the types of *engineering demand parameters* (EDP) expected as output from the response simulation. It determines the EDP type from building properties in the :ref:`BIM file `, the type of event in the :ref:`EVENT file `, and the model information from the :ref:`SAM file `. It writes the type, location, and direction (DOF) of each EDP for a simulation in an ``EDP.json`` file, located in its corresponding **simulation working directory**. Note that in the EDP file, DOF=1,2 are assumed to correspond to perpendicular horizontal directions, and DOF=3 corresponds to the vertical direction. .. figure:: _static/images/backendapps_EDP.png :align: center :figclass: align-center .. only:: HydroUQ_app .. raw:: html :file: _static/html/HydroUQ/createEDP.html .. only:: EEUQ_app .. raw:: html :file: _static/html/EE-UQ/createEDP.html .. only:: WEUQ_app .. raw:: html :file: _static/html/WE-UQ/createEDP.html