Basic modeling with Python ========================== +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+ | Problem files | :github:`Download ` | +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+ This example illustrates how Python scripting can be used with quoFEM to express general mathematical models without the use of a dedicated finite element analysis engine. The Rosenbrock function is a *test function* that is often used to evaluate numerical optimization algorithms. It is given by the following expression: .. math:: g(x, y)=(a-x)^{2}+b\left(y-x^{2}\right)^{2} .. figure:: qfem-0005.png :width: 500px :align: center A forward propagation analysis will be conducted to numerically integrate the first and second moments of a random variable whose value is obtained by applying the Rosenbrock function to the two following statistically independent random variables: 1. First variable, ``X``: **Uniform** distribution with a lower bound :math:`(L_B)` of :math:`-2.0`, upper bound :math:`(U_B)` of :math:`2.0`, 2. Second variable, ``Y``: **Uniform** distribution with a lower bound :math:`(L_B)` of :math:`1.4`, upper bound :math:`(U_B)` of :math:`1.6`, UQ Workflow ----------- The objective of this UQ problem is to numerically integrate the following integrals with a forward propagation routine: .. math:: \mu_g = \mathbf{E}[g(X,Y)] = \int^{1.6}_{1.4} \int^{2.0}_{-2.0} g(x,y) f_{XY} (x,y) dx dy .. math:: \begin{align} \sigma_g^2 &= \mathbf{E}[(g(X,Y)-\mathbf{E}[g(X,Y)])^2] \\ &= \int^{1.6}_{1.4} \int^{2.0}_{-2.0} (g(x,y)-\mathbf{E}[g(X,Y)])^2f_{XY} (x,y) dx dy \end{align} where :math:`f_{XY}(x,y)` is the joint probability density function of the random variables :math:`X` and :math:`Y`. This procedure is implemented with a Latin hypercube sampling routine in quoFEM by entering the following inputs in the **UQ** tab: +---------------+-------+ | **Method** | LHS | +---------------+-------+ | **Samples** | 200 | +---------------+-------+ | **Seed** | 949 | +---------------+-------+ Model Files ----------- For this forward propagation problem, we need to define a Python script that will import a set of random variable values, apply them to the Rosenbrock function, then write the results to a file named ``results.out`` for every random variable realization generated by Dakota. To this end, we begin by defining our random variables as Python objects as follows, and supplying this as a ``.py`` script in the **Parameters File** field of the **FEM** tab: .. code:: python X = 0.0 Y = 0.0 Although this file will later be used as a Python module, it is important to note that in the quoFEM workflow, it is NOT handled as a true Python script. Rather, it can be thought of loosely as analogous to a C "header file" in that it simply gives us an interface to Dakota from Python. The values assigned to the variables at this point will not be used. **Note**: The **Parameters File** is not a true Python script; For the time being, until further documentation about the tool is developed, users should only use line-by-line variable definitions in this file. Python assignments like ``X, Y = 0.0, 0.0`` are not supported. We can now implement our model for the **Input File** which will begin with a star-import from the parameters file we just created. Assuming that file was named ````, this import would look like so: .. code:: python from params import * Next we define the following simple function which evaluates the Rosenbrock function: .. code:: python def rosenbrock(x, y): a = 1. b = 100. return (a - x)**2.0 + b*(y - x**2.)**2. Finally, we apply our ``rosenbrock`` function to the variables we imported from ``params``, and write the results to a file called ``results.out``. Note that throughout the forward propagation routine, the values assigned to the variables ``X`` and ``Y`` in the ``params`` interface are varied by the workflow application. .. code:: python with open('results.out', 'w') as f: result = rosenbrock(X, Y) f.write('{:.60g}'.format(result)) The code from these steps is colleted and made available for download in the following files: #. ` `_: This file is a Python script which implements the Rosenbrock function. It is supplied to the **Input Script** field of the **FEM** tab. Because this file write directly to ``results.out``, it obviates the need for supplying a **Postprocess Script**. When invoked in the workflow, the Python routine is supplied a set of random variable realizations through the star-import of the script supplied to the **Parameters File** field. #. ` `_: This file is a Python script which defines the problem's random variables as objects in the Python runtime. It is supplied to the **Parameters File** field of the **FEM** tab. *The literal values which are assigned to variables in this file will be varied at runtime by the UQ engine.* Results ------- The result for a forward propagation run with a maximum of :math:`200` iterations is: .. math:: \mu_g = 146.519 \\ \sigma_g = 134.01