brails.scrapers.image_scraper module

This module defines the abstract ImageScraper class.


Abstract base class for obtaining images for an AssetInventory.

class brails.scrapers.image_scraper.ImageScraper

Bases: ABC

Abstract base class for obtaining images for an AssetInventory.

get_images(inventory): An abstract method to return an ImageSet given

an AssetInventory

abstract get_images(inventory: AssetInventory, save_directory: str) ImageSet

Abstract class that must be implemented by subclasses.

This method will be used by the caller to obtain the images for assets in an area.

inventory (AssetInventory): AssetInventory for which the images

will be retrieved.

save_directory (str): Path to the folder where the retrieved images

will be saved

ImageSet: An ImageSet containing the images for the assets in the
