Release Notes

Version 3.2

Version 3.2.0 (Current)

Release date: Sept. 2022

Current Availability (New features and fixes in this release are denoted with a blue font color in the following list of features.)

  1. Structural Information Model
    1. MDOF: creating idealized multi-degree-of-freedom models

    2. OpenSees: user-defined OpenSees models

    3. Steel Building Model: automating steel frame design and modeling

    4. Concrete Building Model: automating concrete moment frame design and modeling

    5. MDOF-LU: MDOF shear building model

  2. Ground Motion Event
    1. Stochastic Ground Motion: simulating stochastic ground motion recordings

    2. PEER NGA Records: selecting and scaling PEER NGA West2 ground motions

    3. Site Response: propagating rock motions to the surface

    4. Multiple PEER: using multiple PEER recordings

    5. Multiple SimCenter: using multiple SimCenter-format recordings

    6. User Specified Database: selecting and scaling ground motions from the user-specified flatfile

  3. Finite Element Application
    1. OpenSees: Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation

  4. Engineering Demand Parameter Generator
    1. Standard Earthquake: maximum story drift ratio, lateral story displacement, peak floor acceleration

    2. User Defined: user-specified EDP

  5. Uncertainty Quantification
    1. Dakota
      • Forward Propagation

      • Sensitivity Analysis

      • Reliability Analysis

    2. SimCenterUQ

  6. Results
    1. Summary Data

    2. Data Values

  7. Others: Improvements to the message area, and minor bug fixes
    • Decoupling the output units defined in GI with the units used in the simulation.

    • Decoupling the Rayleigh damping ratio with the FEM configuration.

Version 3.1

Version 3.1.0

Release date: July 2022

Current Availability (New features and fixes in this release are denoted with a blue font color in the following list of features.)

  1. Structural Information Model
    1. MDOF: creating idealized multi-degree-of-freedom models

    2. OpenSees: user-defined OpenSees models

    3. Steel Building Model: automating steel frame design and modeling

  2. Ground Motion Event
    1. Stochastic Ground Motion: simulating stochastic ground motion recordings

    2. PEER NGA Records: selecting and scaling PEER NGA West2 ground motions
      • Adding a surrogate hazard model feature to get target response spectrum from Gaussian Process model

      • A new example is provided for evaluating target response spectrum from GP surrogate for Hayward earthquake in Bay Area

    3. Site Response: propagating rock motions to the surface

    4. Multiple PEER: using multiple PEER recordings

    5. Multiple SimCenter: using multiple SimCenter-format recordings

    6. User Specified Database: selecting and scaling ground motions from the user-specified flatfile

  3. Finite Element Application
    1. OpenSees: Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation

  4. Engineering Demand Parameter Generator
    1. Standard Earthquake: maximum story drift ratio, lateral story displacement, peak floor acceleration

    2. User Defined: user-specified EDP

  5. Uncertainty Quantification
    1. Dakota
      • Forward Propagation

      • Sensitivity Analysis

      • Reliability Analysis

    2. SimCenterUQ

  6. Results
    1. Summary Data

    2. Data Values

  7. Others: Improvements to the message area, and minor bug fixes
    • Fixing the radio button in Multiple Event (uncheck is now enabled)

Version 3.0

Version 3.0.0

Release date: March. 2022

Current Availability (New features and fixes in this release are denoted with a blue font color in the following list of features.)

  1. Structural Information Model
    1. MDOF: creating idealized multi-degree-of-freedom models

    2. OpenSees: user-defined OpenSees models

    3. Steel Building Model: automating steel frame design and modeling

  2. Ground Motion Event
    1. Stochastic Ground Motion: simulating stochastic ground motion recordings

    2. PEER NGA Records: selecting and scaling PEER NGA West2 ground motions
      • Adding a USGS seismic disaggregation feature for given return periods and user-defined IM

      • Computing conditional mean spectrum target (ASCE 7) based on disaggregated mean magnitude and distance

      • Selecting and scaling records to the disaggregation-based target spectrum

    3. Site Response: propagating rock motions to the surface

    4. Multiple PEER: using multiple PEER recordings

    5. Multiple SimCenter: using multiple SimCenter-format recordings

    6. User Specified Database: selecting and scaling ground motions from the user-specified flatfile

  3. Finite Element Application
    1. OpenSees: Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation

  4. Engineering Demand Parameter Generator
    1. Standard Earthquake: maximum story drift ratio, lateral story displacement, peak floor acceleration

    2. User Defined: user-specified EDP

  5. Uncertainty Quantification
    1. Dakota
      • Forward Propagation

      • Sensitivity Analysis

      • Reliability Analysis

    2. SimCenterUQ
      • New UQ engine: PLoM - training surrogate model for defined structural model or user-supplied response data matrix

      • Generating new realizations of structural responses from trained surrogate model

      • Including user-defined ground motion intensity measure in the model training

  6. Results
    1. Summary Data

    2. Data Values
      • New data visualization panel

      • Highlighting data points in the result table

  7. Others: Improvements to the message area, and minor bug fixes

Version 2.2

Version 2.2.7

Release date: Jan. 2022

Current Availability (New features and fixes in this release are denoted with a blue font color in the following list of features.)

  1. Structural Information Model
    1. MDOF: creating idealized multi-degree-of-freedom models

    2. OpenSees: user-defined OpenSees models

    3. Steel Building Model: automating steel frame design and modeling

  2. Ground Motion Event
    1. Stochastic Ground Motion: simulating stochastic ground motion recordings

    2. PEER NGA Records: selecting and scaling PEER NGA West2 ground motions

    3. Site Response: propagating rock motions to the surface

    4. Multiple PEER: using multiple PEER recordings

    5. Multiple SimCenter: using multiple SimCenter-format recordings

    6. User Specified Database: selecting and scaling ground motions from the user-specified flatfile

  3. Finite Element Application
    1. OpenSees: Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation

  4. Engineering Demand Parameter Generator
    1. Standard Earthquake: maximum story drift ratio, lateral story displacement, peak floor acceleration

    2. User Defined: user-specified EDP

  5. Uncertainty Quantification
    1. Dakota
      • Forward Propagation

      • Sensitivity Analysis

      • Reliability Analysis

  6. Results
    1. Summary Data

    2. Data Values

Version 2.2.6

Release date: Dec. 22nd, 2021

Current Availability (New features and fixes in this release are denoted with a blue font color in the following list of features.)

  1. Structural Information Model
    1. MDOF: creating idealized multi-degree-of-freedom models

    2. OpenSees: user-defined OpenSees models

    3. Steel Building Model: automating steel frame design and modeling

  2. Ground Motion Event
    1. Stochastic Ground Motion: simulating stochastic ground motion recordings

    2. PEER NGA Records: selecting and scaling PEER NGA West2 ground motions
      • Specifying the fault type, pulse-like feature, and duration filter in ground motion selection

      • Adding the option of “Geometric” suite average for the PEER NGA West2 ground motion selection

    3. Site Response: propagating rock motions to the surface

    4. Multiple PEER: using multiple PEER recordings

    5. Multiple SimCenter: using multiple SimCenter-format recordings

    6. User Specified Database: selecting and scaling ground motions from the user-specified flatfile

  3. Finite Element Application
    1. OpenSees: Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation

  4. Engineering Demand Parameter Generator
    1. Standard Earthquake: maximum story drift ratio, lateral story displacement, peak floor acceleration

    2. User Defined: user-specified EDP
      • Fixing the bug of using user-specified EDP names

  5. Uncertainty Quantification
    1. Dakota
      • Forward Propagation

      • Sensitivity Analysis

      • Reliability Analysis

  6. Results
    1. Summary Data

    2. Data Values
      • Fixing the bug of exporting ground motion names in the “Save Data”

Version 2.2.5

Release date: Oct. 4th, 2021

Current Availability

  1. Structural Information Model
    1. MDOF: creating idealized multi-degree-of-freedom models

    2. OpenSees: user-defined OpenSees models

    3. Steel Building Model: automating steel frame design and modeling

  2. Ground Motion Event
    1. Stochastic Ground Motion: simulating stochastic ground motion recordings

    2. PEER NGA Records: selecting and scaling PEER NGA West2 ground motions

    3. Site Response: propagating rock motions to the surface

    4. Multiple PEER: using multiple PEER recordings

    5. Multiple SimCenter: using multiple SimCenter-format recordings

    6. User Specified Database: selecting and scaling ground motions from the user-specified flatfile

  3. Finite Element Application
    1. OpenSees: Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation

  4. Engineering Demand Parameter Generator
    1. Standard Earthquake: maximum story drift ratio, lateral story displacement, peak floor acceleration

    2. User Defined: user-specified EDP

  5. Uncertainty Quantification
    1. Dakota
      • Forward Propagation

      • Sensitivity Analysis

      • Reliability Analysis

Version 3.1.0

Release plan: June 2022

Planned features

  1. UQ: New surrogate modeling methods (e.g., SAF-IDA)

  2. EVT: Invoking OpenQuake to generate scenario-based or classical PSHA ground motion spectral targets

  3. FEM: invoking OpenSeesPy

  4. …*

*: Users are welcome to contact us on github discussion page for new feature requests.