Source code for pelicun.file_io

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2018 Leland Stanford Junior University
# Copyright (c) 2018 The Regents of the University of California
# This file is part of pelicun.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors
# may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
# specific prior written permission.
# You should have received a copy of the BSD 3-Clause License along with
# pelicun. If not, see <>.
# Contributors:
# Adam Zsarnóczay
# Pouria Kourehpaz
# Kuanshi Zhong

This module has classes and methods that handle file input and output.

.. rubric:: Contents

.. autosummary::



from .base import *
from pathlib import Path
from .db import convert_Series_to_dict

import json, posixpath

from tables.exceptions import HDF5ExtError
from time import sleep

import warnings

convert_dv_name = {
    'DV_rec_cost': 'Reconstruction Cost',
    'DV_rec_time': 'Reconstruction Time',
    'DV_injuries_0': 'Injuries lvl. 1',
    'DV_injuries_1': 'Injuries lvl. 2',
    'DV_injuries_2': 'Injuries lvl. 3',
    'DV_injuries_3': 'Injuries lvl. 4',
    'DV_red_tag': 'Red Tag ',

# this is a convenience function for converting strings to float or None
def float_or_None(string):
        res = float(string)
        return res
        return None

def int_or_None(string):
        res = int(string)
        return res
        return None

def process_loc(string, stories):
        res = int(string)
        return [res, ]
        if "-" in string:
            s_low, s_high = string.split('-')
            s_low = process_loc(s_low, stories)
            s_high = process_loc(s_high, stories)
            return list(range(s_low[0], s_high[0]+1))
        elif string == "all":
            return list(range(1, stories+1))
        elif string == "top":
            return [stories,]
        elif string == "roof":
            return [stories,]
            return None

[docs]def read_SimCenter_DL_input(input_path, assessment_type='P58', verbose=False): """ Read the damage and loss input information from a json file. The SimCenter in the function name refers to having specific fields available in the file. Such a file is automatically prepared by the SimCenter PBE Application, but it can also be easily manipulated or created manually. The accepted input fields are explained in detail in the Input section of the documentation. Parameters ---------- input_path: string Location of the DL input json file. assessment_type: {'P58', 'HAZUS_EQ', 'HAZUS_HU'} Tailors the warnings and verifications towards the type of assessment. default: 'P58'. verbose: boolean If True, the function echoes the information read from the file. This can be useful to ensure that the information in the file is properly read by the method. Returns ------- data: dict A dictionary with all the damage and loss data. """ AT = assessment_type log_msg('\t\tOpening the configuration file...') with open(input_path, 'r') as f: jd = json.load(f) # get the data required for DL data = dict([(label, dict()) for label in [ 'general', 'units', 'unit_names', 'components', 'collapse_modes', 'decision_variables', 'dependencies', 'data_sources', 'damage_logic' ]]) # create a few internal variables for convenience DL_input = jd['DamageAndLoss'] log_msg('\t\tLoading the Models:') log_msg('\t\t\tResponse Model') response = DL_input.get('ResponseModel',None) if response is not None: res_description = response.get('ResponseDescription', None) det_lims = response.get('DetectionLimits', None) uncertainty = response.get('AdditionalUncertainty', None) else: res_description = None det_lims = None uncertainty = None log_msg('\t\t\tDamage Model') damage = DL_input.get('DamageModel',None) if damage is not None: irrep_res_drift = damage.get('IrreparableResidualDrift', None) coll_prob = damage.get('CollapseProbability', None) coll_lims = damage.get('CollapseLimits', None) design_lvl = damage.get('DesignLevel', None) struct_type = damage.get('StructureType', None) else: irrep_res_drift = None coll_prob = None coll_lims = None design_lvl = None struct_type = None log_msg('\t\t\tLoss Model') loss = DL_input.get('LossModel', None) if loss is not None: repl_cost = loss.get('ReplacementCost', None) repl_time = loss.get('ReplacementTime', None) dec_vars = loss.get('DecisionVariables', None) inhabitants = loss.get('Inhabitants', None) else: repl_cost = None repl_time = None dec_vars = None inhabitants = None log_msg('\t\t\tPerformance Model') components = DL_input.get('Components', None) depends = DL_input.get('Dependencies', None) coll_modes = DL_input.get('CollapseModes', None) dam_logic = DL_input.get('DamageLogic', None) # decision variables of interest if dec_vars is not None: for target_att, source_att in [ ['injuries', 'Injuries'], ['rec_cost', 'ReconstructionCost'], ['rec_time', 'ReconstructionTime'], ['red_tag', 'RedTag'], ]: val = bool(dec_vars.get(source_att, False)) data['decision_variables'].update({target_att: val}) else: show_warning("No decision variables specified in the input file.") log_msg("Assuming that only reconstruction cost and time needs to be calculated.") data['decision_variables'].update({ 'injuries': False, 'rec_cost': True, 'rec_time': True,}) # red tag is only used by P58 now if AT == 'P58': data['decision_variables'].update({'red_tag': False}) dec_vars = data['decision_variables'] # data sources # default data locations default_data_name = { 'P58' : 'FEMA P58 second edition', 'HAZUS_EQ': 'HAZUS MH 2.1 earthquake', 'HAZUS_HU': 'HAZUS MH 2.1 hurricane' } # check if the user specified custom data sources path_CMP_data = DL_input.get("ComponentDataFolder", "") if path_CMP_data == "": path_CMP_data = pelicun_path if AT == 'P58': path_CMP_data += '/resources/FEMA_P58_2nd_ed.hdf' elif AT == 'HAZUS_EQ': path_CMP_data += '/resources/HAZUS_MH_2.1_EQ.hdf' elif AT == 'HAZUS_HU': path_CMP_data += '/resources/HAZUS_MH_2.1_HU.hdf' data['data_sources'].update({'path_CMP_data': path_CMP_data}) # The population data is only needed if we are interested in injuries if inhabitants is not None: path_POP_data = inhabitants.get("PopulationDataFile", "") else: path_POP_data = "" if data['decision_variables']['injuries']: if path_POP_data == "": path_POP_data = pelicun_path if AT == 'P58': path_POP_data += '/resources/FEMA_P58_2nd_ed.hdf' elif AT == 'HAZUS_EQ': path_POP_data += '/resources/HAZUS_MH_2.1_EQ.hdf' data['data_sources'].update({'path_POP_data': path_POP_data}) # general information GI = jd.get("GeneralInformation", None) # units if (GI is not None) and ('units' in GI.keys()): for key, value in GI['units'].items(): if value == 'in': value = 'inch' if value in globals().keys(): data['unit_names'].update({key: value}) else: show_warning("Unknown {} unit: {}".format(key, value)) if 'length' in data['unit_names'].keys(): if 'area' not in data['unit_names']: data['unit_names'].update({ 'area': data['unit_names']['length']+'2'}) if 'volume' not in data['unit_names']: data['unit_names'].update({ 'volume': data['unit_names']['length']+'3'}) if 'speed' not in data['unit_names'].keys(): data['unit_names'].update({ 'speed': data['unit_names']['length']+'ps'}) if 'acceleration' not in data['unit_names'].keys(): data['unit_names'].update({ #'acceleration': 1.0 }) 'acceleration': data['unit_names']['length']+'ps2'}) else: show_warning("No units were specified in the input file.") data['unit_names'].update({ 'force': 'N', 'length': 'm', 'area': 'm2', 'volume': 'm3', 'speed': 'mps', 'acceleration': 'mps2', }) for unit_type, unit_name in data['unit_names'].items(): data['units'].update({unit_type: globals()[unit_name]}) # other attributes that can be used by a P58 assessment if AT == 'P58': for target_att, source_att, f_conv, unit_kind, dv_req in [ ['plan_area', 'PlanArea', float, 'area', 'injuries'], ['stories', 'NumberofStories', int, '', 'all'], ]: if (GI is not None) and (source_att in GI.keys()): if unit_kind != '': f_unit = data['units'][unit_kind] else: f_unit = 1 att_value = f_conv(GI[source_att]) * f_unit data['general'].update({target_att: att_value}) else: if (dv_req != '') and ((dv_req == 'all') or dec_vars[dv_req]): raise ValueError( "{} has to be specified in the DL input file to " "estimate {} decision variable(s).".format(source_att, dv_req)) elif AT.startswith('HAZUS'): data['general'].update({'stories': int(GI['NumberofStories'])}) # is this a coupled assessment? if res_description is not None: data['general'].update({'coupled_assessment': res_description.get('CoupledAssessment', False)}) else: data['general'].update({'coupled_assessment': False}) # Performance Model # Having components defined is not necessary, but if a component is defined # then all of its attributes need to be specified. Note that the required # set of attributes depends on the type of assessment. if components is not None: for fg_id, frag_group in components.items(): if AT == 'P58': # TODO: allow location and direction inputs with '-' in them comp_data = { 'locations' : [], 'directions' : [], 'quantities' : [], 'unit' : [], 'distribution': [], 'cov' : [], 'csg_weights': [], } for comp in frag_group: locs = [] for loc_ in comp['location'].split(','): for l in process_loc(loc_, data['general']['stories']): locs.append(l) locs.sort() dirs = sorted([int_or_None(dir_) for dir_ in comp['direction'].split(',')]) qnts = [float(qnt) for qnt in comp['median_quantity'].split(',')] csg_weights = (qnts / np.sum(qnts)).tolist() qnts = np.sum(qnts) pg_count = len(locs) * len(dirs) comp_data['locations'] = (comp_data['locations'] + [l for l in locs for d in dirs]) comp_data['directions'] = (comp_data['directions'] + dirs * len(locs)) unit = comp['unit'] if unit not in globals().keys(): raise ValueError( "Unknown unit for component {}: {}".format(fg_id, unit)) for i in range(pg_count): comp_data['quantities'].append(qnts) comp_data['csg_weights'].append(csg_weights) comp_data['unit'].append(unit) comp_data['distribution'].append(comp.get('distribution', 'N/A')) comp_data['cov'].append(comp.get('cov', None)) sorted_ids = np.argsort(comp_data['locations']) for key in ['locations', 'directions', 'quantities', 'csg_weights', 'distribution', 'cov']: comp_data[key] = [comp_data[key][s_id] for s_id in sorted_ids] if len(set(comp_data['unit'])) != 1: raise ValueError( "Multiple types of units specified for fragility group " "{}. Make sure that every component group in a " "fragility group is defined using the same " "unit.".format(fg_id)) comp_data['unit'] = comp_data['unit'][0] # aggregate PGs that are in the same loc & dir PG_loc_dir_list = list(zip(comp_data['locations'], comp_data['directions'])) to_aggregate = set([x for x in PG_loc_dir_list if PG_loc_dir_list.count(x) > 1]) for combo in to_aggregate: PG_loc_dir_list = list(zip(comp_data['locations'], comp_data['directions'])) combo_ids = [i for i,e in enumerate(PG_loc_dir_list) if e==combo] c_base = combo_ids[0] comp_data['csg_weights'][c_base] = (np.array(comp_data['csg_weights'][c_base]) * comp_data['quantities'][c_base]).tolist() for ci in combo_ids[1:]: comp_data['quantities'][c_base] += comp_data['quantities'][ci] comp_data['csg_weights'][c_base] += (np.array(comp_data['csg_weights'][ci]) * comp_data['quantities'][ci]).tolist() comp_data['csg_weights'][c_base] = (np.array(comp_data['csg_weights'][c_base]) / comp_data['quantities'][c_base]).tolist() for ci in combo_ids[1:][::-1]: for key in ['locations', 'directions', 'quantities', 'csg_weights', 'distribution', 'cov']: del comp_data[key][ci] elif AT.startswith('HAZUS'): comp_data = { 'locations' : [], 'directions' : [], 'quantities' : [], 'unit' : [], 'distribution': [], 'cov' : [], 'csg_weights': [], } for comp in frag_group: if 'location' in comp: locs = [] for loc_ in comp['location'].split(','): for l in process_loc(loc_, data['general']['stories']): locs.append(l) locs.sort() else: locs = [1,] if 'direction' in comp: dirs = sorted([int_or_None(dir_) for dir_ in comp['direction'].split(',')]) else: dirs = [1, ] if 'median_quantity' in comp: qnts = [float(qnt) for qnt in comp['median_quantity'].split(',')] csg_weights = (qnts / np.sum(qnts)).tolist() qnts = np.sum(qnts) pg_count = len(locs) * len(dirs) comp_data['locations'] = (comp_data['locations'] + [l for l in locs for d in dirs]) comp_data['directions'] = (comp_data['directions'] + dirs * len(locs)) if 'unit' in comp: unit = comp['unit'] if unit not in globals().keys(): raise ValueError( "Unknown unit for component {}: {}".format(fg_id, unit)) else: unit = 'ea' for i in range(pg_count): comp_data['quantities'].append(qnts) comp_data['csg_weights'].append(csg_weights) comp_data['unit'].append(unit) comp_data['distribution'].append(comp.get('distribution', 'N/A')) comp_data['cov'].append(comp.get('cov', None)) sorted_ids = np.argsort(comp_data['locations']) for key in ['locations', 'directions', 'quantities', 'csg_weights', 'distribution', 'cov']: comp_data[key] = [comp_data[key][s_id] for s_id in sorted_ids] if len(set(comp_data['unit'])) != 1: print(comp_data['unit']) raise ValueError( "Multiple types of units specified for fragility group " "{}. Make sure that every component group in a " "fragility group is defined using the same " "unit.".format(fg_id)) comp_data['unit'] = comp_data['unit'][0] # some basic pre-processing # sort the dirs and their weights to have better structured # matrices later #dir_order = np.argsort(comp_data['directions']) #comp_data['directions'] = [comp_data['directions'][d_i] for d_i # in dir_order] # get the location(s) of components based on non-zero quantities #comp_data.update({ # 'locations': (np.where(comp_data['quantities'] > 0.)[ # 0] + 1).tolist() #}) # remove the zeros from the quantities #nonzero = comp_data['quantities'] > 0. #comp_data['quantities'] = comp_data['quantities'][ # nonzero].tolist() # scale the quantities according to the specified unit # store the component data data['components'].update({fg_id: comp_data}) else: show_warning("No components were defined in the input file.") # collapse modes if AT == 'P58': # Having collapse modes defined is not necessary, but if a collapse mode # is defined, then all of its attributes need to be specified. if coll_modes is not None: for coll_mode in coll_modes: cm_data = { 'w' : float(coll_mode['weight']), 'injuries' : [float(inj) for inj in coll_mode['injuries'].split(',')], 'affected_area': [float(cfar) for cfar in coll_mode['affected_area'].split(',')], } if len(cm_data['affected_area']) == 1: cm_data['affected_area'] = (np.ones(data['general']['stories'])*cm_data['affected_area']).tolist() if len(cm_data['injuries']) == 1: cm_data['injuries'] = (np.ones(data['general']['stories'])*cm_data['injuries']).tolist() data['collapse_modes'].update({coll_mode['name']: cm_data}) else: show_warning("No collapse modes were defined in the input file.") # the number of realizations has to be specified in the file if res_description is not None: realizations = res_description.get("Realizations", None) if realizations is not None: data['general'].update({'realizations': int(realizations)}) else: raise ValueError( "Number of realizations is not specified in the input file.") EDP_units = dict( # PID, PRD, RID, and MID are not here because they are unitless PFA = 'acceleration', PWS = 'speed', PGA = 'acceleration', SA = 'acceleration', SV = 'speed', SD = 'length' ) if AT in ['P58', 'HAZUS_EQ']: EDP_keys = ['PID', 'PRD', 'PFA', 'PGV', 'RID', 'PMD', 'PGA', 'SA', 'SV', 'SD', 'RDR','DWD'] elif AT in ['HAZUS_HU']: EDP_keys = ['PWS', ] # response model info ------------------------------------------------------ if response is None: show_warning("Response model characteristics were not defined in the input " "file") # detection limits if ((response is not None) and (det_lims is not None)): data['general'].update({ 'detection_limits': dict([(key, float_or_None(value)) for key, value in det_lims.items()])}) DGDL = data['general']['detection_limits'] # scale the limits by the units for EDP_kind, value in DGDL.items(): if (EDP_kind in EDP_units.keys()) and (value is not None): f_EDP = data['units'][EDP_units[EDP_kind]] DGDL[EDP_kind] = DGDL[EDP_kind] * f_EDP else: data['general'].update({'detection_limits':{}}) # make sure that detection limits are initialized for key in EDP_keys: if key not in data['general']['detection_limits'].keys(): data['general']['detection_limits'].update({key: None}) # response description if ((response is not None) and (res_description is not None)): #TODO: move the collapse-related data to another field data['general'].update({'response': { 'EDP_distribution': res_description.get('EDP_Distribution', 'lognormal'), 'EDP_dist_basis': res_description.get('BasisOfEDP_Distribution', 'all results')}}) else: data['general'].update({'response': { 'EDP_distribution': 'lognormal', 'EDP_dist_basis' : 'all results'}}) # additional uncertainty if ((response is not None) and (uncertainty is not None)): data['general'].update({ 'added_uncertainty': { 'beta_gm': float_or_None(uncertainty['GroundMotion']), 'beta_m' : float_or_None(uncertainty['Modeling'])}}) else: data['general'].update({ 'added_uncertainty': { 'beta_gm': None, 'beta_m': None } }) # damage model info -------------------------------------------------------- if damage is None: if AT == 'P58': show_warning("Damage model characteristics were not defined in the " "input file") elif AT.startswith('HAZUS'): pass # P58-specific things if AT == 'P58': # EDP limits for collapse if ((damage is not None) and (coll_lims is not None)): # load the limits data['general'].update({ 'collapse_limits': dict([(key, float_or_None(value)) for key, value in coll_lims.items()])}) # scale the limits according to their units DGCL = data['general']['collapse_limits'] for EDP_kind, value in DGCL.items(): if (EDP_kind in EDP_units.keys()) and (value is not None): f_EDP = data['units'][EDP_units[EDP_kind]] DGCL[EDP_kind] = DGCL[EDP_kind] * f_EDP else: data['general'].update({'collapse_limits': {}}) # make sure that collapse limits are initialized for key in EDP_keys: if key not in data['general']['collapse_limits'].keys(): data['general']['collapse_limits'].update({key: None}) # irreparable drift if ((damage is not None) and (irrep_res_drift is not None)): data['general'].update({ 'irreparable_res_drift': dict([(key, float_or_None(value)) for key, value in irrep_res_drift.items()])}) # TODO: move this in the irreparable part of general yield_drift = irrep_res_drift.get("YieldDriftRatio", None) if yield_drift is not None: data['general'].update({ 'yield_drift': float_or_None(yield_drift)}) elif ((data['decision_variables']['rec_cost']) or (data['decision_variables']['rec_time'])): data['general'].update({'yield_drift': 0.01}) elif ((data['decision_variables']['rec_cost']) or (data['decision_variables']['rec_time'])): pass #TODO: show this warning in the log file instead # show_warning( # "Residual drift limits corresponding to irreparable " # "damage were not defined in the input file. We assume that " # "damage is repairable regardless of the residual drift.") # we might need to have a default yield drift here # collapse probability if 'response' not in data['general'].keys(): data['general'].update({'response': {}}) if ((damage is not None) and (coll_prob is not None)): data['general']['response'].update({ 'coll_prob' : coll_prob.get('Value', 'estimated'), 'CP_est_basis': coll_prob.get('BasisOfEstimate', 'raw EDP')}) if data['general']['response']['coll_prob'] != 'estimated': data['general']['response']['coll_prob'] = \ float_or_None(data['general']['response']['coll_prob']) else: data['general']['response'].update({ 'coll_prob' : 'estimated', 'CP_est_basis' : 'raw EDP'}) # loss model info ---------------------------------------------------------- if loss is None: show_warning("Loss model characteristics were not defined in the input file") # replacement cost if ((loss is not None) and (repl_cost is not None)): data['general'].update({ 'replacement_cost': float_or_None(repl_cost)}) elif data['decision_variables']['rec_cost']: if AT == 'P58': show_warning("Building replacement cost was not defined in the " "input file.") elif AT.startswith('HAZUS'): raise ValueError( "Building replacement cost was not defined in the input " "file.") # replacement time if ((loss is not None) and (repl_time is not None)): data['general'].update({ 'replacement_time': float_or_None(repl_time)}) elif data['decision_variables']['rec_time']: if AT == 'P58': show_warning("Building replacement cost was not defined in the " "input file.") elif AT.startswith('HAZUS'): raise ValueError( "Building replacement cost was not defined in the input " "file.") # inhabitants if data['decision_variables']['injuries']: if ((loss is not None) and (inhabitants is not None)): # occupancy type occupancy = inhabitants.get("OccupancyType", None) if occupancy is not None: data['general'].update({'occupancy_type': occupancy}) else: raise ValueError("Occupancy type was not defined in the input " "file.") # event time event_time = inhabitants.get("EventTime", None) data['general'].update({'event_time': event_time}) # peak population peak_pop = inhabitants.get("PeakPopulation", None) if peak_pop is not None: peak_pop = [float_or_None(pop) for pop in peak_pop.split(',')] # If the number of stories is specified... if 'stories' in data['general'].keys(): stories = data['general']['stories'] pop_in = len(peak_pop) # If only one value is provided then we assume that it # corresponds to the whole building if pop_in == 1: peak_pop = (np.ones(stories)*peak_pop[0]/stories).tolist() # If more than one value is provided then we assume they # define population for every story else: # If the population list does not provide values # for every story the values are assumed to correspond # to the lower stories and the upper ones are filled # with zeros for s in range(pop_in, stories): peak_pop.append(0) if pop_in > 1 and pop_in != stories: show_warning( "Peak population was specified to some, but not all " "stories. The remaining stories are assumed to have " "zero population." ) data['general'].update({'population': peak_pop}) else: raise ValueError( "Peak population was not defined in the input file.") else: raise ValueError( "Information about inhabitants was not defined in the input " "file.") # dependencies ------------------------------------------------------------- # set defaults # We assume 'Independent' for all unspecified fields except for the # fragilities where 'per ATC recommendation' is the default setting. dependency_to_acronym = { 'btw. Fragility Groups' : 'FG', 'btw. Performance Groups': 'PG', 'btw. Floors' : 'LOC', 'btw. Directions' : 'DIR', 'btw. Component Groups' : 'CSG', 'btw. Damage States' : 'DS', 'Independent' : 'IND', 'per ATC recommendation' : 'ATC', } for target_att, source_att, dv_req in [ ['quantities', 'Quantities', ''], ['fragilities', 'Fragilities', ''], ['injuries', 'Injuries', 'injuries'], ['rec_costs', 'ReconstructionCosts', 'rec_cost'], ['rec_times', 'ReconstructionTimes', 'rec_time'], ['red_tags', 'RedTagProbabilities', 'red_tag'],]: if ((depends is not None) and (source_att in depends.keys())): data['dependencies'].update({ target_att:dependency_to_acronym[depends[source_att]]}) #elif dv_req == '' or data['decision_variables'][dv_req]: else: if target_att != 'fragilities': data['dependencies'].update({target_att: 'IND'}) else: data['dependencies'].update({target_att: 'ATC'}) log_msg("\t\t\t\t\t"+ "Correlation between {} was not ".format(source_att)+ "defined in the input file. Using default values.") if ((depends is not None) and ('CostAndTime' in depends.keys())): data['dependencies'].update({ 'cost_and_time': bool(depends['CostAndTime'])}) elif ((data['decision_variables']['rec_cost']) or (data['decision_variables']['rec_time'])): data['dependencies'].update({'cost_and_time': False}) log_msg("\t\t\t\t\t"+ "Correlation between reconstruction cost and time was not " "defined in the input file. Using default values.") if ((depends is not None) and ('InjurySeverities' in depends.keys())): data['dependencies'].update({ 'injury_lvls': bool(depends['InjurySeverities'])}) elif data['decision_variables']['injuries']: data['dependencies'].update({'injury_lvls': False}) log_msg("\t\t\t\t\t"+ "Correlation between injury levels was not defined in the " "input file. Using default values.") # damage logic info -------------------------------------------------------- data['damage_logic'] = dam_logic if verbose: pp.pprint(data) return data
[docs]def read_SimCenter_EDP_input(input_path, EDP_kinds=('PID', 'PFA'), units = dict(PID=1., PFA=1.), verbose=False): """ Read the EDP input information from a text file with a tabular structure. The SimCenter in the function name refers to having specific columns available in the file. Currently, the expected formatting follows the output formatting of Dakota that is applied for the dakotaTab.out. When using pelicun with the PBE Application, such a dakotaTab.out is automatically generated. The Input section of the documentation provides more information about the expected formatting of the EDP input file. Parameters ---------- input_path: string Location of the EDP input file. EDP_kinds: tuple of strings, default: ('PID', 'PFA') Collection of the kinds of EDPs in the input file. The default pair of 'PID' and 'PFA' can be replaced or extended by any other EDPs. units: dict, default: {'PID':1., 'PFA':1} Defines the unit conversion that shall be applied to the EDP values. verbose: boolean If True, the function echoes the information read from the file. This can be useful to ensure that the information in the file is properly read by the method. Returns ------- data: dict A dictionary with all the EDP data. """ # initialize the data container data = {} # read the collection of EDP inputs... log_msg('\t\tOpening the input file...') # If the file name ends with csv, we assume a standard csv file if input_path.endswith('csv'): EDP_raw = pd.read_csv(input_path, header=0, index_col=0) # otherwise, we assume that a dakota file is provided... else: # the read_csv method in pandas is sufficiently versatile to handle the # tabular format of dakota EDP_raw = pd.read_csv(input_path, sep=r'\s+', header=0, index_col=0) # set the index to be zero-based if EDP_raw.index[0] == 1: EDP_raw.index = EDP_raw.index - 1 # search the header for EDP information for column in EDP_raw.columns: for kind in EDP_kinds: if kind in column: if kind not in data.keys(): data.update({kind: []}) # extract info about the location, direction, and scenario info = column.split('-') # get the scale factor to perform unit conversion f_unit = units[kind] # store the data data[kind].append(dict( raw_data=(EDP_raw[column].values * f_unit).tolist(), location=info[2], direction=info[3], scenario_id=info[0] )) if verbose: pp.pprint(data) return data
[docs]def read_population_distribution(path_POP, occupancy, assessment_type='P58', verbose=False): """ Read the population distribution from an external json file. The population distribution is expected in a format used in FEMA P58, but the list of occupancy categories can be modified and/or extended beyond those available in that document. The population distributions for the occupancy categories from FEMA P58 and HAZUS MH are provided with pelicun in the population.json files in the corresponding folder under resources. Note: Population distributions in HAZUS do not have a 1:1 mapping to the occupancy types provided in the Technical Manual. We expect inputs to follow the naming convention in the HAZUS Technical Manual and convert those to the broader categories here automatically. During conversion, the following assumptions are made about the occupancy classes: i) RES classes are best described as Residential; ii) COM and REL as Commercial; iii) EDU as Educational; iv) IND and AGR as Industrial; v) Hotels do not have a matching occupancy class. Parameters ---------- path_POP: string Location of the population distribution json file. occupancy: string Identifies the occupancy category. assessment_type: {'P58', 'HAZUS_EQ'} Tailors the warnings and verifications towards the type of assessment. default: 'P58'. verbose: boolean If True, the function echoes the information read from the file. This can be useful to ensure that the information in the file is properly read by the method. Returns ------- data: dict A dictionary with the population distribution data. """ HAZUS_occ_converter = { 'RES' : 'Residential', 'COM' : 'Commercial', 'REL' : 'Commercial', 'EDU' : 'Educational', 'IND' : 'Industrial', 'AGR' : 'Industrial' } AT = assessment_type # Convert the HAZUS occupancy classes to the categories used to define # population distribution. if AT == 'HAZUS_EQ': occupancy = HAZUS_occ_converter.get(occupancy[:3], None) if occupancy is None: warnings.warn(UserWarning( 'Unknown, probably invalid, occupancy class for HAZUS ' 'assessment: {}. When defining population distribution, ' 'assuming RES1 instead.'.format(occupancy))) occupancy = 'Residential' # Load the population data # If a json file is provided: if path_POP.endswith('json'): with open(path_POP, 'r') as f: jd = json.load(f) data = jd[occupancy] # else if an HDF5 file is provided elif path_POP.endswith('hdf'): # this for loop is needed to avoid issues from race conditions on HPC for i in range(1000): try: store = pd.HDFStore(path_POP) except HDF5ExtError: pop_table = None sleep(0.01) continue else: pop_table ='pop', where=f'index in {[occupancy, ]}') store.close() break if pop_table is not None: data = convert_Series_to_dict(pop_table.loc[occupancy, :]) else: raise IOError("Couldn't read the HDF file for POP data after 20 " "tries because it was blocked by other processes.") # convert peak population to persons/m2 if 'peak' in data.keys(): data['peak'] = data['peak'] / (1000. * ft2) if verbose: # pragma: no cover pp.pprint(data) return data
[docs]def read_component_DL_data(path_CMP, comp_info, assessment_type='P58', verbose=False): """ Read the damage and loss data for the components of the asset. DL data for each component is assumed to be stored in a JSON file following the DL file format specified by SimCenter. The name of the file is the ID (key) of the component in the comp_info dictionary. Besides the filename, the comp_info dictionary is also used to get other pieces of data about the component that is not available in the JSON files. Therefore, the following attributes need to be provided in the comp_info: ['quantities', 'csg_weights', 'dirs', 'kind', 'distribution', 'cov', 'unit', 'locations'] Further information about these attributes is available in the Input section of the documentation. Parameters ---------- path_CMP: string Location of the folder that contains the component data in JSON files. comp_info: dict Dictionary with additional information about the components. assessment_type: {'P58', 'HAZUS_EQ', 'HAZUS_HU'} Tailors the warnings and verifications towards the type of assessment. default: 'P58'. verbose: boolean If True, the function echoes the information read from the files. This can be useful to ensure that the information in the files is properly read by the method. Returns ------- data: dict A dictionary with damage and loss data for each component. """ AT = assessment_type data = dict([(c_id, dict([(key, None) for key in [ 'ID', 'name', 'description', #'kind', 'demand_type', 'directional', 'correlation', 'offset', 'incomplete', 'locations', 'quantities', 'csg_weights', #'dir_weights', 'directions', 'distribution_kind', 'cov', 'unit', 'DSG_set', ]])) for c_id in comp_info.keys()]) s_cmp_keys = sorted(data.keys()) DL_data_dict = {} # If the path_CMP is a folder we assume it contains a set of json files if os.path.isdir(path_CMP): CMP_dir = Path(path_CMP).resolve() for c_id in s_cmp_keys: with open(CMP_dir / f'{c_id}.json', 'r') as f: DL_data_dict.update({c_id: json.load(f)}) # else if an HDF5 file is provided we assume it contains the DL data elif path_CMP.endswith('hdf'): # this for loop is needed to avoid issues from race conditions on HPC for i in range(1000): try: store = pd.HDFStore(path_CMP) except HDF5ExtError: CMP_table = None sleep(0.1) continue else: CMP_table ='data', where=f'index in {s_cmp_keys}') store.close() break if CMP_table is not None: for c_id in s_cmp_keys: DL_data_dict.update( {c_id: convert_Series_to_dict(CMP_table.loc[c_id, :])}) else: raise IOError("Couldn't read the HDF file for DL data after 20 " "tries because it was blocked by other processes.") else: raise ValueError( "Component data source not recognized. Please provide " "either a folder with DL json files or an HDF5 table.") # for each component for c_id in s_cmp_keys: c_data = data[c_id] DL_data = DL_data_dict[c_id] DL_GI = DL_data['GeneralInformation'] DL_EDP = DL_data['EDP'] DL_DSG = DL_data['DSGroups'] # First, check if the DL data is complete. Incomplete data can lead to # all kinds of problems, so in such a case we display a warning and do # not use the component. This can be relaxed later if someone creates a # method to replace unknown values with reasonable estimates. if 'Incomplete' in DL_GI.keys(): c_data['incomplete'] = int(DL_GI['Incomplete']) if c_data['incomplete']: # show warning del data[c_id] warnings.warn(UserWarning( 'Fragility information for {} is incomplete. The component ' 'cannot be used for loss assessment.'.format(c_id))) continue # Get the parameters from the BIM component info ci_data = comp_info[c_id] c_data['locations'] = ci_data['locations'] c_data['directions'] = ci_data['directions'] c_data['unit'] = globals()[ci_data['unit']] c_data['quantities'] = [(np.asarray(qnt) * c_data['unit']).tolist() for qnt in ci_data['quantities']] c_data['csg_weights'] = ci_data['csg_weights'] c_data['distribution_kind'] = ci_data['distribution'] c_data['cov'] = [float_or_None(cov) for cov in ci_data['cov']] # replace N/A distribution with normal and negligible cov #c_data['cov'] = [0.0001 if dk == 'N/A' else cov # for cov,dk in list(zip(c_data['cov'], # c_data['distribution_kind']))] #c_data['distribution_kind'] = ['normal' if dk == 'N/A' else dk # for dk in c_data['distribution_kind']] #c_data['cov'] = [0.0001 if cov==None else cov # for cov in c_data['cov']] #c_data['kind'] = ci_data['kind'] #c_data['unit'] = ci_data['unit'][0] * globals()[ci_data['unit'][1]] #c_data['quantities'] = (np.asarray(ci_data['quantities']) * c_data[ # 'unit']).tolist() # calculate the quantity weights in each direction #dirs = np.asarray(c_data['directions'], #u_dirs = np.unique(dirs) #weights = np.asarray(c_data['csg_weights']) #c_data['dir_weights'] = [sum(weights[np.where(dirs == d_i)]) # for d_i in u_dirs] c_data['ID'] = c_id c_data['name'] = DL_data['Name'] c_data['description'] = DL_GI['Description'] c_data['offset'] =int(DL_EDP.get('Offset', 0)) c_data['correlation'] = int(DL_data.get('Correlated', False)) c_data['directional'] = int(DL_data.get('Directional', False)) EDP_type = DL_EDP['Type'] if DL_EDP['Unit'][1] == 'in': DL_EDP['Unit'][1] = 'inch' demand_factor = globals()[DL_EDP['Unit'][1]] * DL_EDP['Unit'][0] if EDP_type == 'Story Drift Ratio': demand_type = 'PID' elif EDP_type == 'Roof Drift Ratio': demand_type = 'PRD' elif EDP_type == 'Damageable Wall Drift': demand_type = 'DWD' elif EDP_type == 'Racking Drift Ratio': demand_type = 'RDR' elif EDP_type == 'Peak Floor Acceleration': demand_type = 'PFA' #demand_factor = g # PFA corresponds to the top of the given story. The ground floor # has an idex of 0. When damage of acceleration-sensitive components # is controlled by the acceleration of the bottom of the story, the # corresponding PFA location needs to be reduced by 1. Our framework # assumes that PFA corresponds to the bottom of the given story # by default, we need to subtract 1 from the location values. Rather # than changing the locations themselves, we assign an offset of -1 # so that the results still get collected at the appropriate story. c_data['offset'] = c_data['offset'] - 1 elif EDP_type == 'Peak Floor Velocity': demand_type = 'PFV' #demand_factor = mps c_data['offset'] = c_data['offset'] - 1 elif EDP_type == 'Peak Gust Wind Speed': demand_type = 'PWS' #demand_factor = mph elif EDP_type == 'Peak Ground Acceleration': demand_type = 'PGA' #demand_factor = g elif EDP_type == 'Peak Ground Velocity': demand_type = 'PGV' #demand_factor = cmps elif EDP_type == 'Spectral Acceleration': demand_type = 'SA' #demand_factor = g elif EDP_type == 'Spectral Velocity': demand_type = 'SV' #demand_factor = mps elif EDP_type == 'Spectral Displacement': demand_type = 'SD' #demand_factor = m elif EDP_type == 'Permanent Ground Deformation': demand_type = 'PGD' elif EDP_type == 'Mega Drift Ratio': demand_type = 'PMD' elif EDP_type == 'Residual Drift Ratio': demand_type = 'RID' elif EDP_type in [ 'Link Rotation Angle', 'Link Beam Chord Rotation']: demand_type = None warnings.warn(UserWarning( 'Component {} requires {} as EDP, which is not yet ' 'implemented.'.format(c_data['ID'], EDP_type))) else: # pragma: no cover demand_type = None warnings.warn(UserWarning( f'Unexpected EDP type in component {c_id}: {EDP_type}')) if demand_type is None: del data[c_id] continue c_data['demand_type'] = demand_type # dictionary to convert DL data to internal representation curve_type = {'LogNormal': 'lognormal', 'Normal' : 'normal', 'N/A' : None} DS_set_kind = {'MutuallyExclusive' : 'mutually exclusive', 'mutually exclusive': 'mutually exclusive', 'simultaneous' : 'simultaneous', 'Simultaneous' : 'simultaneous', 'single' : 'single', 'Single' : 'single'} # load the damage state group information c_data['DSG_set'] = dict() QNT_unit = DL_data.get('QuantityUnit', [1, 'ea']) data_unit = QNT_unit[0] * globals()[QNT_unit[1]] for DSG_id, DSG_i in enumerate(DL_DSG): DSG_data = dict( theta=float(DSG_i['MedianEDP']) * demand_factor, sig=float(DSG_i['Beta']), DS_set_kind=DS_set_kind[DSG_i['DSGroupType']], distribution_kind = curve_type[DSG_i['CurveType']], DS_set={} ) # sig needs to be scaled for normal distributions if DSG_data['distribution_kind'] == 'normal': DSG_data['sig'] = DSG_data['sig'] * demand_factor for DS_id, DS_i in enumerate(DSG_i['DamageStates']): DS_data = {'description': DS_i['Description'], 'weight' : DS_i['Weight']} DS_C = DS_i.get('Consequences', None) if DS_C is not None: if 'ReconstructionCost' in DS_C.keys(): DS_CC = DS_C['ReconstructionCost'] if isinstance(DS_CC['Amount'], list): DS_data.update({'repair_cost': { 'medians' : np.array([float(a) for a in DS_CC['Amount']]), 'quantities' : np.array(DS_CC['Quantity']), 'distribution_kind': curve_type[DS_CC.get('CurveType','N/A')], 'cov' : DS_CC.get('Beta',None), }}) # convert the quantity units to standard ones DS_data['repair_cost']['quantities'] *= data_unit DS_data['repair_cost']['quantities'] = DS_data['repair_cost']['quantities'].tolist() else: DS_data.update({'repair_cost': { 'medians': np.array([float(DS_CC['Amount']),]), 'distribution_kind': curve_type[DS_CC.get('CurveType','N/A')], 'cov' : DS_CC.get('Beta',None), }}) # convert the median units to standard ones DS_data['repair_cost']['medians'] /= data_unit DS_data['repair_cost']['medians'] = DS_data['repair_cost']['medians'].tolist() if 'ReconstructionTime' in DS_C.keys(): DS_CT = DS_C['ReconstructionTime'] if isinstance(DS_CT['Amount'], list): DS_data.update({'repair_time': { 'medians' : np.array([float(a) for a in DS_CT['Amount']]), 'quantities' : np.array(DS_CT['Quantity']), 'distribution_kind': curve_type[DS_CT.get('CurveType','N/A')], 'cov' : DS_CT.get('Beta',None), }}) # convert the quantity units to standard ones DS_data['repair_time']['quantities'] *= data_unit DS_data['repair_time']['quantities'] = DS_data['repair_time']['quantities'].tolist() else: DS_data.update({'repair_time': { 'medians': np.array([float(DS_CT['Amount']),]), 'distribution_kind': curve_type[DS_CT.get('CurveType','N/A')], 'cov' : DS_CT.get('Beta',None), }}) # convert the median units to standard ones DS_data['repair_time']['medians'] /= data_unit DS_data['repair_time']['medians'] = DS_data['repair_time']['medians'].tolist() if 'RedTag' in DS_C.keys(): DS_CR = DS_C['RedTag'] DS_data.update({'red_tag': { 'theta': DS_CR['Amount'], # 'distribution_kind': curve_type[DS_CR['CurveType']], 'cov' : DS_CR['Beta'], }}) if 'Injuries' in DS_C.keys(): DS_CI = DS_C['Injuries'] if DS_CI[0].get('Beta') is not None: DS_data.update({'injuries': { 'theta': [float(I_i['Amount']) for I_i in DS_CI], # 'distribution_kind': curve_type[DS_CR['CurveType']], 'cov' : [I_i['Beta'] for I_i in DS_CI], }}) else: DS_data.update({ 'injuries': [I_i['Amount'] for I_i in DS_CI]}) # if there is a chance of injuries, load the affected floor area affected_area, unit = DS_i.get('AffectedArea', [0.0, 'SF']) if unit == 'SF': affected_area = affected_area * SF else: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn(UserWarning( 'Unknown unit for affected floor area: {}'.format( unit))) affected_area = 0. DS_data.update({'affected_area': affected_area}) # convert the units to standard ones DS_data['affected_area'] /= data_unit DSG_data['DS_set'].update({'DS-' + str(DS_id + 1): DS_data}) c_data['DSG_set'].update({'DSG-' + str(DSG_id + 1): DSG_data}) if verbose: # pragma: no cover for c_id, c_data in data.items(): print(c_id) pp.pprint(c_data) return data
def write_SimCenter_DL_output(output_dir, output_filename, output_df, index_name='#Num', collapse_columns = True, stats_only=False): # if the summary flag is set, then not all realizations are returned, but # only the first two moments and the empirical CDF through 100 percentiles if stats_only: #output_df = output_df.describe(np.arange(1, 100)/100.) #output_df = output_df.describe([0.1,0.5,0.9]) if len(output_df.columns) > 0: output_df = describe(output_df) else: output_df = describe(np.zeros(len(output_df.index))) else: output_df = output_df.copy() # the name of the index column is replaced with the provided value = index_name # multiple levels of indices are collapsed into a single level if needed # TODO: check for the number of levels and prepare a smarter collapse method if collapse_columns: output_df.columns = [('{}/{}'.format(s0, s1)).replace(' ', '_') for s0, s1 in zip(output_df.columns.get_level_values(0), output_df.columns.get_level_values(1))] # write the results in a csv file # TODO: provide other file formats log_msg('\t\t\tSaving file {}'.format(output_filename)) file_path = posixpath.join(output_dir, output_filename) output_df.to_csv(file_path) # TODO: this requires pandas 1.0+ > wait until next release #with open(file_path[:-3]+'zip', 'w') as f: # output_df.to_csv(f, compression=dict(mehtod='zip', archive_name=output_filename)) def write_SimCenter_EDP_output(output_dir, EDP_filename, EDP_df): # initialize the output DF col_info = np.transpose([col.split('-')[1:] for col in EDP_df.columns]) EDP_types = np.unique(col_info[0]) EDP_locs = np.unique(col_info[1]) EDP_dirs = np.unique(col_info[2]) MI = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [EDP_types, EDP_locs, EDP_dirs, ['median', 'beta']], names=['type', 'loc', 'dir', 'stat']) df_res = pd.DataFrame(columns=MI, index=[0, ]) if ('PID', '0') in df_res.columns: del df_res[('PID', '0')] # store the EDP statistics in the output DF for col in np.transpose(col_info): df_res.loc[0, (col[0], col[1], col[2], 'median')] = EDP_df[ '1-{}-{}-{}'.format(col[0], col[1], col[2])].median() df_res.loc[0, (col[0], col[1], col[2], 'beta')] = np.log( EDP_df['1-{}-{}-{}'.format(col[0], col[1], col[2])]).std() df_res.dropna(axis=1, how='all', inplace=True) df_res = df_res.astype(float) #.round(4) # save the output df_res.to_csv('EDP.csv') def write_SimCenter_DM_output(output_dir, DM_filename, SUMMARY_df, DMG_df): # first, get the collapses from the SUMMARY_df df_res_c = pd.DataFrame([0,], columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('probability',' '),]), index=[0, ]) df_res_c['probability'] = SUMMARY_df[('collapses', 'collapsed')].mean() # aggregate the damage data along Performance Groups DMG_agg = DMG_df.groupby(level=['FG', 'DSG_DS'], axis=1).sum() comp_types = [] FG_list = [c for c in DMG_agg.columns.get_level_values('FG').unique()] for comp_type in ['S', 'NS', 'NSA', 'NSD']: if np.sum([fg.startswith(comp_type) for fg in FG_list]) > 0: comp_types.append(comp_type) if np.sum([np.any([fg.startswith(comp_type) for comp_type in comp_types]) for fg in FG_list]) != len(FG_list): comp_types.append('other') # second, get the damage state likelihoods df_res_l = pd.DataFrame( columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_product([comp_types, ['0', '1_1', '2_1', '3_1', '4_1', '4_2']], names=['comp_type', 'DSG_DS']), index=[0, ]) # third, get the damage quantities conditioned on damage state # we do not do that for now # df_res_q = pd.DataFrame( # columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_product([comp_types, # ['1_1', '2_1', '3_1', '4_1', '4_2']], # names=['comp_type', 'DSG_DS']), # index=[0, ]) for comp_type in ['NSA', 'NSD', 'NS', 'other']: if comp_type in comp_types: del df_res_l[(comp_type, '4_2')] # del df_res_q[(comp_type, '4_2')] # for each type of component... for comp_type in comp_types: # select the corresponding subset of columns if comp_type == 'other': type_cols = [fg for fg in FG_list if np.all([~fg.startswith(comp_type) for comp_type in comp_types])] else: type_cols = [c for c in DMG_agg.columns.get_level_values('FG').unique() if c.startswith(comp_type)] df_sel = DMG_agg.loc[:, type_cols].groupby(level='DSG_DS',axis=1).sum() df_sel = df_sel / len(type_cols) # calculate the probability of DSG exceedance df_sel[df_sel > 0.0] = df_sel[df_sel > 0.0] / df_sel[df_sel > 0.0] cols = df_sel.columns for i in range(len(cols)): filter = np.where(df_sel.iloc[:, i].values > 0.0)[0] df_sel.iloc[filter, idx[0:i]] = 1.0 df_sel_exc = pd.Series(np.mean(df_sel.values, axis=0), index=df_sel.columns) DS_0 = 1.0 - df_sel_exc['1_1'] for i in range(len(df_sel_exc.index) - 1): df_sel_exc.iloc[i] = df_sel_exc.iloc[i] - df_sel_exc.iloc[i + 1] # Add the probability of no damage for convenience. df_sel_exc.loc['0'] = DS_0 df_sel_exc = df_sel_exc.sort_index() # store the results in the output DF for dsg_i in df_sel_exc.index: if df_sel_exc[dsg_i] > 0.0: df_res_l.loc[:, idx[comp_type, dsg_i]] = df_sel_exc[dsg_i] # get the quantity of components in the highest damage state # skip this part for now to reduce file size if False: df_init = DMG_agg.loc[:, type_cols].groupby(level='DSG_DS', axis=1).sum() df_init = (df_init / len(type_cols)).round(2) df_sel = df_sel.sum(axis=1) for lvl, lvl_label in zip([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], ['1_1', '2_1', '3_1', '4_1', '4_2']): df_cond = df_init[df_sel == lvl] if df_cond.size > 0: unique_vals, unique_counts = np.unique( df_cond[lvl_label].values, return_counts=True) unique_counts = np.around(unique_counts / df_cond.shape[0], decimals=4) sorter = np.argsort(unique_counts)[::-1][:4] DQ = list(zip(unique_vals[sorter], unique_counts[sorter])) # store the damaged quantities in the output df df_res_q.loc[:,idx[comp_type, lvl_label]] = str(DQ) # join the output dataframes #df_res = pd.concat([df_res_c, df_res_l, df_res_q], axis=1, # keys=['Collapse','DS likelihood','Damaged Quantities']) df_res = pd.concat([df_res_c, df_res_l], axis=1, keys=['Collapse','DS likelihood']) # save the output with open(posixpath.join(output_dir, DM_filename), 'w') as f: df_res.to_csv(f) def write_SimCenter_DM_output_old(output_dir, DM_filename, DMG_df): # Start with the probability of being in a particular damage state. # Here, the damage state of the building (asset) is defined as the highest # damage state among the building components/component groups. This works # well for a HAZUS assessment, but something more sophisticated is needed # for a FEMA P58 assessment. # Determine the probability of DS exceedance by collecting the DS from all # components and assigning ones to all lower damage states. DMG_agg = DMG_df.T.groupby('DSG_DS').sum().T DMG_agg[DMG_agg > 0.0] = DMG_agg[DMG_agg > 0.0] / DMG_agg[DMG_agg > 0.0] cols = DMG_agg.columns for i in range(len(cols)): filter = np.where(DMG_agg.iloc[:,i].values > 0.0)[0] DMG_agg.iloc[filter,idx[0:i]] = 1.0 # The P(DS=ds) probability is determined by subtracting consecutive DS # exceedance probabilites. This will not work well for a FEMA P58 assessment # with Damage State Groups that include multiple Damage States. #DMG_agg_mean = DMG_agg.describe().loc['mean',:] DMG_agg_mean = pd.Series(np.mean(DMG_agg.values, axis=0), index=DMG_agg.columns) DS_0 = 1.0 - DMG_agg_mean['1_1'] for i in range(len(DMG_agg_mean.index)-1): DMG_agg_mean.iloc[i] = DMG_agg_mean.iloc[i] - DMG_agg_mean.iloc[i+1] # Add the probability of no damage for convenience. DMG_agg_mean['0'] = DS_0 DMG_agg_mean = DMG_agg_mean.sort_index() # Save the results in the output json file DM = {'aggregate': {}} for id in DMG_agg_mean.index: DM['aggregate'].update({str(id): DMG_agg_mean[id]}) # Now determine the probability of being in a damage state for individual # components / component assemblies... #DMG_mean = DMG_df.describe().loc['mean',:] DMG_mean = pd.Series(np.mean(DMG_df.values, axis=0), index=DMG_df.columns) # and save the results in the output json file. for FG in sorted(DMG_mean.index.get_level_values('FG').unique()): DM.update({str(FG):{}}) for PG in sorted( DMG_mean.loc[idx[FG],:].index.get_level_values('PG').unique()): DM[str(FG)].update({str(PG):{}}) for DS in sorted( DMG_mean.loc[idx[FG],:].loc[idx[:,PG],:].index.get_level_values('DSG_DS').unique()): DM[str(FG)][str(PG)].update({str(DS): DMG_mean.loc[(FG,PG,DS)]}) log_msg('\t\t\tSaving file {}'.format(DM_filename)) with open(posixpath.join(output_dir, DM_filename), 'w') as f: json.dump(DM, f, indent = 2) def write_SimCenter_DV_output(output_dir, DV_filename, GI, SUMMARY_df, DV_dict): DV_cost = None DV_time = None DV_inj = [None,]*4 for DV_name, DV_mod in DV_dict.items(): if 'rec_cost' in DV_name: DV_cost = DV_mod elif 'rec_time' in DV_name: DV_time = DV_mod elif 'injuries_1' in DV_name: DV_inj[0] = DV_mod elif 'injuries_2' in DV_name: DV_inj[1] = DV_mod elif 'injuries_3' in DV_name: DV_inj[2] = DV_mod elif 'injuries_4' in DV_name: DV_inj[3] = DV_mod DVs = SUMMARY_df.columns.get_level_values(1) if DV_cost is not None: comp_types = [] FG_list = [c for c in DV_cost.columns.get_level_values('FG').unique()] for comp_type in ['S', 'NS', 'NSA', 'NSD']: if np.sum([fg.startswith(comp_type) for fg in FG_list]) > 0: comp_types.append(comp_type) repl_cost = GI['replacement_cost'] headers = [['Repair Cost',], ['aggregate',], [' ',], ['mean','std','10%','median','90%']] MI = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(headers, names=['DV', 'comp_type', 'DSG_DS', 'stat']) df_res_Cagg = pd.DataFrame(columns=MI, index=[0, ]) df_res_Cagg.fillna(0, inplace=True) headers = [['Repair Impractical',], ['probability',], [' ',], [' ',]] MI = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(headers, names=['DV', 'comp_type', 'DSG_DS', 'stat']) df_res_Cimp = pd.DataFrame(columns=MI, index=[0, ]) df_res_Cimp[('Repair Impractical', 'probability')] = SUMMARY_df[('reconstruction', 'cost impractical')].mean() df_res_Cimp = df_res_Cimp.astype(float) headers = [['Repair Cost',], comp_types, ['aggregate','1_1', '2_1', '3_1', '4_1', '4_2'], ['mean',]] MI = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(headers, names=['DV', 'comp_type', 'DSG_DS', 'stat']) df_res_C = pd.DataFrame(columns=MI, index=[0, ]) for comp_type in ['NSA', 'NSD', 'NS']: if comp_type in comp_types: del df_res_C[('Repair Cost', comp_type, '4_2')] if DV_time is not None: repl_time = GI['replacement_time'] headers = [['Repair Time',], [' ',], ['aggregate',], ['mean','std','10%','median','90%']] MI = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(headers, names=['DV', 'comp_type', 'DSG_DS', 'stat']) df_res_Tagg = pd.DataFrame(columns=MI, index=[0, ]) df_res_Tagg.fillna(0, inplace=True) if DV_inj[0] is not None: lvls = [] [lvls.append(f'sev{i+1}') for i in range(4) if DV_inj[i] is not None] headers = [['Injuries',], lvls, ['aggregate',], ['mean','std','10%','median','90%']] MI = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(headers, names=['DV', 'comp_type', 'DSG_DS', 'stat']) df_res_Iagg = pd.DataFrame(columns=MI, index=[0, ]) df_res_Iagg.fillna(0, inplace=True) dfs_to_join = [] # start with the disaggregated costs... if DV_cost is not None: for type_ID in comp_types: DV_res = DV_cost.groupby(level=['FG', 'DSG_DS'], axis=1).sum() type_cols = [c for c in DV_res.columns.get_level_values('FG').unique() if c.startswith(type_ID)] df_cost = DV_res.loc[:, type_cols].groupby(level='DSG_DS',axis=1).sum() # create a df with 1s at cells with damage and identify the governing DS df_sel = df_cost.copy() df_sel[df_sel>0.0] = df_sel[df_sel>0.0] / df_sel[df_sel>0.0] cols = df_sel.columns for i in range(len(cols)): filter = np.where(df_sel.iloc[:,i].values > 0.0)[0] df_sel.iloc[filter,idx[0:i]] = 1.0 df_sel = df_sel.sum(axis=1) if type_ID == 'S': ds_list = ['1_1', '2_1', '3_1', '4_1', '4_2'] else: ds_list = ['1_1', '2_1', '3_1', '4_1'] # store the results in the output DF df_cost = df_cost.sum(axis=1) df_cost.loc[:] = np.minimum(df_cost.values, repl_cost) mean_costs = [df_cost.loc[df_sel == dsg_i+1].mean() for dsg_i, dsg in enumerate(ds_list)] df_res_C.loc[:, idx['Repair Cost', type_ID, ds_list, 'mean']] = mean_costs df_res_C.loc[:, idx['Repair Cost', type_ID, 'aggregate', 'mean']] = df_cost.mean() df_res_C = df_res_C.astype(float) #.round(0) # now store the aggregate results for cost DV_res = describe(SUMMARY_df[('reconstruction','cost')]) df_res_Cagg.loc[:, idx['Repair Cost', 'aggregate', ' ', ['mean', 'std','10%','median','90%']]] = DV_res[['mean', 'std','10%','50%','90%']].values df_res_Cagg = df_res_Cagg.astype(float) #.round(0) dfs_to_join = dfs_to_join + [df_res_Cagg, df_res_Cimp, df_res_C] if DV_time is not None: DV_res = describe(SUMMARY_df[('reconstruction','time')]) df_res_Tagg.loc[:, idx['Repair Time', ' ', 'aggregate', ['mean', 'std','10%','median','90%']]] = DV_res[['mean', 'std','10%','50%','90%']].values df_res_Tagg = df_res_Tagg.astype(float) #.round(1) dfs_to_join.append(df_res_Tagg) if DV_inj[0] is not None: for i in range(4): if DV_inj[i] is not None: DV_res = describe(SUMMARY_df[('injuries',f'sev{i+1}')]) df_res_Iagg.loc[:, idx['Injuries', f'sev{i+1}', 'aggregate', ['mean', 'std','10%','median','90%']]] = DV_res[['mean', 'std','10%','50%','90%']].values df_res_Iagg = df_res_Iagg.astype(float) #.round(6) dfs_to_join.append(df_res_Iagg) df_res = pd.concat(dfs_to_join,axis=1) # save the output with open(posixpath.join(output_dir, DV_filename), 'w') as f: df_res.to_csv(f) def write_SimCenter_DV_output_old(output_dir, DV_filename, DV_df, DV_name): DV_name = convert_dv_name[DV_name] DV_file_path = posixpath.join(output_dir, DV_filename) try: with open(DV_file_path, 'r') as f: DV = json.load(f) except: DV = {} DV.update({DV_name: {}}) DV_i = DV[DV_name] try: #if True: #DV_tot = DV_df.sum(axis=1).describe([0.1,0.5,0.9]).drop('count') DV_tot = describe(np.sum(DV_df.values, axis=1)) DV_i.update({'total':{}}) for stat in DV_tot.index: DV_i['total'].update({stat: DV_tot.loc[stat]}) #DV_stats = DV_df.describe([0.1,0.5,0.9]).drop('count') DV_stats = describe(DV_df) for FG in sorted(DV_stats.columns.get_level_values('FG').unique()): DV_i.update({str(FG):{}}) for PG in sorted( DV_stats.loc[:,idx[FG]].columns.get_level_values('PG').unique()): DV_i[str(FG)].update({str(PG):{}}) for DS in sorted( DV_stats.loc[:,idx[FG, PG]].columns.get_level_values('DSG_DS').unique()): DV_i[str(FG)][str(PG)].update({str(DS): {}}) DV_stats_i = DV_stats.loc[:,(FG,PG,DS)] for stat in DV_stats_i.index: DV_i[str(FG)][str(PG)][str(DS)].update({ stat: DV_stats_i.loc[stat]}) except: pass log_msg('\t\t\tSaving file {}'.format(DV_filename)) with open(DV_file_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(DV, f, indent = 2)