Testing the pelicun.uq module

These are unit and integration tests on the uq module of pelicun.


Test if the MVN CDF function provides accurate results for the special univariate case.


Test if the MVN CDF function provides accurate results for multivariate cases.


Test if the random variable object raises an error when the distribution is not empirical and no parameters are provided.


Test if the random variable object raises an error when a multinomial distribution is defined with incorrect parameters, and test that it does not raise an error when the right parameters are provided.


Test if the function raises an error when the probability density that the truncation limits define is not sufficiently accurate for further use.


Test if the sampling method returns appropriate samples for a non-truncated univariate and multivariate normal distribution.


Test if the sampling method returns appropriate samples for a truncated univariate and multivariate normal distribution when the truncation limits are sufficiently wide to consider the result a normal distribution.


Test if the sampling method returns appropriate samples for a truncated univariate and multivariate normal distribution when the truncation limits are narrow.


Test if the distribution is sampled appropriately for a correlated mixture of normal and lognormal variables. Note that we already tested the sampling algorithm itself earlier, so we will not do a thorough verification of the samples, but rather check for errors in the inputs that would typically lead to significant mistakes in the results.


Test if the distribution is sampled appropriately for a multinomial variable. Also test that getting values for an individual RV that is part of a correlated RV_set works appropriately.”


Test if the max. likelihood estimates of a (multivariate) normal distribution are sufficiently accurate in the baseline case with no truncation and no censoring.


Test if the max. likelihood estimates of a multivariate normal distribution are sufficiently accurate in cases with censored data.


Test if the max. likelihood estimates of a multivariate normal distribution are sufficiently accurate in cases with truncation and uncensored data.


Test if the max. likelihood estimates of a multivariate normal distribution are sufficiently accurate in cases with truncation and censored data.


Test if the max. likelihood estimates of a multivariate lognormal distribution are sufficiently accurate