brails.scrapers.google_satellite.google_satellite module

This module defines GoogleSatellite class downloading Google satellite imagery.


A class for downloading satellite imagery from Google tilemaps.

class brails.scrapers.google_satellite.google_satellite.GoogleSatellite

Bases: ImageScraper

A class for downloading satellite imagery from Google tilemaps.

This class is a subclass to the ImageScraper and provides functionality to obtain satellite images for assets defined in an AssetInventory. The images are retrieved based on the coordinates of the assets and saved to a specified directory.

get_images(inventory: AssetInventory, save_directory: str) -> ImageSet:

Retrieves satellite images for the assets in the given inventory and saves them to the specified save_directory.

get_images(inventory: AssetInventory, save_directory: str) ImageSet

Get satellite images of buildings given footprints in AssetInventory.

inventory (AssetInventory): AssetInventory for which the images

will be retrieved.

save_directory (str): Path to the folder where the retrieved images

will be saved


ImageSet: An ImageSet for the assets in the inventory.

ValueError: If the provided inventory is not an instance of
