Step 4: Run Simulation

Once the mesh is generated, you are ready to run your simulation on DesignSafe.

In the Simulation Cases tab, select the folder that contains the case
Review current analysis parameters under the View Parameters screen.
View Parameters Screen

Each template case comes with a reasonable set of analysis parameters. However, it is highly recommended to review all parameters and adjust them as appropriate.

Parameters such as CAD file name, number or size of elements, etc., are found under 'mesh parameters'.

Parameters such as simulation duration, timestep, turbulence modeling and more are found under 'simulation parameters'.

You may click save all parameters at any time to save your changes to the remote filesystem.
Once done with your adjustments, click the Run Button tab to begin running the simulation.
Remote Jobs tab.

You can check and monitor your remote analysis status under the Step 5: Monitor Remote Jobs or continue straight to Step 6: View Results and Download.