Release Notes
Version 1
Version 1.0 (May 19, 2023)
Damage Models
Hazus Earthquake Methodology - Transportation
HRD - Road segments
HWB - Bridges
HTU - Tunnels
FEMA P-58 2nd Edition
B - Shell
B.10 - Super Structure
B.10.31 - Steel Columns
B.10.33 - Steel Braces
B.10.35 - Steel Connections
B.10.41 - RC or Composite Columns
B.10.42 - RC or Composite Beams
B.10.44 - RC or Composite Shearwalls
B.10.49 - RC Flat Slabs
B.10.51 - Ordinary Reinforced Masonry Walls
B.10.52 - Special Reinforced Masonry Walls
B.10.61 - Cold-formed Steel Walls
B.10.71 - Wood Light Frame
B.20 - Exterior Enclosure
B.20.11 - Exterior Walls
B.20.22 - Curtain Walls
B.20.23 - Storefronts
B.30 - Roofing
B.30.11 - Roof Coverings
B.30.31 - Masonry Chimney
B.30.41 - Masonry Parapet
C - Interiors
C.10 - Interior Construction
C.10.11 - Partitions
C.20 - Stairs
C.20.11 - Stair Construction
C.30 - Interior Finishes
C.30.11 - Wall Finishes
C.30.21 - Floor Finishes
C.30.27 - Access Pedastal Flooring
C.30.32 - Ceiling Finishes
C.30.34 - Independent Pendant Lighting
D - Services
D.10 - Conveying
D.10.14 - Elevators & Lifts
D.20 - Plumbing
D.20.21 - Domestic Water Distribution - Cold Water
D.20.22 - Domestic Water Distribution - Hot Water
D.20.31 - Sanitary Waste
D.20.51 - Chilled Water Distribution
D.20.61 - Steam Distribution
D.30 - HVAC
D.30.31 - Cooling Generating Systems - Chilled Water
D.30.32 - Cooling Generating Systems - Direct Expansion
D.30.41 - Air Distribution Systems
D.30.52 - Terminal & Package Units
D.30.67 - Controls and Instrumentation
D.40 - Fire Protection
D.40.11 - Sprinklers
D.50 - Electrical
D.50.11 - Electrical Service & Distribution - High Tension
D.50.12 - Electrical Service & Distribution - Low Tension
D.50.92 - Other Electrical Systems
E - Equipment and furnishings
E.20 - Furnishings
E.20.22 - Movable Furnishings
F - Special Construction & Demolition
F.10 - Special Construction
F.10.12 - Special Structures
Hazus Earthquake Methodology - Buildings
GF - Geotechnical Failure
GF.H - Horizontal Spreading
GF.V - Vertical Settlement
LF - Lifeline Facilities
LF.W1 - Wood, Light Frame
LF.W2 - Wood, Commercial & Industrial
LF.S1 - Steel Moment Frame
LF.S2 - Steel Braced Frame
LF.S3 - Steel Light Frame
LF.S4 - Steel Frame with Cast-in-Place Concrete Shear Walls
LF.S5 - Steel Frame with Unreinforced Masonry Infill Walls
LF.C1 - Concrete Moment Frame
LF.C2 - Concrete Shear Walls
LF.C3 - Concrete Frame with Unreinforced Masonry Infill Walls
LF.PC1 - Precast Concrete Tilt-Up Walls
LF.PC2 - Precast Concrete Frames with Concrete Shear Walls
LF.RM1 - Reinforced Masonry Bearing Walls with Wood or Metal Deck Diaphragms
LF.RM2 - Reinforced Masonry Bearing Walls with Precast Concrete Diaphragms
LF.URM - Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Walls
LF.MH - Mobile Homes
NSA - Non-Structural Acceleration-Sensitive
NSD - Non-Structural Drift-Sensitive
STR - Structural
STR.W1 - Wood, Light Frame
STR.W2 - Wood, Commercial & Industrial
STR.S1 - Steel Moment Frame
STR.S2 - Steel Braced Frame
STR.S3 - Steel Light Frame
STR.S4 - Steel Frame with Cast-in-Place Concrete Shear Walls
STR.S5 - Steel Frame with Unreinforced Masonry Infill Walls
STR.C1 - Concrete Moment Frame
STR.C2 - Concrete Shear Walls
STR.C3 - Concrete Frame with Unreinforced Masonry Infill Walls
STR.PC1 - Precast Concrete Tilt-Up Walls
STR.PC2 - Precast Concrete Frames with Concrete Shear Walls
STR.RM1 - Reinforced Masonry Bearing Walls with Wood or Metal Deck Diaphragms
STR.RM2 - Reinforced Masonry Bearing Walls with Precast Concrete Diaphragms
STR.URM - Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Walls
STR.MH - Mobile Homes
HAZUS Earthquake Methodology - Power
EP - Electrical Power
EP.S - Substation
EP.C - Circuit
EP.G - Generation
SimCenter Hurricane Wind Component Library
RWC - Roof-Wall Connection
RWC.epoxy - Epoxy only
RWC.hurricane_clip - Hurricane Clip
RWC.straps - Straps only
RWC.toe_nail - Toe nail
RWC.toe_nail.straps - Toe nail with straps
RWC.toe_nail.epoxy - Toe nail with epoxy
RWC.toe_nail.adhesive - Toe nail with adhesive
WIN - Window
WIN.regular - Regular
WIN.impact_resistant - Impact Resistant
WIN.shutters - Hurricane Shutters Installed
DOOR - Door
DOOR.regular - Regular
DOOR.glass - Glass
DOOR.impact_resistant - Impact Resistant
DOOR.shutters - Hurricane Shutters Installed
DOOR.garage - Garage
RSH - Roof Sheathing
RSH.nails - With Nails
RSH.nails.6d - 6d size
RSH.nails.8d - 8d size
RSH.ccspf - With closed-cell Sprayed Polyurethane Foam
RSH.nails_ccspf - With Nails and ccSPF
RSH.nails_ccsp.6d - 6d size
RSH.nails_ccsp.8d - 8d size
WSH - Wall Sheathing
WALL - Wall
WCOV - Wall Cover
RCOV - Roof Cover
RCOV.tiles - Tiles
RCOV.shingles - Shingles
Repair Consequence Models
Hazus Earthquake Methodology - Transportation
HRD - Road segments
HWB - Bridges
HTU - Tunnels
FEMA P-58 2nd Edition
B - Shell
B.10 - Super Structure
B.10.31 - Steel Columns
B.10.33 - Steel Braces
B.10.35 - Steel Connections
B.10.41 - RC or Composite Columns
B.10.42 - RC or Composite Beams
B.10.44 - RC or Composite Shearwalls
B.10.49 - RC Flat Slabs
B.10.51 - Ordinary Reinforced Masonry Walls
B.10.52 - Special Reinforced Masonry Walls
B.10.61 - Cold-formed Steel Walls
B.10.71 - Wood Light Frame
B.20 - Exterior Enclosure
B.20.11 - Exterior Walls
B.20.22 - Curtain Walls
B.20.23 - Storefronts
B.30 - Roofing
B.30.11 - Roof Coverings
B.30.31 - Masonry Chimney
B.30.41 - Masonry Parapet
C - Interiors
C.10 - Interior Construction
C.10.11 - Partitions
C.20 - Stairs
C.20.11 - Stair Construction
C.30 - Interior Finishes
C.30.11 - Wall Finishes
C.30.21 - Floor Finishes
C.30.27 - Access Pedastal Flooring
C.30.32 - Ceiling Finishes
C.30.34 - Independent Pendant Lighting
D - Services
D.10 - Conveying
D.10.14 - Elevators & Lifts
D.20 - Plumbing
D.20.21 - Domestic Water Distribution - Cold Water
D.20.22 - Domestic Water Distribution - Hot Water
D.20.31 - Sanitary Waste
D.20.51 - Chilled Water Distribution
D.20.61 - Steam Distribution
D.30 - HVAC
D.30.31 - Cooling Generating Systems - Chilled Water
D.30.32 - Cooling Generating Systems - Direct Expansion
D.30.41 - Air Distribution Systems
D.30.52 - Terminal & Package Units
D.30.67 - Controls and Instrumentation
D.40 - Fire Protection
D.40.11 - Sprinklers
D.50 - Electrical
D.50.11 - Electrical Service & Distribution - High Tension
D.50.12 - Electrical Service & Distribution - Low Tension
D.50.92 - Other Electrical Systems
E - Equipment and furnishings
E.20 - Furnishings
E.20.22 - Movable Furnishings
F - Special Construction & Demolition
F.10 - Special Construction
F.10.12 - Special Structures
Hazus Earthquake Methodology - Buildings
LF - Lifeline Facilities
NSA - Non-Structural Acceleration-Sensitive
NSD - Non-Structural Drift-Sensitive
STR - Structural
Damage and Loss Model Library
Coming soon
This section is under construction.
About the damage and loss model library.