Common functionality used within different SimCenter projects
QCPColorGradient Class Reference

Defines a color gradient for use with e.g. QCPColorMap. More...

#include <qcustomplot.h>

Public Types

enum  ColorInterpolation { ciRGB, ciHSV }
enum  GradientPreset {
  gpGrayscale, gpHot, gpCold, gpNight,
  gpCandy, gpGeography, gpIon, gpThermal,
  gpPolar, gpSpectrum, gpJet, gpHues

Public Member Functions

 QCPColorGradient ()
 QCPColorGradient (GradientPreset preset)
bool operator== (const QCPColorGradient &other) const
bool operator!= (const QCPColorGradient &other) const
int levelCount () const
QMap< double, QColor > colorStops () const
ColorInterpolation colorInterpolation () const
bool periodic () const
void setLevelCount (int n)
void setColorStops (const QMap< double, QColor > &colorStops)
void setColorStopAt (double position, const QColor &color)
void setColorInterpolation (ColorInterpolation interpolation)
void setPeriodic (bool enabled)
void colorize (const double *data, const QCPRange &range, QRgb *scanLine, int n, int dataIndexFactor=1, bool logarithmic=false)
void colorize (const double *data, const unsigned char *alpha, const QCPRange &range, QRgb *scanLine, int n, int dataIndexFactor=1, bool logarithmic=false)
QRgb color (double position, const QCPRange &range, bool logarithmic=false)
void loadPreset (GradientPreset preset)
void clearColorStops ()
QCPColorGradient inverted () const

Protected Member Functions

bool stopsUseAlpha () const
void updateColorBuffer ()

Protected Attributes

int mLevelCount
QMap< double, QColor > mColorStops
ColorInterpolation mColorInterpolation
bool mPeriodic
QVector< QRgb > mColorBuffer
bool mColorBufferInvalidated

Detailed Description

Defines a color gradient for use with e.g. QCPColorMap.

This class describes a color gradient which can be used to encode data with color. For example, QCPColorMap and QCPColorScale have setGradient methods which take an instance of this class. Colors are set with setColorStopAt(double position, const QColor &color) with a position from 0 to 1. In between these defined color positions, the color will be interpolated linearly either in RGB or HSV space, see setColorInterpolation.

Alternatively, load one of the preset color gradients shown in the image below, with loadPreset, or by directly specifying the preset in the constructor.

Apart from red, green and blue components, the gradient also interpolates the alpha values of the configured color stops. This allows to display some portions of the data range as transparent in the plot.


The ructor allows directly converting a GradientPreset to a QCPColorGradient. This means that you can directly pass GradientPreset to all the setGradient methods, e.g.:

The total number of levels used in the gradient can be set with setLevelCount. Whether the color gradient shall be applied periodically (wrapping around) to data values that lie outside the data range specified on the plottable instance can be controlled with setPeriodic.

Definition at line 4396 of file qcustomplot.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Defines the color spaces in which color interpolation between gradient stops can be performed.

See also

Color channels red, green and blue are linearly interpolated.


Color channels hue, saturation and value are linearly interpolated (The hue is interpolated over the shortest angle distance)

Definition at line 4405 of file qcustomplot.h.

Defines the available presets that can be loaded with loadPreset. See the documentation there for an image of the presets.


Continuous lightness from black to white (suited for non-biased data representation)


Continuous lightness from black over firey colors to white (suited for non-biased data representation)


Continuous lightness from black over icey colors to white (suited for non-biased data representation)


Continuous lightness from black over weak blueish colors to white (suited for non-biased data representation)


Blue over pink to white.


Colors suitable to represent different elevations on geographical maps.


Half hue spectrum from black over purple to blue and finally green (creates banding illusion but allows more precise magnitude estimates)


Colors suitable for thermal imaging, ranging from dark blue over purple to orange, yellow and white.


Colors suitable to emphasize polarity around the center, with blue for negative, black in the middle and red for positive values.


An approximation of the visible light spectrum (creates banding illusion but allows more precise magnitude estimates)


Hue variation similar to a spectrum, often used in numerical visualization (creates banding illusion but allows more precise magnitude estimates)


Full hue cycle, with highest and lowest color red (suitable for periodic data, such as angles and phases, see setPeriodic)

Definition at line 4414 of file qcustomplot.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QCPColorGradient::QCPColorGradient ( )

Constructs a new, empty QCPColorGradient with no predefined color stops. You can add own color stops with setColorStopAt.

The color level count is initialized to 350.

Definition at line 15491 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

QCPColorGradient::QCPColorGradient ( GradientPreset  preset)

Constructs a new QCPColorGradient initialized with the colors and color interpolation according to preset.

The color level count is initialized to 350.

Definition at line 15506 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void QCPColorGradient::clearColorStops ( )

Clears all color stops.

See also
setColorStops, setColorStopAt

Definition at line 15958 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

QRgb QCPColorGradient::color ( double  position,
const QCPRange range,
bool  logarithmic = false 

Definition at line 15817 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

ColorInterpolation QCPColorGradient::colorInterpolation ( ) const

Definition at line 4437 of file qcustomplot.h.

void QCPColorGradient::colorize ( const double *  data,
const QCPRange range,
QRgb *  scanLine,
int  n,
int  dataIndexFactor = 1,
bool  logarithmic = false 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

This method is used to quickly convert a data array to colors. The colors will be output in the array scanLine. Both data and scanLine must have the length n when passed to this function. The data range that shall be used for mapping the data value to the gradient is passed in range. logarithmic indicates whether the data values shall be mapped to colors logarithmically.

if data actually contains 2D-data linearized via [row*columnCount + column], you can set dataIndexFactor to columnCount to convert a column instead of a row of the data array, in scanLine. scanLine will remain a regular (1D) array. This works because data is addressed data[i*dataIndexFactor].

Use the overloaded method to additionally provide alpha map data.

The QRgb values that are placed in scanLine have their r, g and b components premultiplied with alpha (see QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied).

Definition at line 15628 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPColorGradient::colorize ( const double *  data,
const unsigned char *  alpha,
const QCPRange range,
QRgb *  scanLine,
int  n,
int  dataIndexFactor = 1,
bool  logarithmic = false 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Additionally to the other overload of colorize, this method takes the array alpha, which has the same size and structure as data and encodes the alpha information per data point.

The QRgb values that are placed in scanLine have their r, g and b components premultiplied with alpha (see QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied).

Definition at line 15702 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

QMap<double, QColor> QCPColorGradient::colorStops ( ) const

Definition at line 4436 of file qcustomplot.h.

QCPColorGradient QCPColorGradient::inverted ( ) const

Returns an inverted gradient. The inverted gradient has all properties as this QCPColorGradient, but the order of the color stops is inverted.

See also
setColorStops, setColorStopAt

Definition at line 15970 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

int QCPColorGradient::levelCount ( ) const

Definition at line 4435 of file qcustomplot.h.

void QCPColorGradient::loadPreset ( GradientPreset  preset)

Clears the current color stops and loads the specified preset. A preset consists of predefined color stops and the corresponding color interpolation method.

The available presets are:


Definition at line 15849 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

bool QCPColorGradient::operator!= ( const QCPColorGradient other) const

Definition at line 4432 of file qcustomplot.h.

bool QCPColorGradient::operator== ( const QCPColorGradient other) const

Definition at line 15517 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

bool QCPColorGradient::periodic ( ) const

Definition at line 4438 of file qcustomplot.h.

void QCPColorGradient::setColorInterpolation ( QCPColorGradient::ColorInterpolation  interpolation)

Sets whether the colors in between the configured color stops (see setColorStopAt) shall be interpolated linearly in RGB or in HSV color space.

For example, a sweep in RGB space from red to green will have a muddy brown intermediate color, whereas in HSV space the intermediate color is yellow.

Definition at line 15581 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPColorGradient::setColorStopAt ( double  position,
const QColor &  color 

Sets the color the gradient will have at the specified position (from 0 to 1). In between these color stops, the color is interpolated according to setColorInterpolation.

See also
setColorStops, clearColorStops

Definition at line 15568 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPColorGradient::setColorStops ( const QMap< double, QColor > &  colorStops)

Sets at which positions from 0 to 1 which color shall occur. The positions are the keys, the colors are the values of the passed QMap colorStops. In between these color stops, the color is interpolated according to setColorInterpolation.

A more convenient way to create a custom gradient may be to clear all color stops with clearColorStops (or creating a new, empty QCPColorGradient) and then adding them one by one with setColorStopAt.

See also

Definition at line 15556 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPColorGradient::setLevelCount ( int  n)

Sets the number of discretization levels of the color gradient to n. The default is 350 which is typically enough to create a smooth appearance. The minimum number of levels is 2.


Definition at line 15531 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPColorGradient::setPeriodic ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether data points that are outside the configured data range (e.g. QCPColorMap::setDataRange) are colored by periodically repeating the color gradient or whether they all have the same color, corresponding to the respective gradient boundary color.


As shown in the image above, gradients that have the same start and end color are especially suitable for a periodic gradient mapping, since they produce smooth color transitions throughout the color map. A preset that has this property is gpHues.

In practice, using periodic color gradients makes sense when the data corresponds to a periodic dimension, such as an angle or a phase. If this is not the case, the color encoding might become ambiguous, because multiple different data values are shown as the same color.

Definition at line 15605 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

bool QCPColorGradient::stopsUseAlpha ( ) const

Definition at line 15984 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPColorGradient::updateColorBuffer ( )

Definition at line 15999 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

QVector<QRgb> QCPColorGradient::mColorBuffer

Definition at line 4463 of file qcustomplot.h.

bool QCPColorGradient::mColorBufferInvalidated

Definition at line 4464 of file qcustomplot.h.

ColorInterpolation QCPColorGradient::mColorInterpolation

Definition at line 4459 of file qcustomplot.h.

QMap<double, QColor> QCPColorGradient::mColorStops

Definition at line 4458 of file qcustomplot.h.

int QCPColorGradient::mLevelCount

Definition at line 4457 of file qcustomplot.h.

bool QCPColorGradient::mPeriodic

Definition at line 4460 of file qcustomplot.h.

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