5. Bug reports and feature requests

In the case of unexpected behavior, such as getting an error while providing seemingly valid inputs or getting results that appear to be incorrect, please let us know by opening an issue on GitHub. We would appreciate it if you could simplify the inputs as much as possible while maintaining the unexpected behavior, which will accelerate our investigative efforts and help us respond sooner. In the issue, please include all necessary files as well as the scripts and commands used to demonstrate the bug and explain what the expected behavior would be instead.

We will review your bug report upon receiving it. If the expected behavior only requires a modification of your inputs, we will let you know. Otherwise, if there is indeed a bug, we are going to respond with an estimated timeline for a fix and begin a discussion on that same issue page on the necessary steps to resolve the issue. Any further developer communication applicable to the issue will be documented on that page. When the fix is implemented, we will close the issue and notify you of the version where the fix was applied.

Submit a bug report

We accept feature requests. If there is a feature pelicun lacks and you would like us to implement, you can request that feature in the pelicun discussion page. Please begin the title of your message with “Feature Request:”. Describe the requested feature as best you can in your message, and point to any relevant technical documents, other software, or any other piece of information that would help us implement the feature. We will respond with any questions we have and offer a timeline for implementing the feature or justify our decision to defer implementation. If we decide to implement the feature, we will begin by opening an issue page on GitHub, where developer communication will take place, and link it to the discussion page. When the feature is implemented, we will close the issue and notify you of the version introducing it.

Submit a feature request