Common functionality used within different SimCenter projects
QCPGraph Class Reference

A plottable representing a graph in a plot. More...

#include <qcustomplot.h>

Inheritance diagram for QCPGraph:
Collaboration diagram for QCPGraph:

Public Types

enum  LineStyle {
  lsNone, lsLine, lsStepLeft, lsStepRight,
  lsStepCenter, lsImpulse

Public Member Functions

 QCPGraph (QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis)
virtual ~QCPGraph ()
QSharedPointer< QCPGraphDataContainerdata () const
LineStyle lineStyle () const
QCPScatterStyle scatterStyle () const
int scatterSkip () const
QCPGraphchannelFillGraph () const
bool adaptiveSampling () const
void setData (QSharedPointer< QCPGraphDataContainer > data)
void setData (const QVector< double > &keys, const QVector< double > &values, bool alreadySorted=false)
void setLineStyle (LineStyle ls)
void setScatterStyle (const QCPScatterStyle &style)
void setScatterSkip (int skip)
void setChannelFillGraph (QCPGraph *targetGraph)
void setAdaptiveSampling (bool enabled)
void addData (const QVector< double > &keys, const QVector< double > &values, bool alreadySorted=false)
void addData (double key, double value)
virtual double selectTest (const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
virtual QCPRange getKeyRange (bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain=QCP::sdBoth) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
virtual QCPRange getValueRange (bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain=QCP::sdBoth, const QCPRange &inKeyRange=QCPRange()) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
- Public Member Functions inherited from QCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPGraphData >
 QCPAbstractPlottable1D (QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis)
virtual ~QCPAbstractPlottable1D ()
virtual int dataCount () const
virtual double dataMainKey (int index) const
virtual double dataSortKey (int index) const
virtual double dataMainValue (int index) const
virtual QCPRange dataValueRange (int index) const
virtual QPointF dataPixelPosition (int index) const
virtual bool sortKeyIsMainKey () const
virtual QCPDataSelection selectTestRect (const QRectF &rect, bool onlySelectable) const
virtual int findBegin (double sortKey, bool expandedRange=true) const
virtual int findEnd (double sortKey, bool expandedRange=true) const
virtual QCPPlottableInterface1Dinterface1D ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from QCPAbstractPlottable
 QCPAbstractPlottable (QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis)
virtual ~QCPAbstractPlottable ()
QString name () const
bool antialiasedFill () const
bool antialiasedScatters () const
QPen pen () const
QBrush brush () const
QCPAxiskeyAxis () const
QCPAxisvalueAxis () const
QCP::SelectionType selectable () const
bool selected () const
QCPDataSelection selection () const
QCPSelectionDecoratorselectionDecorator () const
void setName (const QString &name)
void setAntialiasedFill (bool enabled)
void setAntialiasedScatters (bool enabled)
void setPen (const QPen &pen)
void setBrush (const QBrush &brush)
void setKeyAxis (QCPAxis *axis)
void setValueAxis (QCPAxis *axis)
Q_SLOT void setSelectable (QCP::SelectionType selectable)
Q_SLOT void setSelection (QCPDataSelection selection)
void setSelectionDecorator (QCPSelectionDecorator *decorator)
void coordsToPixels (double key, double value, double &x, double &y) const
const QPointF coordsToPixels (double key, double value) const
void pixelsToCoords (double x, double y, double &key, double &value) const
void pixelsToCoords (const QPointF &pixelPos, double &key, double &value) const
void rescaleAxes (bool onlyEnlarge=false) const
void rescaleKeyAxis (bool onlyEnlarge=false) const
void rescaleValueAxis (bool onlyEnlarge=false, bool inKeyRange=false) const
bool addToLegend (QCPLegend *legend)
bool addToLegend ()
bool removeFromLegend (QCPLegend *legend) const
bool removeFromLegend () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QCPLayerable
 QCPLayerable (QCustomPlot *plot, QString targetLayer=QString(), QCPLayerable *parentLayerable=0)
virtual ~QCPLayerable ()
bool visible () const
QCustomPlotparentPlot () const
QCPLayerableparentLayerable () const
QCPLayerlayer () const
bool antialiased () const
void setVisible (bool on)
Q_SLOT bool setLayer (QCPLayer *layer)
bool setLayer (const QString &layerName)
void setAntialiased (bool enabled)
bool realVisibility () const

Protected Member Functions

virtual void draw (QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
virtual void drawLegendIcon (QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
virtual void drawFill (QCPPainter *painter, QVector< QPointF > *lines) const
virtual void drawScatterPlot (QCPPainter *painter, const QVector< QPointF > &scatters, const QCPScatterStyle &style) const
virtual void drawLinePlot (QCPPainter *painter, const QVector< QPointF > &lines) const
virtual void drawImpulsePlot (QCPPainter *painter, const QVector< QPointF > &lines) const
virtual void getOptimizedLineData (QVector< QCPGraphData > *lineData, const QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, const QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator &end) const
virtual void getOptimizedScatterData (QVector< QCPGraphData > *scatterData, QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator begin, QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator end) const
void getVisibleDataBounds (QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator &end, const QCPDataRange &rangeRestriction) const
void getLines (QVector< QPointF > *lines, const QCPDataRange &dataRange) const
void getScatters (QVector< QPointF > *scatters, const QCPDataRange &dataRange) const
QVector< QPointF > dataToLines (const QVector< QCPGraphData > &data) const
QVector< QPointF > dataToStepLeftLines (const QVector< QCPGraphData > &data) const
QVector< QPointF > dataToStepRightLines (const QVector< QCPGraphData > &data) const
QVector< QPointF > dataToStepCenterLines (const QVector< QCPGraphData > &data) const
QVector< QPointF > dataToImpulseLines (const QVector< QCPGraphData > &data) const
void addFillBasePoints (QVector< QPointF > *lines) const
void removeFillBasePoints (QVector< QPointF > *lines) const
QPointF lowerFillBasePoint (double lowerKey) const
QPointF upperFillBasePoint (double upperKey) const
const QPolygonF getChannelFillPolygon (const QVector< QPointF > *lines) const
int findIndexBelowX (const QVector< QPointF > *data, double x) const
int findIndexAboveX (const QVector< QPointF > *data, double x) const
int findIndexBelowY (const QVector< QPointF > *data, double y) const
int findIndexAboveY (const QVector< QPointF > *data, double y) const
double pointDistance (const QPointF &pixelPoint, QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator &closestData) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPGraphData >
void getDataSegments (QList< QCPDataRange > &selectedSegments, QList< QCPDataRange > &unselectedSegments) const
void drawPolyline (QCPPainter *painter, const QVector< QPointF > &lineData) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QCPAbstractPlottable
virtual QRect clipRect () const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
virtual QCP::Interaction selectionCategory () const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint (QCPPainter *painter) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
virtual void selectEvent (QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
virtual void deselectEvent (bool *selectionStateChanged) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
void applyFillAntialiasingHint (QCPPainter *painter) const
void applyScattersAntialiasingHint (QCPPainter *painter) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QCPLayerable
virtual void parentPlotInitialized (QCustomPlot *parentPlot)
virtual void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event, const QVariant &details)
virtual void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos)
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos)
virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent *event, const QVariant &details)
virtual void wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *event)
void initializeParentPlot (QCustomPlot *parentPlot)
void setParentLayerable (QCPLayerable *parentLayerable)
bool moveToLayer (QCPLayer *layer, bool prepend)
void applyAntialiasingHint (QCPPainter *painter, bool localAntialiased, QCP::AntialiasedElement overrideElement) const

Protected Attributes

LineStyle mLineStyle
QCPScatterStyle mScatterStyle
int mScatterSkip
QPointer< QCPGraphmChannelFillGraph
bool mAdaptiveSampling
- Protected Attributes inherited from QCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPGraphData >
QSharedPointer< QCPDataContainer< QCPGraphData > > mDataContainer
- Protected Attributes inherited from QCPAbstractPlottable
QString mName
bool mAntialiasedFill
bool mAntialiasedScatters
QPen mPen
QBrush mBrush
QPointer< QCPAxismKeyAxis
QPointer< QCPAxismValueAxis
QCP::SelectionType mSelectable
QCPDataSelection mSelection
- Protected Attributes inherited from QCPLayerable
bool mVisible
QPointer< QCPLayerablemParentLayerable
bool mAntialiased


class QCustomPlot
class QCPLegend

Additional Inherited Members

- Signals inherited from QCPAbstractPlottable
void selectionChanged (bool selected)
void selectionChanged (const QCPDataSelection &selection)
void selectableChanged (QCP::SelectionType selectable)
- Signals inherited from QCPLayerable
void layerChanged (QCPLayer *newLayer)

Detailed Description

A plottable representing a graph in a plot.


Usually you create new graphs by calling QCustomPlot::addGraph. The resulting instance can be accessed via QCustomPlot::graph.

To plot data, assign it with the setData or addData functions. Alternatively, you can also access and modify the data via the data method, which returns a pointer to the internal QCPGraphDataContainer.

Graphs are used to display single-valued data. Single-valued means that there should only be one data point per unique key coordinate. In other words, the graph can't have loops. If you do want to plot non-single-valued curves, rather use the QCPCurve plottable.

Gaps in the graph line can be created by adding data points with NaN as value (qQNaN() or std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()) in between the two data points that shall be separated.

Changing the appearance

The appearance of the graph is mainly determined by the line style, scatter style, brush and pen of the graph (setLineStyle, setScatterStyle, setBrush, setPen).

Filling under or between graphs

QCPGraph knows two types of fills: Normal graph fills towards the zero-value-line parallel to the key axis of the graph, and fills between two graphs, called channel fills. To enable a fill, just set a brush with setBrush which is neither Qt::NoBrush nor fully transparent.

By default, a normal fill towards the zero-value-line will be drawn. To set up a channel fill between this graph and another one, call setChannelFillGraph with the other graph as parameter.

See also
QCustomPlot::addGraph, QCustomPlot::graph

Definition at line 5119 of file qcustomplot.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Defines how the graph's line is represented visually in the plot. The line is drawn with the current pen of the graph (setPen).

See also

data points are not connected with any lines (e.g. data only represented with symbols according to the scatter style, see setScatterStyle)


data points are connected by a straight line


line is drawn as steps where the step height is the value of the left data point


line is drawn as steps where the step height is the value of the right data point


line is drawn as steps where the step is in between two data points


each data point is represented by a line parallel to the value axis, which reaches from the data point to the zero-value-line

Definition at line 5135 of file qcustomplot.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QCPGraph::QCPGraph ( QCPAxis keyAxis,
QCPAxis valueAxis 

Constructs a graph which uses keyAxis as its key axis ("x") and valueAxis as its value axis ("y"). keyAxis and valueAxis must reside in the same QCustomPlot instance and not have the same orientation. If either of these restrictions is violated, a corresponding message is printed to the debug output (qDebug), the construction is not aborted, though.

The created QCPGraph is automatically registered with the QCustomPlot instance inferred from keyAxis. This QCustomPlot instance takes ownership of the QCPGraph, so do not delete it manually but use QCustomPlot::removePlottable() instead.

To directly create a graph inside a plot, you can also use the simpler QCustomPlot::addGraph function.

Definition at line 19783 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

QCPGraph::~QCPGraph ( )

Definition at line 19798 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

bool QCPGraph::adaptiveSampling ( ) const

Definition at line 5154 of file qcustomplot.h.

void QCPGraph::addData ( const QVector< double > &  keys,
const QVector< double > &  values,
bool  alreadySorted = false 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Adds the provided points in keys and values to the current data. The provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the smallest vector.

If you can guarantee that the passed data points are sorted by keys in ascending order, you can set alreadySorted to true, to improve performance by saving a sorting run.

Alternatively, you can also access and modify the data directly via the data method, which returns a pointer to the internal data container.

Definition at line 19954 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::addData ( double  key,
double  value 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Adds the provided data point as key and value to the current data.

Alternatively, you can also access and modify the data directly via the data method, which returns a pointer to the internal data container.

Definition at line 19980 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::addFillBasePoints ( QVector< QPointF > *  lines) const

Definition at line 20874 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

QCPGraph* QCPGraph::channelFillGraph ( ) const

Definition at line 5153 of file qcustomplot.h.

QSharedPointer< QCPGraphDataContainer > QCPGraph::data ( ) const

Returns a shared pointer to the internal data storage of type QCPGraphDataContainer. You may use it to directly manipulate the data, which may be more convenient and faster than using the regular setData or addData methods.

Definition at line 5149 of file qcustomplot.h.

QVector< QPointF > QCPGraph::dataToImpulseLines ( const QVector< QCPGraphData > &  data) const

Definition at line 20429 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

QVector< QPointF > QCPGraph::dataToLines ( const QVector< QCPGraphData > &  data) const

Definition at line 20231 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

QVector< QPointF > QCPGraph::dataToStepCenterLines ( const QVector< QCPGraphData > &  data) const

Definition at line 20368 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

QVector< QPointF > QCPGraph::dataToStepLeftLines ( const QVector< QCPGraphData > &  data) const

Definition at line 20270 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

QVector< QPointF > QCPGraph::dataToStepRightLines ( const QVector< QCPGraphData > &  data) const

Definition at line 20319 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::draw ( QCPPainter painter)

Implements QCPAbstractPlottable.

Definition at line 20020 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::drawFill ( QCPPainter painter,
QVector< QPointF > *  lines 
) const

Definition at line 20479 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::drawImpulsePlot ( QCPPainter painter,
const QVector< QPointF > &  lines 
) const

Definition at line 20536 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::drawLegendIcon ( QCPPainter painter,
const QRectF &  rect 
) const

Implements QCPAbstractPlottable.

Definition at line 20088 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::drawLinePlot ( QCPPainter painter,
const QVector< QPointF > &  lines 
) const

Definition at line 20519 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::drawScatterPlot ( QCPPainter painter,
const QVector< QPointF > &  scatters,
const QCPScatterStyle style 
) const

Definition at line 20505 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

int QCPGraph::findIndexAboveX ( const QVector< QPointF > *  data,
double  x 
) const

Definition at line 21190 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

int QCPGraph::findIndexAboveY ( const QVector< QPointF > *  data,
double  y 
) const

Definition at line 21234 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

int QCPGraph::findIndexBelowX ( const QVector< QPointF > *  data,
double  x 
) const

Definition at line 21212 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

int QCPGraph::findIndexBelowY ( const QVector< QPointF > *  data,
double  y 
) const

Definition at line 21316 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

const QPolygonF QCPGraph::getChannelFillPolygon ( const QVector< QPointF > *  lines) const

Definition at line 21048 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

QCPRange QCPGraph::getKeyRange ( bool &  foundRange,
QCP::SignDomain  inSignDomain = QCP::sdBoth 
) const

Returns the coordinate range that all data in this plottable span in the key axis dimension. For logarithmic plots, one can set inSignDomain to either QCP::sdNegative or QCP::sdPositive in order to restrict the returned range to that sign domain. E.g. when only negative range is wanted, set inSignDomain to QCP::sdNegative and all positive points will be ignored for range calculation. For no restriction, just set inSignDomain to QCP::sdBoth (default). foundRange is an output parameter that indicates whether a range could be found or not. If this is false, you shouldn't use the returned range (e.g. no points in data).

Note that foundRange is not the same as QCPRange::validRange, since the range returned by this function may have size zero (e.g. when there is only one data point). In this case foundRange would return true, but the returned range is not a valid range in terms of QCPRange::validRange.

See also
rescaleAxes, getValueRange

Implements QCPAbstractPlottable.

Definition at line 20008 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::getLines ( QVector< QPointF > *  lines,
const QCPDataRange dataRange 
) const

Definition at line 20142 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::getOptimizedLineData ( QVector< QCPGraphData > *  lineData,
const QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator begin,
const QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator end 
) const

Definition at line 20562 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::getOptimizedScatterData ( QVector< QCPGraphData > *  scatterData,
QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator  begin,
QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator  end 
) const

Definition at line 20659 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::getScatters ( QVector< QPointF > *  scatters,
const QCPDataRange dataRange 
) const

Definition at line 20180 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

QCPRange QCPGraph::getValueRange ( bool &  foundRange,
QCP::SignDomain  inSignDomain = QCP::sdBoth,
const QCPRange inKeyRange = QCPRange() 
) const

Returns the coordinate range that the data points in the specified key range (inKeyRange) span in the value axis dimension. For logarithmic plots, one can set inSignDomain to either QCP::sdNegative or QCP::sdPositive in order to restrict the returned range to that sign domain. E.g. when only negative range is wanted, set inSignDomain to QCP::sdNegative and all positive points will be ignored for range calculation. For no restriction, just set inSignDomain to QCP::sdBoth (default). foundRange is an output parameter that indicates whether a range could be found or not. If this is false, you shouldn't use the returned range (e.g. no points in data).

If inKeyRange has both lower and upper bound set to zero (is equal to QCPRange()), all data points are considered, without any restriction on the keys.

Note that foundRange is not the same as QCPRange::validRange, since the range returned by this function may have size zero (e.g. when there is only one data point). In this case foundRange would return true, but the returned range is not a valid range in terms of QCPRange::validRange.

See also
rescaleAxes, getKeyRange

Implements QCPAbstractPlottable.

Definition at line 20014 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::getVisibleDataBounds ( QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator begin,
QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator end,
const QCPDataRange rangeRestriction 
) const

This method outputs the currently visible data range via begin and end. The returned range will also never exceed rangeRestriction.

This method takes into account that the drawing of data lines at the axis rect border always requires the points just outside the visible axis range. So begin and end may actually indicate a range that contains one additional data point to the left and right of the visible axis range.

Definition at line 20840 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

LineStyle QCPGraph::lineStyle ( ) const

Definition at line 5150 of file qcustomplot.h.

QPointF QCPGraph::lowerFillBasePoint ( double  lowerKey) const

Definition at line 20920 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

double QCPGraph::pointDistance ( const QPointF &  pixelPoint,
QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator closestData 
) const

Definition at line 21260 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::removeFillBasePoints ( QVector< QPointF > *  lines) const

Definition at line 20898 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

int QCPGraph::scatterSkip ( ) const

Definition at line 5152 of file qcustomplot.h.

QCPScatterStyle QCPGraph::scatterStyle ( ) const

Definition at line 5151 of file qcustomplot.h.

double QCPGraph::selectTest ( const QPointF &  pos,
bool  onlySelectable,
QVariant *  details = 0 
) const

Implements a point-selection algorithm assuming the data (accessed via the 1D data interface) is point-like. Most subclasses will want to reimplement this method again, to provide a more accurate hit test based on the true data visualization geometry.

Reimplemented from QCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPGraphData >.

Definition at line 19986 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::setAdaptiveSampling ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether adaptive sampling shall be used when plotting this graph. QCustomPlot's adaptive sampling technique can drastically improve the replot performance for graphs with a larger number of points (e.g. above 10,000), without notably changing the appearance of the graph.

By default, adaptive sampling is enabled. Even if enabled, QCustomPlot decides whether adaptive sampling shall actually be used on a per-graph basis. So leaving adaptive sampling enabled has no disadvantage in almost all cases.

A line plot of 500,000 points without and with adaptive sampling

As can be seen, line plots experience no visual degradation from adaptive sampling. Outliers are reproduced reliably, as well as the overall shape of the data set. The replot time reduces dramatically though. This allows QCustomPlot to display large amounts of data in realtime.

A scatter plot of 100,000 points without and with adaptive sampling

Care must be taken when using high-density scatter plots in combination with adaptive sampling. The adaptive sampling algorithm treats scatter plots more carefully than line plots which still gives a significant reduction of replot times, but not quite as much as for line plots. This is because scatter plots inherently need more data points to be preserved in order to still resemble the original, non-adaptive-sampling plot. As shown above, the results still aren't quite identical, as banding occurs for the outer data points. This is in fact intentional, such that the boundaries of the data cloud stay visible to the viewer. How strong the banding appears, depends on the point density, i.e. the number of points in the plot.

For some situations with scatter plots it might thus be desirable to manually turn adaptive sampling off. For example, when saving the plot to disk. This can be achieved by setting enabled to false before issuing a command like QCustomPlot::savePng, and setting enabled back to true afterwards.

Definition at line 19937 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::setChannelFillGraph ( QCPGraph targetGraph)

Sets the target graph for filling the area between this graph and targetGraph with the current brush (setBrush).

When targetGraph is set to 0, a normal graph fill to the zero-value-line will be shown. To disable any filling, set the brush to Qt::NoBrush.

See also

Definition at line 19886 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::setData ( QSharedPointer< QCPGraphDataContainer data)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Replaces the current data container with the provided data container.

Since a QSharedPointer is used, multiple QCPGraphs may share the same data container safely. Modifying the data in the container will then affect all graphs that share the container. Sharing can be achieved by simply exchanging the data containers wrapped in shared pointers:

If you do not wish to share containers, but create a copy from an existing container, rather use the QCPDataContainer<DataType>::set method on the graph's data container directly:

See also

Definition at line 19817 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::setData ( const QVector< double > &  keys,
const QVector< double > &  values,
bool  alreadySorted = false 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Replaces the current data with the provided points in keys and values. The provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the smallest vector.

If you can guarantee that the passed data points are sorted by keys in ascending order, you can set alreadySorted to true, to improve performance by saving a sorting run.

See also

Definition at line 19833 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::setLineStyle ( LineStyle  ls)

Sets how the single data points are connected in the plot. For scatter-only plots, set ls to lsNone and setScatterStyle to the desired scatter style.

See also

Definition at line 19845 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::setScatterSkip ( int  skip)

If scatters are displayed (scatter style not QCPScatterStyle::ssNone), skip number of scatter points are skipped/not drawn after every drawn scatter point.

This can be used to make the data appear sparser while for example still having a smooth line, and to improve performance for very high density plots.

If skip is set to 0 (default), all scatter points are drawn.

See also

Definition at line 19872 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPGraph::setScatterStyle ( const QCPScatterStyle style)

Sets the visual appearance of single data points in the plot. If set to QCPScatterStyle::ssNone, no scatter points are drawn (e.g. for line-only-plots with appropriate line style).

See also
QCPScatterStyle, setLineStyle

Definition at line 19856 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

QPointF QCPGraph::upperFillBasePoint ( double  upperKey) const

Definition at line 20985 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class QCPLegend

Definition at line 5216 of file qcustomplot.h.

friend class QCustomPlot

Definition at line 5215 of file qcustomplot.h.

Member Data Documentation

bool QCPGraph::mAdaptiveSampling

Definition at line 5180 of file qcustomplot.h.

QPointer<QCPGraph> QCPGraph::mChannelFillGraph

Definition at line 5179 of file qcustomplot.h.

LineStyle QCPGraph::mLineStyle

Definition at line 5176 of file qcustomplot.h.

int QCPGraph::mScatterSkip

Definition at line 5178 of file qcustomplot.h.

QCPScatterStyle QCPGraph::mScatterStyle

Definition at line 5177 of file qcustomplot.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: