Source code for pelicun.model.loss_model

# Copyright (c) 2018 Leland Stanford Junior University
# Copyright (c) 2018 The Regents of the University of California
# This file is part of pelicun.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
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# 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors
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# You should have received a copy of the BSD 3-Clause License along with
# pelicun. If not, see <>.
# Contributors:
# Adam Zsarnóczay
# John Vouvakis Manousakis

"""Loss model objects and associated methods."""

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import product
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, overload

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator

from pelicun import base, file_io, uq
from pelicun.model.demand_model import (
from pelicun.model.pelicun_model import PelicunModel
from pelicun.pelicun_warnings import InconsistentUnitsError

    from import Callable

    from pelicun.assessment import AssessmentBase

idx = base.idx

[docs] class LossModel(PelicunModel): """ Manages loss information used in assessments. Contains a loss model for components with Damage States (DS) and one for components with Loss Functions (LF). """ __slots__ = ['ds_model', 'dv_units', 'lf_model'] def __init__( self, assessment: AssessmentBase, decision_variables: tuple[str, ...] = ('Cost', 'Time'), dv_units: dict[str, str] | None = None, ) -> None: """ Initialize LossModel objects. Parameters ---------- assessment: pelicun.AssessmentBase Parent assessment decision_variables: tuple Defines the decision variables to be included in the loss calculations. Defaults to those supported, but fewer can be used if desired. When fewer are used, the loss parameters for those not used will not be required. """ super().__init__(assessment) self.ds_model: RepairModel_DS = RepairModel_DS(assessment) self.lf_model: RepairModel_LF = RepairModel_LF(assessment) self._loss_map = None self.decision_variables = decision_variables self.dv_units = dv_units @property def sample(self) -> pd.DataFrame | None: """ Combines the samples of the ds_model and lf_model sub-models. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The combined loss sample. """ # Handle `None` cases if self.ds_model.sample is None and self.lf_model.sample is None: return None if self.ds_model.sample is None: return self.lf_model.sample if self.lf_model.sample is None: return self.ds_model.sample # If both are not None, combine ds_model_levels = self.ds_model.sample.columns.names # add a `ds` level to the lf_model sample new_index = self.lf_model.sample.columns.to_frame(index=False) # add new_index['ds'] = 'N/A' # reorder new_index = new_index[ds_model_levels] new_multiindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(new_index) self.lf_model.sample.columns = new_multiindex return pd.concat((self.ds_model.sample, self.lf_model.sample), axis=1) @property def loss_params(self) -> pd.DataFrame | None: """ Combines the loss params of the ds_model and lf_model sub-models. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The combined loss parameter table """ # Handle `None` cases if self.ds_model.loss_params is None and self.lf_model.loss_params is None: return None if self.ds_model.loss_params is None: return self.lf_model.loss_params if self.lf_model.loss_params is None: return self.ds_model.loss_params # If both are not None, combine return pd.concat((self.ds_model.loss_params, self.lf_model.loss_params)) @property def decision_variables(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: """ Retrieve the decision variables. Returns ------- tuple Decision variables. """ # pick the object from one of the models # it's the same for the other(s). return self.ds_model.decision_variables @decision_variables.setter def decision_variables(self, decision_variables: tuple[str, ...]) -> None: """ Set the decision variables. Supported: {`Cost`, `Time`, `Energy`, `Carbon`}. Could also be any other string, as long as the provided loss parameters contain that decision variable. """ # assign the same DVs to the included loss models. for model in self._loss_models: model.decision_variables = decision_variables
[docs] def add_loss_map( self, loss_map_path: str | pd.DataFrame | None = None, loss_map_policy: str | None = None, ) -> None: """ Add a loss map to the loss model. A loss map defines what loss parameter definition should be used for each component ID in the asset model. Parameters ---------- loss_map_path: str or pd.DataFrame or None Path to a csv file or DataFrame object that maps components IDs to their loss parameter definitions. loss_map_policy: str or None If None, does not modify the loss map. If set to `fill`, each component ID that is present in the asset model but not in the loss map is mapped to itself, but `excessiveRID` is excluded. If set to `fill_all`, each component ID that is present in the asset model but not in the loss map is mapped to itself without exceptions. Raises ------ ValueError If both arguments are None. """ self.log.msg('Loading loss map...') # If no loss map is provided and no default is requested, # there is no loss map and we can't proceed. if loss_map_path is None and loss_map_policy is None: msg = 'Please provide a loss map and/or a loss map extension policy.' raise ValueError(msg) # get a list of unique component IDs cmp_set = set(self._asmnt.asset.list_unique_component_ids()) if loss_map_path is not None: self.log.msg('Loss map is provided.', prepend_timestamp=False) # Read the loss map into a variable loss_map = file_io.load_data( loss_map_path, None, orientation=1, reindex=False, log=self._asmnt.log, ) assert isinstance(loss_map, pd.DataFrame) # <backwards compatibility> if np.any(['DMG' in x for x in loss_map.index]): # type: ignore self.log.warning( 'The `DMG-` flag in the loss_map index is deprecated ' 'and no longer necessary. ' 'Please do not prepend `DMG-` before the component ' 'names in the loss map.' ) loss_map.index = pd.Index([x[1] for x in loss_map.index]) else: self.log.msg('Using default loss map.', prepend_timestamp=False) # Instantiate an empty loss map. loss_map = pd.DataFrame({'Repair': pd.Series(dtype='object')}) loss_map.index = loss_map.index.astype('object') if loss_map_policy in {'fill', 'fill_all'}: # Populate missing rows with cmp_id -> cmp_id for component in cmp_set: if component not in loss_map.index: if loss_map_policy == 'fill' and component == 'excessiveRID': continue loss_map.loc[component, :] = component elif loss_map_policy is None: # Don't do anything. pass # TODO(AZ): add other loss map policies. else: msg = f'Unknown loss map policy: `{loss_map_policy}`.' raise ValueError(msg) # Assign the loss map to the available loss models self._loss_map = loss_map self.log.msg('Loss map loaded successfully.', prepend_timestamp=True)
[docs] def load_model( self, data_paths: list[str | pd.DataFrame], loss_map: str | pd.DataFrame, decision_variables: tuple[str, ...] | None = None, ) -> None: """<backwards compatibility>.""" self.log.warning( '`load_model` is deprecated and will be dropped in ' 'future versions of pelicun. ' 'Please use `load_model_parameters` instead.' ) self.add_loss_map(loss_map) self.load_model_parameters(data_paths, decision_variables)
[docs] def load_model_parameters( self, data_paths: list[str | pd.DataFrame], decision_variables: tuple[str, ...] | None = None, ) -> None: """ Load loss model parameters. Parameters ---------- data_paths: list of (string | DataFrame) List of paths to data or files with loss model information. Default XY datasets can be accessed as PelicunDefault/XY. Order matters. Parameters defined in prior elements in the list take precedence over the same parameters in subsequent data paths. I.e., place the Default datasets in the back. decision_variables: tuple Defines the decision variables to be included in the loss calculations. Defaults to those supported, but fewer can be used if desired. When fewer are used, the loss parameters for those not used will not be required. """ if decision_variables is not None: # <backwards compatibility> self.decision_variables = decision_variables self.log.warning( 'The `decision_variables` argument has been removed. ' 'Please set your desired decision variables like so: ' '{assessment object}.loss.decision_variables ' "= ('dv1', 'dv2', ...) before calling " '{assessment object}.add_loss_map().' ) self.log.div() self.log.msg('Loading loss parameters...') # replace `PelicunDefault/` flag with default data path data_paths = file_io.substitute_default_path(data_paths) # # load loss parameter data into the models # for data_path in data_paths: self._load_from_data_path(data_path) self.log.msg( 'Loss model parameters loaded successfully.', prepend_timestamp=False ) # # remove items # self.log.msg( 'Removing unused loss model parameters.', prepend_timestamp=False ) assert self._loss_map is not None for loss_model in self._loss_models: # drop unused loss parameter definitions loss_model.drop_unused_loss_parameters(self._loss_map) # remove components with incomplete loss parameters loss_model.remove_incomplete_components() # drop unused damage state columns self.ds_model.drop_unused_damage_states() # # obtain DV units # dv_units: dict = {} if self.ds_model.loss_params is not None: dv_units.update( self.ds_model.loss_params['DV', 'Unit'] .groupby(level=[1]) .first() .to_dict() ) if self.lf_model.loss_params is not None: dv_units.update( self.lf_model.loss_params['DV', 'Unit'] .groupby(level=[1]) .first() .to_dict() ) self.dv_units = dv_units # # convert units # self.log.msg( 'Converting loss model parameter units.', prepend_timestamp=False ) for loss_model in self._loss_models: loss_model.convert_loss_parameter_units() # # verify loss parameter availability # self.log.msg( 'Checking loss model parameter ' 'availability for all components in the asset model.', prepend_timestamp=False, ) self._ensure_loss_parameter_availability()
def _load_from_data_path(self, data_path: str | pd.DataFrame) -> None: if 'bldg_repair_DB' in data_path: data_path = data_path.replace('bldg_repair_DB', 'loss_repair_DB') self.log.warning( '`bldg_repair_DB` is deprecated and will ' 'be dropped in future versions of pelicun. ' 'Please use `loss_repair_DB` instead.' ) data = file_io.load_data( data_path, None, orientation=1, reindex=False, log=self._asmnt.log ) assert isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) # Check for unit consistency data.index.names = ['cmp', 'dv'] units_isolated = data.reset_index()[[('dv', ''), ('DV', 'Unit')]] units_isolated.columns = pd.Index(['dv', 'Units']) units_isolated_grp = units_isolated.groupby('dv')['Units'] unit_counts = units_isolated_grp.nunique() more_than_one = unit_counts[unit_counts > 1] if not more_than_one.empty: raise InconsistentUnitsError # determine if the loss model parameters are for damage # states or loss functions if _is_for_ds_model(data): self.ds_model.load_model_parameters(data) elif _is_for_lf_model(data): self.lf_model.load_model_parameters(data) else: msg = f'Invalid loss model parameters: {data_path}' raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def calculate(self) -> None: """ Calculate the loss of each component block. Note: This method simply calculates the loss of each component block without any special treatment to `replacement` consequences. This can be done at a later step with the `aggregate_losses` method. Raises ------ ValueError If the size of the demand sample and the damage sample don't match. """ self.log.div() self.log.msg('Calculating losses...') # Get the damaged quantities in each damage state for each # component of interest. demand = self._asmnt.demand.sample assert demand is not None demand_offset = self._asmnt.options.demand_offset assert demand_offset is not None nondirectional_multipliers = self._asmnt.options.nondir_multi_dict assert nondirectional_multipliers is not None assert self._asmnt.asset.cmp_sample is not None cmp_sample = self._asmnt.asset.cmp_sample.to_dict('series') cmp_marginal_params = self._asmnt.asset.cmp_marginal_params assert cmp_marginal_params is not None if self._asmnt.damage.ds_model.sample is not None: # TODO(JVM): FIND A WAY to avoid making a copy of this. dmg_quantities = self._asmnt.damage.ds_model.sample.copy() if len(demand) != len(dmg_quantities): msg = ( f'The demand sample contains {len(demand)} realizations, ' f'but the damage sample contains {len(dmg_quantities)}. ' f'Loss calculation cannot proceed when ' f'these numbers are different. ' ) raise ValueError(msg) self.ds_model.calculate(dmg_quantities) self.lf_model.calculate( demand, cmp_sample, cmp_marginal_params, demand_offset, nondirectional_multipliers, ) self.log.msg('Loss calculation successful.')
[docs] def consequence_scaling(self, scaling_specification: str) -> None: """ Apply scale factors to losses. Applies scale factors to the loss sample according to the given scaling specification. The scaling specification should be a path to a CSV file. It should contain a `Decision Variable` column with a specified decision variable in each row. Other optional columns are `Component`, `Location`, `Direction`. Each row acts as an independent scaling operation, with the scale factor defined in the `Scale Factor` column, which is required. If any value is missing in the optional columns, it is assumed that the scale factor should be applied to all entries of the loss sample where the other column values match. For example, if the specification has a single row with `Decision Variable` set to 'Cost', `Scale Factor` set to 2.0, and no other columns, this will double the 'Cost' DV. If instead `Location` was also set to `1`, it would double the Cost of all components that have that location. The columns `Location` and `Direction` can contain ranges, like this: `1--3` means `1`, `2`, and `3`. If a range is used in both `Location` and `Direction`, the factor of that row will be applied once to all combinations. Parameters ---------- scaling_specification: str Path to a CSV file containing the scaling specification. Raises ------ ValueError If required columns are missing or contain NaNs. """ # Specify expected dtypes from the start. dtypes = { 'Decision Variable': 'str', 'Component': 'str', 'Location': 'str', 'Direction': 'str', 'Scale Factor': 'float64', } scaling_specification_df = pd.read_csv(scaling_specification, dtype=dtypes) if ( 'Decision Variable' not in scaling_specification_df.columns or scaling_specification_df['Decision Variable'].isna().any() ): msg = ( 'The `Decision Variable` column is missing ' 'from the scaling specification or contains NaN values.' ) raise ValueError(msg) if ( 'Scale Factor' not in scaling_specification_df.columns or scaling_specification_df['Scale Factor'].isna().any() ): msg = ( 'The `Scale Factor` column is missing ' 'from the scaling specification or contains NaN values.' ) raise ValueError(msg) # Add missing optional columns with NaN values optional_cols = ['Component', 'Location', 'Direction'] for col in optional_cols: if col not in scaling_specification_df.columns: scaling_specification_df[col] = np.nan # Rename the columns to the internally used values name_map = { 'Decision Variable': 'dv', 'Component': 'dmg', 'Location': 'loc', 'Direction': 'dir', 'Scale Factor': 'scaling', } scaling_specification_df = scaling_specification_df.rename(columns=name_map) # Expand ranges in 'loc' and 'dir' def _expand_range(col): # noqa: ANN001, ANN202 if pd.isna(col): return [col] if '--' in col: start, end = (int(x) for x in col.split('--')) return [str(x) for x in range(start, end + 1)] return [col] # Generate all combinations of loc and dir ranges expanded_df = scaling_specification_df.apply( # type: ignore lambda row: pd.DataFrame( list(product(_expand_range(row['loc']), _expand_range(row['dir']))), columns=['loc', 'dir'], ).assign(dv=row['dv'], dmg=row['dmg'], scaling=row['scaling']), axis=1, ) expanded_df = pd.concat(expanded_df.values) # Now, for each unique combination in expanded_df, apply # consequence scaling for _, row in expanded_df.iterrows(): scaling_conditions = { k: row[k] for k in ('dv', 'dmg', 'loc', 'dir') if not pd.isna(row[k]) } self._apply_consequence_scaling( scaling_conditions, row['scaling'], raise_missing=False )
def _apply_consequence_scaling( self, scaling_conditions: dict, scale_factor: float, *, raise_missing: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Apply a scale factor to selected loss sample columns. The scaling conditions are passed as a dictionary mapping level names with their required value for the condition to be met. It has to contain `dv` as one of its keys, defining the decision variable where the factors should be applied. Other valid levels include: - `dmg`: containing a source component name, - `loc`: containing a location, - `dir`: containing a direction, - `uid`: containing a Unique Component ID (UID). If any of the keys is missing, it is assumed that the scaling factor should be applied to all relevant consequences (those matching the remaining values of the hierarchical index). Parameters ---------- scaling_conditions: dict A dictionary mapping level names with a single value. Only the rows where the index levels have the provided values will be affected. The dictionary can be empty, in which case all rows will be affected, or contain only some levels and values, in which case only the matching rows will be affected. scale_factor: float Scale factor to use. raise_missing: bool Raise an error if no rows are matching the given conditions. Raises ------ ValueError If the scaling_conditions dictionary does not contain a `dv` key. """ # make sure we won't apply the same factor to all DVs at once, # highly unlikely anyone would actually want to do this. if 'dv' not in scaling_conditions: msg = ( 'The index of the `scaling_conditions` dictionary ' 'should contain a level named `dv` listing the ' 'relevant decision variable.' ) raise ValueError(msg) for model in self._loss_models: # check if it's empty if model.sample is None: continue # ensure the levels exist (but don't check if specified # values exist yet) for name in scaling_conditions: if name not in model.sample.columns.names: msg = ( f'`scaling_conditions` contains an unknown level: `{name}`.' ) raise ValueError(msg) # apply scale factors base.multiply_factor_multiple_levels( model.sample, scaling_conditions, scale_factor, axis=1, raise_missing=raise_missing, )
[docs] def save_sample( self, filepath: str | None = None, *, save_units: bool = False ) -> None | pd.DataFrame | tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]: """ Save a combined sample of the `ds_model` and `lf_model`. This method handles the storage of a sample of loss estimates, which can either be saved directly to a file or returned as a DataFrame for further manipulation. When saving to a file, additional information such as unit conversion factors and column units can be included. If the data is not being saved to a file, the method can return the DataFrame with or without units as specified. Parameters ---------- filepath: str, optional The path to the file where the loss sample should be saved. If not provided, the sample is not saved to disk but returned. save_units: bool, default: False Indicates whether to include a row with unit information in the returned DataFrame. This parameter is ignored if a file path is provided. Returns ------- None or tuple If `filepath` is provided, the function returns None after saving the data. If no `filepath` is specified, returns: * DataFrame containing the loss sample. * Optionally, a Series containing the units for each column if `save_units` is True. """ self.log.div() if filepath is not None: self.log.msg('Saving loss sample...') assert self.sample is not None assert self.loss_params is not None cmp_units = self.loss_params['DV', 'Unit'].sort_index() dv_units = pd.Series( index=self.sample.columns, name='Units', dtype='object' ).sort_index() valid_dv_types = dv_units.index.unique(level=0) valid_cmp_ids = dv_units.index.unique(level=1) for cmp_id, dv_type in cmp_units.index: if (dv_type in valid_dv_types) and (cmp_id in valid_cmp_ids): dv_units.loc[dv_type, cmp_id] = cmp_units.loc[cmp_id, dv_type] res = file_io.save_to_csv( self.sample, Path(filepath) if filepath is not None else None, units=dv_units, unit_conversion_factors=self._asmnt.unit_conversion_factors, use_simpleindex=(filepath is not None), log=self._asmnt.log, ) if filepath is not None: self.log.msg('Loss sample successfully saved.', prepend_timestamp=False) return None assert isinstance(res, pd.DataFrame) units = res.loc['Units'] res = res.drop('Units') res = res.astype(float) assert isinstance(res, pd.DataFrame) assert isinstance(units, pd.Series) if save_units: return res, units return res
[docs] def load_sample(self, filepath: str | pd.DataFrame) -> None: """ <backwards compatibility>. Saves the sample of the `ds_model`. """ self.log.warning( '`{loss model}.load_sample` is deprecated and will raise ' 'in future versions of pelicun. Please use ' '{loss model}.ds_model.load_sample instead.' ) dv_units = self.ds_model.load_sample(filepath=filepath) self.dv_units = dv_units
[docs] def aggregate_losses( # noqa: C901 self, replacement_configuration: ( tuple[uq.RandomVariableRegistry, dict[str, float]] | None ) = None, loss_combination: dict | None = None, *, future: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame | tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """ Aggregate the losses produced by each component. Parameters ---------- replacement_configuration: Tuple, optional Tuple containing a RandomVariableRegistry and a dictionary. The RandomVariableRegistry is defining building replacement consequence RVs for the active decision variables. The dictionary defines exceedance thresholds. If the aggregated value for a decision variable (conditioned on no replacement) exceeds the threshold, then replacement is triggered. This can happen for multiple decision variables at the same realization. The consequence keyword `replacement` is reserved to represent exclusive triggering of the replacement consequences, and other consequences are ignored for those realizations where replacement is triggered. When assigned to None, then `replacement` is still treated as an exclusive consequence (other consequences are set to zero when replacement is nonzero) but it is not being additionally triggered by the exceedance of any thresholds. The aggregated loss sample contains an additional column with information on whether replacement was already present or triggered by a threshold exceedance for each realization. loss_combination: dict, optional Dictionary defining how losses for specific components should be aggregated for a given decision variable. It has the following structure: {`dv`: {(`c1`, `c2`): `arr`, ...}, ...}, where `dv` is some decision variable, (`c1`, `c2`) is a tuple defining a component pair, `arr` is a NxN numpy array defining a combination table, and `...` means that more key-value pairs with the same schema can exist in the dictionaries. The loss sample is expected to contain columns that include both `c1` and `c2` listed as the component. The combination is applied to all pairs of columns where the components are `c1` and `c2`, and all of the rest of the multiindex levels match (`loc`, `dir`, `uid`). This means, for example, that when combining wind and flood losses, the asset model should contain both a wind and a flood component defined at the same location-direction. `arr` can also be an M-dimensional numpy array where each dimension has length N (NxNx...xN). This structure allows for the loss combination of M components. In this case the (`c1`, `c2`) tuple should contain M elements instead of two. future: bool, optional Defaults to False. When set to True, it enables the updated return type. Notes ----- Regardless of the value of the arguments, this method does not alter the state of the loss model, i.e., it does not modify the values of the `.sample` attributes. Returns ------- dataframe or tuple Dataframe with the aggregated loss of each realization, and another boolean dataframe with information on which DV thresholds were exceeded in each realization, triggering replacement. If no thresholds are specified it only contains False values. The second dataframe is only returned with `future` set to True. """ # TODO(JVM): When we start working on the documentation, # simplify the docstring above and point the relevant detailed # section in the documentation. # validate input if replacement_configuration is not None: self._validate_input_replacement_thresholds(replacement_configuration) # validate loss_combination input if loss_combination is not None: self._validate_input_loss_combination(loss_combination) # # operate on copes of the loss samples to avoid altering them. # if self.ds_model.sample is not None: ds_sample = self.ds_model.sample.copy() else: ds_sample = None if self.lf_model.sample is not None: lf_sample = self.lf_model.sample.copy() else: lf_sample = None def _construct_columns() -> list[str]: columns = [ f'repair_{x.lower()}' for x in self.decision_variables if x != 'Time' ] # Note: The `Time` DV gets special treatment. # create the summary DF if 'Time' in self.decision_variables: columns.extend(('repair_time-sequential', 'repair_time-parallel')) return columns if ds_sample is None and lf_sample is None: self.log.msg('There are no losses.') return pd.DataFrame(0.00, index=[0], columns=_construct_columns()) # # handle `replacement`, regardless of whether # `replacement_thresholds` is empty. (if `replacement` # occurs, we ignore the losses from other componnets) # if ds_sample is not None: self._make_replacement_exclusive(ds_sample, lf_sample) # # combine samples # # levels to preserve (this aggregates `ds` for the ds_model) column_levels = ['dv', 'loss', 'dmg', 'loc', 'dir', 'uid'] combined_sample = self.sample sample = ( combined_sample.groupby(level=column_levels, axis=1) # type: ignore .sum() .sort_index(axis=1) ) # # perform loss combinations (special non-additive # aggregations, e.g., Wind + Flood) # if loss_combination is not None: sample = self._apply_loss_combinations(loss_combination, sample) # # consider replacement threshold values # sample, exceedance_bool_df = self._apply_replacement_thresholds( sample, replacement_configuration ) # Sum-up component losses df_agg = self._aggregate_sample(sample, _construct_columns()) if not future: self.log.warning( '`aggregate_losses` has been expanded to support the ' 'consideration of the exceedance of loss threshold ' 'values leading to asset replacement ' '(like excessive repair costs). The new implementation ' 'returns a tuple where the first element is the ' 'aggregated losses and the second contains information ' 'on which decision variables triggered replacement ' 'considering the specified replacement trhesholds. ' 'To obtain the new output and silence this warning, ' 'please specify `future=True` as an argument to this method.' ) return df_agg return df_agg, exceedance_bool_df
def _validate_input_loss_combination(self, loss_combination: dict) -> None: for dv, combinations in loss_combination.items(): if dv not in self.decision_variables: msg = ( f'`loss_combination` contains the key ' f'`{dv}` which is not found in the active ' f'decision variables. These are: ' f'{self.decision_variables}.' ) raise ValueError(msg) for components, array in combinations.items(): if not isinstance(components, tuple): msg = ( f'Invalid type for components in loss combination ' f'for `{dv}`: {type(components)}. It should be a tuple.' ) raise TypeError(msg) if not all(isinstance(c, str) for c in components): msg = ( f'All elements of the components tuple in loss ' f'combination for `{dv}` should be strings.' ) raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(array, np.ndarray): msg = ( f'Invalid type for array in loss combination ' f'for `{dv}`: {type(array)}. It should be a numpy array.' ) raise TypeError(msg) def _validate_input_replacement_thresholds( self, replacement_configuration: tuple[ uq.RandomVariableRegistry, dict[str, float] ], ) -> None: replacement_consequence_rv_reg, replacement_ratios = ( replacement_configuration ) if not isinstance(replacement_consequence_rv_reg, uq.RandomVariableRegistry): msg = ( f'Invalid type for replacement consequence RV registry: ' f'{type(replacement_consequence_rv_reg)}. It should be ' f'uq.RandomVariableRegistry.' ) raise TypeError(msg) for key in replacement_consequence_rv_reg.RV: if key not in self.decision_variables: msg = ( f'`replacement_consequence_RV_reg` contains the key ' f'`{key}` which is not found in the active ' f'decision variables. These are: ' f'{self.decision_variables}.' ) if self.query_error_setup( 'Loss/ReplacementThreshold/RaiseOnUnknownKeys' ): raise ValueError(msg) self.log.warning(msg) for key in replacement_ratios: if key not in self.decision_variables: msg = ( f'`replacement_ratios` contains the key ' f'`{key}` which is not found in the active ' f'decision variables. These are: ' f'{self.decision_variables}.' ) if self.query_error_setup( 'Loss/ReplacementThreshold/RaiseOnUnknownKeys' ): raise ValueError(msg) self.log.warning(msg) # The replacement_consequence_RV_reg should contain an RV for # all active DVs, regardless of whether there is a replacement # threshold for that DV, because when replacememnt is # triggered, we need to assign a consequence for all DVs. for key in self.decision_variables: if key not in replacement_consequence_rv_reg.RV: msg = f'Missing replacement consequence RV ' f'for `{key}`.' raise ValueError(msg) def _apply_loss_combinations( self, loss_combination: dict, sample: pd.DataFrame ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Perform loss combinations of specified components. This function deconstructs the loss combination arrays, identifies the combinable components, and applies the specified loss combinations to the sample data. The transformed sample, including the combined columns, is returned as a new DataFrame. Parameters ---------- loss_combination: dict A dictionary containing the loss combination information. The structure is nested dictionaries where the outer keys are decision variables, inner keys are components to combine, and the values are array objects representing the combination data. sample: pandas.DataFrame The input DataFrame containing the sample data. The columns are assumed to be a MultiIndex with at least the levels (decision_variable, loss_id, component_id, location, direction, uid). Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A new DataFrame with the combined loss data. """ # deconstruct combination arrays to extract the input domains loss_combination_converted = self._deconstruct_loss_combination_arrays( loss_combination ) # initialize variables # sample as dictionary for fast column retrieval dsample = {col: sample[col] for col in sample.columns} # Transformed sample (includes the combined columns), as # dictionary. Will be turned into a dataframe in the end. # This avoids manipulating the original sample dataframe which # would be slow. dcsample: dict = {} # add columns to the new sample dictionary. # those that should be combined self._loss_combination_add_combinable( dsample, loss_combination_converted, dcsample ) # and the remaining for col, val in dsample.items(): dcsample[col] = val # noqa: PERF403 # turn into a dataframe return pd.DataFrame(dcsample).rename_axis(columns=sample.columns.names) def _loss_combination_add_combinable( self, dsample: dict, loss_combination_converted: dict, dcsample: dict ) -> None: """ Add combinable loss data. This function identifies groups of `loc`-`dir`-`uid` that can be combined for each decision variable and computes the combined loss using interpolation functions. It modifies the given datasets `dsample` and `dcsample` in-place, removing combinable columns from dsample and adding the combined losses to dcsample. Parameters ---------- dsample: dict A dictionary representing the loss sample data, where keys are tuples of the form (decision_variable, loss_id, component_id, location, direction, uid) and values are the corresponding data arrays. loss_combination_converted: dict A dictionary containing loss combination data. The structure is nested dictionaries where the outer keys are decision variables, inner keys are components to combine, and the values are tuples of combination parameters (domains and reference values). dcsample: dict A dictionary to store the combined loss data, where keys are tuples of the form (decision_variable, 'combination', combined_component_string, location, direction, uid) and values are the combined loss data arrays. """ dmg_to_loss = self._map_component_ids_to_loss_ids(dsample) # identify all `loc`-`dir`-`uid`s that can be grouped for each # decision variable. potential_groups = self._identify_potential_groups(dsample) # cache already defined interpolation functions. This obviates # the need to define all of them and we can just define them # on the spot when needed, and reuse them if available. interpolation_function_cache: dict = {} for ( decision_variable, combination_data, ) in loss_combination_converted.items(): for ( components_to_combine, combination_parameters, ) in combination_data.items(): # determine if the components to combine are part of # an available group target_group: dict | None = None for available_group in potential_groups[decision_variable]: # check if `components_to_combine` is a subset of # that available group if frozenset(components_to_combine) <= available_group: target_group = available_group break assert target_group is not None # construct relevant loss sample columns for loc_dir_uid in potential_groups[decision_variable][target_group]: cols = [ (decision_variable, dmg_to_loss[x], x, *loc_dir_uid) for x in target_group ] values = np.column_stack([dsample[col] for col in cols]) # define/get interpolation function if ( interpolation_function_cache.get(components_to_combine) is not None ): interp_func = interpolation_function_cache.get( components_to_combine ) else: domains, reference_values = combination_parameters interp_func = RegularGridInterpolator( domains, reference_values ) assert interp_func is not None combined_loss = interp_func(values) combined_loss_col = ( decision_variable, 'combination', '(' + ', '.join(components_to_combine) + ')', *loc_dir_uid, ) dcsample[combined_loss_col] = combined_loss for col in cols: dsample.pop(col) def _identify_potential_groups(self, dsample: dict) -> dict: # noqa: PLR6301 """ Identify potential groups of `loc`-`dir`-`uid` for each DV. This function identifies all combinations of `loc`-`dir`-`uid` that can be grouped for each decision variable based on the provided data sample. Parameters ---------- dsample: iterable An iterable where each containing tuple contains information about the components and their attributes. The expected format of each tuple is (decision_variable, loss_id, component_id, location, direction, uid). Returns ------- dict A dictionary where keys are decision variables and values are nested dictionaries. The nested dictionaries map frozensets of component IDs to lists of (location, direction, uid) tuples. """ grouped: defaultdict = defaultdict(defaultdict(list).copy) for col in dsample: c_dv, _, c_dmg, c_loc, c_dir, c_uid = col grouped[c_dv][c_loc, c_dir, c_uid].append(c_dmg) # invert so that we have component sets mapped to # `loc`-`dir`-`uid`s. inverted: defaultdict = defaultdict(defaultdict(list).copy) for c_dv in grouped: for loc_dir_uid, component_set in grouped[c_dv].items(): inverted[c_dv][frozenset(component_set)].append(loc_dir_uid) return inverted def _map_component_ids_to_loss_ids(self, dsample: dict) -> dict: # noqa: PLR6301 """ Map component IDs to loss IDs. This function maps components to losses based on the loss sample's columns. It assumes that multiple component IDs can have the same loss ID, but the same component ID cannot have multiple loss IDs. Parameters ---------- dsample: tuple dictionary keys Each tuple contains information about the components and corresponding losses. Returns ------- dict A dictionary where keys are component IDs and values are loss IDs. """ dmg_to_loss = {} for col in dsample: c_loss = col[1] c_dmg = col[2] dmg_to_loss[c_dmg] = c_loss return dmg_to_loss def _deconstruct_loss_combination_arrays(self, loss_combination: dict) -> dict: # noqa: PLR6301 """ Deconstruct loss combination arrays. This function converts a nested dictionary of loss combination arrays into a format suitable for further processing. It extracts the array values and the index information from each array. Parameters ---------- loss_combination: dict A dictionary where keys are decision variables and values are another dictionary. The inner dictionary has keys as components to combine and values as numpy array objects representing the combination data. Returns ------- dict A dictionary with the same structure as the input `loss_combination`. For each decision variable and component combination, the array is replaced with a tuple containing the combination domain and the combination array itself. """ loss_combination_converted: dict = {} for decision_variable, combination_data in loss_combination.items(): loss_combination_converted[decision_variable] = {} for ( components_to_combine, combination_array, ) in combination_data.items(): combination_index = ( combination_array[:, 0], combination_array[0, :], ) loss_combination_converted[decision_variable][ components_to_combine ] = ( combination_index, combination_array, ) return loss_combination_converted def _aggregate_sample(self, sample: pd.DataFrame, columns: list) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Sum up component losses. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Dataframe with the aggregated losses. """ df_agg = pd.DataFrame(index=sample.index, columns=columns) # group results by DV type and location aggregated = sample.groupby( level=['dv', 'loc'], axis=1, # type: ignore ).sum() for decision_variable in self.decision_variables: # Time if ( decision_variable == 'Time' and 'Time' in aggregated.columns.get_level_values('dv') ): df_agg['repair_time-sequential'] = aggregated['Time'].sum(axis=1) df_agg['repair_time-parallel'] = aggregated['Time'].max(axis=1) elif ( decision_variable == 'Time' and 'Time' not in aggregated.columns.get_level_values('dv') ): df_agg = df_agg.drop( ['repair_time-parallel', 'repair_time-sequential'], axis=1 ) # All other elif decision_variable in aggregated.columns.get_level_values('dv'): df_agg[f'repair_{decision_variable.lower()}'] = aggregated[ decision_variable ].sum(axis=1) else: df_agg = df_agg.drop(f'repair_{decision_variable.lower()}', axis=1) # Convert units .. column_measures = [ x.replace('repair_', '') .replace('-sequential', '') .replace('-parallel', '') for x in df_agg.columns.get_level_values(0) ] assert self.dv_units is not None column_units = [self.dv_units[x.title()] for x in column_measures] dv_units = pd.Series(column_units, index=df_agg.columns, name='Units') res = file_io.save_to_csv( df_agg, None, units=dv_units, unit_conversion_factors=self._asmnt.unit_conversion_factors, use_simpleindex=False, log=self._asmnt.log, ) assert isinstance(res, pd.DataFrame) df_agg = res df_agg = df_agg.drop('Units') df_agg = df_agg.astype(float) df_agg_mi = base.convert_to_MultiIndex(df_agg, axis=1) assert isinstance(df_agg_mi, pd.DataFrame) df_agg = df_agg_mi df_agg = df_agg.sort_index(axis=1) df_agg = df_agg.reset_index(drop=True) assert isinstance(df_agg, pd.DataFrame) return df_agg def _apply_replacement_thresholds( # noqa: PLR6301 self, sample: pd.DataFrame, replacement_configuration: ( tuple[uq.RandomVariableRegistry, dict[str, float]] | None ), ) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: # If there is no `replacement_configuration`, simply return. if replacement_configuration is None: # `exceedance_bool_df` is empty in this case. exceedance_bool_df = pd.DataFrame(index=sample.index, dtype=bool) return sample, exceedance_bool_df replacement_consequence_rv_reg, replacement_ratios = ( replacement_configuration ) exceedance_bool_df = pd.DataFrame( # type: ignore data=False, index=sample.index, columns=replacement_consequence_rv_reg.RV.keys(), dtype=bool, ) # Sample replacement consequences from the registry replacement_consequence_rv_reg.generate_sample(len(sample), 'MonteCarlo') sample_dvs = replacement_consequence_rv_reg.RV.keys() for sample_dv in sample_dvs: sub_sample = sample.loc[:, sample_dv] if 'replacement' in sub_sample.columns.get_level_values('loss'): # If `replacement` already exists as a consequence, # determine the realizations where it is non-zero. no_replacement_mask = ( ~(sub_sample['replacement'] > 0.00).any(axis=1).to_numpy() ) no_replacement_columns = ( sub_sample.columns.get_level_values('loss') != 'replacement' ) else: # Otherwise there is no row where we already have replacement no_replacement_mask = np.full(len(sub_sample), fill_value=True) no_replacement_columns = np.full( len(sub_sample.columns), fill_value=True ) # Get the sum to compare with the thresholds consequence_sum_given_no_replacement = sub_sample.iloc[ # type: ignore no_replacement_mask, no_replacement_columns ].sum(axis=1) if not consequence_sum_given_no_replacement.empty: consequence_values = replacement_consequence_rv_reg.RV[ sample_dv ].sample assert consequence_values is not None exceedance_mask = ( consequence_sum_given_no_replacement > consequence_values[no_replacement_mask] * replacement_ratios[sample_dv] ) # Fill the remaining rows with False if len(exceedance_mask) < len(sub_sample): exceedance_mask = exceedance_mask.reindex( sub_sample.index, fill_value=False ) else: exceedance_mask = pd.Series( np.full(len(sub_sample), fill_value=False), index=sub_sample.index, ) # Monitor triggering of replacement exceedance_bool_df[sample_dv] = exceedance_mask # Assign replacement consequences where the threshold has been # exceeded. exceedance_realizations = exceedance_bool_df.any(axis=1) # Assign replacement consequences: needs to include all DVs for other_dv in replacement_consequence_rv_reg.RV: col = ( other_dv, 'replacement', 'threshold_exceedance', '0', '1', '0', ) # If it doesn't exist, initialize and set to 0.00 if col not in sample: sample[col] = 0.00 sample = sample.sort_index(axis=1) # Assign replacement consequences other_sample = replacement_consequence_rv_reg.RV[other_dv].sample assert other_sample is not None sample.loc[exceedance_realizations, col] = other_sample[ exceedance_realizations ] # Remove all other realized consequences from the realizations # where the threshold was exceeded. sample.loc[ exceedance_realizations, sample.columns.get_level_values('dmg') != 'threshold_exceedance', ] = 0.00 return sample, exceedance_bool_df def _make_replacement_exclusive( # noqa: PLR6301 self, ds_sample: pd.DataFrame, lf_sample: pd.DataFrame | None ) -> None: """ Make the replacement consequence exclusive. If `replacement` columns exist in `ds_sample`, this method treats all nonzero loss values driven by `replacement` as exclusive and zeroes-out the loss values of all other columns for the applicable rows. """ # rows where replacement is non-zero replacement_rows: list = [] # columns that correspond to the replacement consequence replacement_columns = ( ds_sample.columns.get_level_values('loss') == 'replacement' ) rows_df = ds_sample.iloc[:, replacement_columns] if not rows_df.empty: replacement_rows = ( np.argwhere(np.any(rows_df.to_numpy() > 0.0, axis=1)) .reshape(-1) .tolist() ) ds_sample.iloc[replacement_rows, ~replacement_columns] = 0.00 # type: ignore if lf_sample is not None: lf_sample.iloc[replacement_rows, :] = 0.00 @property def _loss_models(self) -> tuple[RepairModel_DS, RepairModel_LF]: return (self.ds_model, self.lf_model) @property def _loss_map(self) -> pd.DataFrame | None: """ Returns the loss map. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The loss map. """ # Retrieve the DataFrame from one of the included loss models. # We use a single loss map for all. return self.ds_model.loss_map @_loss_map.setter def _loss_map(self, loss_map: pd.DataFrame) -> None: """ Set the loss map. Parameters ---------- loss_map: pd.DataFrame The loss map. """ # Add the DataFrame to the included loss models. # We use a single loss map for all. for model in self._loss_models: model.loss_map = loss_map @property def _missing(self) -> set[tuple[str, str]]: """ Returns the missing components. Returns ------- set Set containing tuples identifying missing loss parameter definitions. """ return self.ds_model.missing @_missing.setter def _missing(self, missing: set[tuple[str, str]]) -> None: """ Assign missing parameter definitions to the loss models. Parameters ---------- missing: set Set containing tuples identifying missing loss parameter definitions. """ for model in self._loss_models: model.missing = missing def _ensure_loss_parameter_availability(self) -> None: """Make sure that all components have loss parameters.""" # # Repair Models (currently the only type supported) # required = [] assert self._loss_map is not None for dv in self.decision_variables: required.extend( [(component, dv) for component in self._loss_map['Repair']] ) missing_set = set(required) for model in (self.ds_model, self.lf_model): missing_set -= model.get_available() if missing_set: self.log.warning( f'The loss model does not provide ' f'loss information for the following component(s) ' f'in the asset model: {sorted(missing_set)}.' ) self._missing = missing_set
[docs] class RepairModel_Base(PelicunModel): """Base class for loss models.""" __slots__ = [ 'consequence', 'decision_variables', 'loss_map', 'loss_params', 'missing', 'sample', ] def __init__(self, assessment: AssessmentBase) -> None: """ Initialize RepairModel_Base objects. Parameters ---------- assessment: pelicun.AssessmentBase Parent assessment """ super().__init__(assessment) self.loss_params: pd.DataFrame | None = None self.sample: pd.DataFrame | None = None self.consequence = 'Repair' self.decision_variables: tuple[str, ...] = () self.loss_map: pd.DataFrame | None = None self.missing: set = set()
[docs] def load_model_parameters(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> None: """ Load model parameters from a DataFrame. Extends those already available. Parameters already defined take precedence, i.e. redefinitions of parameters are ignored. Parameters ---------- data: DataFrame Data with loss model information. """ data.index.names = ['Loss Driver', 'Decision Variable'] if self.loss_params is not None: data = pd.concat((self.loss_params, data), axis=0) # drop redefinitions of components data = ( data.groupby(level=[0, 1]).first().transform(lambda x: x.fillna(np.nan)) ) # note: .groupby introduces None entries. We replace them with # NaN for consistency. self.loss_params = data
[docs] def drop_unused_loss_parameters(self, loss_map: pd.DataFrame) -> None: """ Remove loss parameter definitions. Applicable to component IDs not present in the loss map. Parameters ---------- loss_map: str or pd.DataFrame or None Path to a csv file or DataFrame object that maps components IDs to their loss parameter definitions. Components in the asset model that are omitted from the provided loss map are mapped to the same ID. """ if self.loss_params is None: return # <backwards compatibility> if 'BldgRepair' in loss_map.columns: loss_map['Repair'] = loss_map['BldgRepair'] loss_map = loss_map.drop('BldgRepair', axis=1) self.log.warning( '`BldgRepair` as a loss map column name is ' 'deprecated and will be dropped in ' 'future versions of pelicun. Please use `Repair` instead.' ) # get a list of unique component IDs cmp_set = set(loss_map['Repair'].unique()) cmp_mask = self.loss_params.index.get_level_values(0).isin(cmp_set, level=0) self.loss_params = self.loss_params.iloc[cmp_mask, :]
[docs] def remove_incomplete_components(self) -> None: """ Remove incomplete components. Removes components that have incomplete loss model definitions from the loss model parameters. """ if self.loss_params is None: return if ('Incomplete', '') not in self.loss_params.columns: return cmp_incomplete_idx = self.loss_params.loc[ self.loss_params['Incomplete', ''] == 1 ].index self.loss_params = self.loss_params.drop(cmp_incomplete_idx) if len(cmp_incomplete_idx) > 0: self.log.msg( f'\n' f'WARNING: Loss model information is incomplete for ' f'the following component(s) ' f'{cmp_incomplete_idx.to_list()}. They ' f'were removed from the analysis.' f'\n', prepend_timestamp=False, )
[docs] def get_available(self) -> set: """ Get a set of components with available loss parameters. Returns ------- set Set of components with available loss parameters. """ if self.loss_params is not None: cmp_list = self.loss_params.index.to_list() return set(cmp_list) return set()
[docs] @abstractmethod def convert_loss_parameter_units(self) -> None: """Convert previously loaded loss parameters to base units."""
[docs] class RepairModel_DS(RepairModel_Base): """Repair consequences for components with damage states.""" __slots__ = ['RV_reg']
[docs] def save_sample( self, filepath: str | None = None, *, save_units: bool = False ) -> None | pd.DataFrame | tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]: """ Save or return the loss sample. This method handles the storage of a sample of loss estimates, which can either be saved directly to a file or returned as a DataFrame for further manipulation. When saving to a file, additional information such as unit conversion factors and column units can be included. If the data is not being saved to a file, the method can return the DataFrame with or without units as specified. Parameters ---------- filepath: str, optional The path to the file where the loss sample should be saved. If not provided, the sample is not saved to disk but returned. save_units: bool, default: False Indicates whether to include a row with unit information in the returned DataFrame. This parameter is ignored if a file path is provided. Returns ------- None or tuple If `filepath` is provided, the function returns None after saving the data. If no `filepath` is specified, returns: * DataFrame containing the loss sample. * Optionally, a Series containing the units for each column if `save_units` is True. """ self.log.div() if filepath is not None: self.log.msg('Saving loss sample...') assert self.sample is not None assert self.loss_params is not None cmp_units = self.loss_params['DV', 'Unit'].sort_index() dv_units = pd.Series( index=self.sample.columns, name='Units', dtype='object' ).sort_index() valid_dv_types = dv_units.index.unique(level=0) valid_cmp_ids = dv_units.index.unique(level=1) for cmp_id, dv_type in cmp_units.index: if (dv_type in valid_dv_types) and (cmp_id in valid_cmp_ids): dv_units.loc[dv_type, cmp_id] = cmp_units.loc[cmp_id, dv_type] res = file_io.save_to_csv( self.sample, Path(filepath) if filepath is not None else None, units=dv_units, unit_conversion_factors=self._asmnt.unit_conversion_factors, use_simpleindex=(filepath is not None), log=self._asmnt.log, ) if filepath is not None: self.log.msg('Loss sample successfully saved.', prepend_timestamp=False) return None assert isinstance(res, pd.DataFrame) units = res.loc['Units'] res = res.drop('Units') res = res.astype(float) assert isinstance(res, pd.DataFrame) assert isinstance(units, pd.Series) if save_units: return res, units return res
[docs] def load_sample(self, filepath: str | pd.DataFrame) -> dict[str, str]: """ Load loss sample data. Parameters ---------- filepath: str Path to an existing sample stored in a file, or dataframe containing the existing sample. Returns ------- dict[str, str] Dictionary mapping each decision variable to its assigned unit. Raises ------ ValueError If the columns have an invalid number of levels. """ names = ['dv', 'loss', 'dmg', 'ds', 'loc', 'dir', 'uid'] self.log.div() self.log.msg('Loading loss sample...') sample, units = file_io.load_data( filepath, self._asmnt.unit_conversion_factors, log=self._asmnt.log, return_units=True, ) assert isinstance(sample, pd.DataFrame) assert isinstance(units, pd.Series) units.index.names = names # Obtain the DV units # Note: we don't need to check for consistency (all rows # having the same unit) since the units are extracted from a # single row in the CSV, affecting all subsequent rows. units_isolated = ( units.reset_index()[['dv', 'Units']] .set_index('dv') .groupby('dv')['Units'] ) dv_units = units_isolated.first().to_dict() # check if `uid` level was provided num_levels = len(sample.columns.names) num_levels_without_uid = 6 num_levels_with_uid = num_levels_without_uid + 1 if num_levels == num_levels_without_uid: sample.columns.names = names[:-1] sample = base.dedupe_index(sample.T).T elif num_levels == num_levels_with_uid: sample.columns.names = names else: msg = ( f'Invalid loss sample: Column MultiIndex ' f'has an unexpected length: {num_levels}' ) raise ValueError(msg) self.sample = sample self.log.msg('Loss sample successfully loaded.', prepend_timestamp=False) return dv_units
[docs] def calculate(self, dmg_quantities: pd.DataFrame) -> None: # noqa: C901 """ Calculate damage consequences. Parameters ---------- dmg_quantities: DataFrame A table with the quantity of damage experienced in each damage state of each performance group at each location and direction. You can use the prepare_dmg_quantities method in the DamageModel to get such a DF. """ assert self.loss_map is not None sample_size = len(dmg_quantities) # If everything is undamaged there are no losses if set(dmg_quantities.columns.get_level_values('ds')) == {'0'}: self.sample = None self.log.msg( 'There is no damage---DV sample is set to None.', prepend_timestamp=False, ) return # calculate the quantities for economies of scale self.log.msg('\nAggregating damage quantities...', prepend_timestamp=False) if self._asmnt.options.eco_scale['AcrossFloors']: if self._asmnt.options.eco_scale['AcrossDamageStates']: eco_levels = [0] eco_columns = ['cmp'] else: eco_levels = [0, 4] eco_columns = ['cmp', 'ds'] elif self._asmnt.options.eco_scale['AcrossDamageStates']: eco_levels = [0, 1] eco_columns = ['cmp', 'loc'] else: eco_levels = [0, 1, 4] eco_columns = ['cmp', 'loc', 'ds'] eco_group = dmg_quantities.groupby(level=eco_levels, axis=1) # type: ignore eco_qnt = eco_group.sum().mask(eco_group.count() == 0, np.nan) assert eco_qnt.columns.names == eco_columns self.log.msg( 'Successfully aggregated damage quantities.', prepend_timestamp=False ) # apply the median functions, if needed, to get median consequences for # each realization self.log.msg( '\nCalculating the median repair consequences...', prepend_timestamp=False, ) medians = self._calc_median_consequence(eco_qnt) self.log.msg( 'Successfully determined median repair consequences.', prepend_timestamp=False, ) # combine the median consequences with the samples of deviation from the # median to get the consequence realizations. self.log.msg( '\nConsidering deviations from the median values to obtain ' 'random DV sample...' ) self.log.msg( 'Preparing random variables for repair consequences...', prepend_timestamp=False, ) self.RV_reg = self._create_DV_RVs(dmg_quantities.columns) # type: ignore if self.RV_reg is not None: assert self._asmnt.options.sampling_method is not None self.RV_reg.generate_sample( sample_size=sample_size, method=self._asmnt.options.sampling_method ) std_sample = base.convert_to_MultiIndex( pd.DataFrame(self.RV_reg.RV_sample), axis=1 ) std_sample.columns.names = ['dv', 'cmp', 'ds', 'loc', 'dir', 'uid'] std_sample = std_sample.sort_index(axis=1) else: std_sample = None self.log.msg( f'\nSuccessfully generated {sample_size} realizations of ' 'deviation from the median consequences.', prepend_timestamp=False, ) res_list = [] key_list: list[tuple[Any, ...]] = [] dmg_quantities.columns = dmg_quantities.columns.reorder_levels( # type: ignore ['cmp', 'ds', 'loc', 'dir', 'uid'] ) dmg_quantities = dmg_quantities.sort_index(axis=1) if std_sample is not None: std_dvs = std_sample.columns.unique(level=0) else: std_dvs = [] for decision_variable in self.decision_variables: # noqa: PLR1702 if decision_variable in std_dvs: assert isinstance(std_sample, pd.DataFrame) prob_cmp_list = std_sample[decision_variable].columns.unique(level=0) else: prob_cmp_list = [] cmp_list: list[tuple[Any, ...]] = [] if decision_variable not in medians: continue for component in medians[decision_variable].columns.unique(level=0): # check if there is damage in the component consequence = self.loss_map.loc[component, 'Repair'] if component not in dmg_quantities.columns.get_level_values('cmp'): continue ds_list = [] for ds in ( medians[decision_variable] .loc[:, component] .columns.unique(level=0) ): loc_list = [] for loc_id, loc in enumerate( dmg_quantities.loc[ :, (component, ds) # type: ignore ].columns.unique(level=0) ): if ( self._asmnt.options.eco_scale['AcrossFloors'] is True ) and (loc_id > 0): break if self._asmnt.options.eco_scale['AcrossFloors'] is True: median_i = medians[decision_variable].loc[ :, (component, ds) ] dmg_i = dmg_quantities.loc[ :, (component, ds) # type: ignore ] if component in prob_cmp_list: assert std_sample is not None std_i = std_sample.loc[ :, ( decision_variable, component, ds, ), # type: ignore ] else: std_i = None else: median_i = medians[decision_variable].loc[ :, (component, ds, loc) ] dmg_i = dmg_quantities.loc[ :, (component, ds, loc) # type: ignore ] if component in prob_cmp_list: assert std_sample is not None std_i = std_sample.loc[ :, ( decision_variable, component, ds, loc, ), # type: ignore ] else: std_i = None if std_i is not None: res_list.append(dmg_i.mul(median_i, axis=0) * std_i) else: res_list.append(dmg_i.mul(median_i, axis=0)) loc_list.append(loc) if self._asmnt.options.eco_scale['AcrossFloors'] is True: ds_list += [ ds, ] else: ds_list += [(ds, loc) for loc in loc_list] if self._asmnt.options.eco_scale['AcrossFloors'] is True: cmp_list += [(consequence, component, ds) for ds in ds_list] else: cmp_list += [ (consequence, component, ds, loc) for ds, loc in ds_list ] if self._asmnt.options.eco_scale['AcrossFloors'] is True: key_list += [ (decision_variable, loss_cmp_i, dmg_cmp_i, ds) for loss_cmp_i, dmg_cmp_i, ds in cmp_list ] else: key_list += [ (decision_variable, loss_cmp_i, dmg_cmp_i, ds, loc) for loss_cmp_i, dmg_cmp_i, ds, loc in cmp_list ] lvl_names = ['dv', 'loss', 'dmg', 'ds', 'loc', 'dir', 'uid'] dv_sample = pd.concat(res_list, axis=1, keys=key_list, names=lvl_names) dv_sample = dv_sample.fillna(0).convert_dtypes() self.log.msg('Successfully obtained DV sample.', prepend_timestamp=False) self.sample = dv_sample
[docs] def convert_loss_parameter_units(self) -> None: """Convert previously loaded loss parameters to base units.""" if self.loss_params is None: return units = self.loss_params['DV', 'Unit'] arg_units = self.loss_params['Quantity', 'Unit'] for column in self.loss_params.columns.unique(level=0): if not column.startswith('DS'): continue params = self.loss_params.loc[:, column].copy() assert isinstance(params, pd.DataFrame) self.loss_params.loc[:, column] = self._convert_marginal_params( params, units, arg_units ).to_numpy()
[docs] def drop_unused_damage_states(self) -> None: """ Remove unused columns. Remove columns from the loss model parameters corresponding to unused damage states. """ if self.loss_params is None: return first_level = self.loss_params.columns.get_level_values(0).unique().to_list() ds_list = [x for x in first_level if x.startswith('DS')] ds_to_drop = [] for damage_state in ds_list: if ( np.all( pd.isna( self.loss_params.loc[ :, # type: ignore idx[damage_state, :], ].values ) ) # Note: When this evaluates to True, when you add `is # True` on the right it suddenly evaluates to # False. We need to figure out why this is happening, # but the way it's written now does what we want in # each case. ): ds_to_drop.append(damage_state) # noqa: PERF401 self.loss_params = self.loss_params.drop(columns=ds_to_drop, level=0)
def _create_DV_RVs( # noqa: N802, C901 self, cases: pd.MultiIndex ) -> uq.RandomVariableRegistry | None: """ Prepare the random variables. Prepare the random variables associated with decision variables, such as repair cost and time. Parameters ---------- cases: MultiIndex Index with cmp-loc-uid-dir-ds descriptions that identify the RVs we need for the simulation. Returns ------- RandomVariableRegistry or None A RandomVariableRegistry containing all the generated random variables necessary for the simulation. If no random variables are generated (due to missing parameters or conditions), returns None. """ # Convert the MultiIndex to a DataFrame case_df = pd.DataFrame(index=cases).reset_index() # maps `cmp` to array of damage states damage_states = case_df.groupby('cmp')['ds'].unique().to_dict() # maps `cmp`-`ds` to tuple of `loc`-`dir`-`uid` tuples loc_dir_uids = ( case_df.groupby(['cmp', 'ds']) .apply( lambda x: tuple( # type: ignore zip( x['loc'], x['dir'], x['uid'], ) ) ) .to_dict() ) damaged_components = set(cases.get_level_values('cmp')) rv_reg = uq.RandomVariableRegistry(self._asmnt.options.rng) rv_count = 0 # for each component in the loss map assert isinstance(self.loss_map, pd.DataFrame) for component, consequence in self.loss_map['Repair'].items(): # if that component does not have realized damage states, # skip it (e.g., this can happen when there is only # `collapse`). if component not in damaged_components: continue # for each DV for decision_variable in self.decision_variables: # If loss parameters are missing for that consequence, # don't estimate losses for it. A warning has already # been issued for what is missing. if (consequence, decision_variable) in self.missing: continue # If loss parameters are missing for that consequence, # for this particular loss model, they will exist in # the other(s). assert self.loss_params is not None if (consequence, decision_variable) not in self.loss_params.index: continue # load the corresponding parameters parameters = ( self.loss_params.loc[(consequence, decision_variable), :] .dropna() .to_dict() ) for ds in damage_states[component]: if ds == '0': continue ds_family = parameters.get((f'DS{ds}', 'Family')) ds_theta = [ theta for t_i in range(3) if (theta := parameters.get((f'DS{ds}', f'Theta_{t_i}'))) is not None ] # If there is no RV family we don't need an RV if ds_family is None: continue # If the first parameter is controlled by a function, we use # 1.0 in its place and will scale the results in a later # step if isinstance(ds_theta[0], str) and '|' in ds_theta[0]: ds_theta[0] = 1.0 loc_dir_uid = loc_dir_uids[component, ds] for loc, direction, uid in loc_dir_uid: # assign RVs rv_reg.add_RV( uq.rv_class_map(ds_family)( # type: ignore name=( f'{decision_variable}-{component}-' f'{ds}-{loc}-{direction}-{uid}' ), theta=np.array(ds_theta), truncation_limits=np.array([0.0, np.nan]), ) ) rv_count += 1 # assign Time-Cost correlation whenever applicable rho = self._asmnt.options.rho_cost_time if rho != 0.0: for rv_tag in rv_reg.RV: if not rv_tag.startswith('Cost'): continue component = rv_tag.split('-')[1] ds = rv_tag.split('-')[2] loc = rv_tag.split('-')[3] direction = rv_tag.split('-')[4] uid = rv_tag.split('-')[5] time_rv_tag = rv_tag.replace('Cost', 'Time') if time_rv_tag in rv_reg.RV: rv_reg.add_RV_set( uq.RandomVariableSet( f'DV-{component}-{ds}-{loc}-{direction}-{uid}_set', list(rv_reg.RVs([rv_tag, time_rv_tag]).values()), np.array([[1.0, rho], [rho, 1.0]]), ) ) self.log.msg( f'\n{rv_count} random variables created.', prepend_timestamp=False ) if rv_count > 0: return rv_reg return None def _calc_median_consequence(self, eco_qnt: pd.DataFrame) -> dict: # noqa: C901 """ Calculate median reiapr consequences. Calculate the median repair consequences for each loss component based on its quantity realizations and the associated loss parameters. Parameters ---------- eco_qnt: DataFrame A DataFrame containing quantity realizations for various components and damage states, appropriately grouped to account for economies of scale. decision_variables: list Defines the decision variables to be included in the loss calculations. Defaults to those supported, but fewer can be used if desired. When fewer are used, the loss parameters for those not used will not be required. Returns ------- dict A dictionary where keys are the types of decision variables (DV) like 'COST' or 'TIME', and values are DataFrames containing the median consequences for each component and damage state. These DataFrames are structured with MultiIndex columns that may include 'cmp' (component), 'ds' (damage state), and potentially 'loc' (location), depending on the way economies of scale are handled. Raises ------ ValueError If any loss driver types or distribution types are not recognized, or if the parameters are incomplete or unsupported. """ medians = {} for decision_variable in self.decision_variables: cmp_list = [] median_list = [] assert self.loss_map is not None for loss_cmp_id, loss_cmp_name in self.loss_map['Repair'].items(): if (loss_cmp_name, decision_variable) in self.missing: continue if loss_cmp_id not in eco_qnt.columns.get_level_values(0).unique(): continue ds_list = [] sub_medians = [] assert self.loss_params is not None for ds in self.loss_params.columns.get_level_values(0).unique(): if not ds.startswith('DS'): continue ds_id = ds[2:] if ds_id == '0': continue loss_params_ds = self.loss_params.loc[ (loss_cmp_name, decision_variable), ds ] # check if theta_0 is defined theta_0 = loss_params_ds.get('Theta_0', np.nan) if pd.isna(theta_0): continue # check if the distribution type is supported family = loss_params_ds.get('Family', np.nan) if (not pd.isna(family)) and ( family not in {'normal', 'lognormal', 'deterministic'} ): msg = ( f'Loss Distribution of type {family} ' f'not supported.' ) raise ValueError(msg) # If theta_0 is a scalar try: theta_0 = float(theta_0) if pd.isna(loss_params_ds.get('Family', np.nan)): # if theta_0 is constant, then use it directly f_median = _prep_constant_median_DV(theta_0) else: # otherwise use a constant 1.0 as the median # The random variable will be generated as a # variation from this 1.0 and added in a later step. f_median = _prep_constant_median_DV(1.0) except ValueError: # otherwise, use the multilinear function all_vals = np.array( [val.split(',') for val in theta_0.split('|')], dtype=float, ) medns = all_vals[0] qnts = all_vals[1] f_median = _prep_bounded_multilinear_median_DV(medns, qnts) # get the corresponding aggregate damage quantities # to consider economies of scale if 'ds' in eco_qnt.columns.names: avail_ds = eco_qnt.loc[ :, # type: ignore loss_cmp_id, ].columns.unique(level=0) if ds_id not in avail_ds: continue eco_qnt_i = eco_qnt.loc[ :, # type: ignore (loss_cmp_id, ds_id), ].copy() else: eco_qnt_i = eco_qnt.loc[ :, # type: ignore loss_cmp_id, ].copy() if isinstance(eco_qnt_i, pd.Series): eco_qnt_i = eco_qnt_i.to_frame() eco_qnt_i.columns = ['X'] = 'del' # generate the median values for each realization eco_qnt_i.loc[:, :] = f_median(eco_qnt_i.values) # type: ignore sub_medians.append(eco_qnt_i) ds_list.append(ds_id) if len(ds_list) > 0: # combine medians across damage states into one DF median_list.append(pd.concat(sub_medians, axis=1, keys=ds_list)) cmp_list.append(loss_cmp_id) if len(cmp_list) > 0: # combine medians across components into one DF result = pd.concat(median_list, axis=1, keys=cmp_list) # remove the extra column header level if 'del' in result.columns.names: result.columns = result.columns.droplevel('del') # name the remaining column header levels if eco_qnt.columns.names == ['cmp', 'ds', 'loc']: result.columns.names = ['cmp', 'ds', 'loc'] else: result.columns.names = ['cmp', 'ds'] # save the results to the returned dictionary medians.update({decision_variable: result}) return medians
[docs] class RepairModel_LF(RepairModel_Base): """Repair consequences for components with loss functions.""" __slots__ = []
[docs] def calculate( self, demand_sample: pd.DataFrame, cmp_sample: dict, cmp_marginal_params: pd.DataFrame, demand_offset: dict, nondirectional_multipliers: dict, ) -> None: """ Calculate repair consequences. Parameters ---------- demand_sample: pd.DataFrame The sample of the demand model to be used for the inputs of the loss functions. cmp_sample: dict Dict mapping each `cmp`-`loc`-`dir`-`uid` to the component quantity realizations in the asset model in the form of pd.Series objects. cmp_marginal_params: pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing component marginal distribution parameters. demand_offset: dict Dictionary specifying the demand offset. nondirectional_multipliers: dict Dictionary specifying the non directional multipliers used to combine the directional demands. """ if self.loss_params is None: return assert self.loss_map is not None loss_map = self.loss_map['Repair'].to_dict() sample_size = len(demand_sample) # TODO(JVM): this can be taken out and simply passed as blocks in # the arguments, and cast to a dict in here. Index can be # obtained from there. index = [ x for x in cmp_marginal_params.index.get_level_values(0) if loss_map.get(x) in self.loss_params.index ] # If `Blocks` information is unspecified add one block per # component. if 'Blocks' not in cmp_marginal_params.columns: cmp_marginal_params['Blocks'] = 1 blocks = cmp_marginal_params.loc[index, 'Blocks'].to_dict() performance_group_dict = {} for (component, location, direction, uid), num_blocks in blocks.items(): for decision_variable in self.decision_variables: if (component, decision_variable) in self.missing: continue performance_group_dict[ (component, decision_variable), location, direction, uid ] = num_blocks if not performance_group_dict: self.log.msg( 'No loss function-driven components---LF sample is set to None.', prepend_timestamp=False, ) return performance_group = pd.DataFrame( # type: ignore performance_group_dict.values(), index=performance_group_dict.keys(), columns=['Blocks'], ) performance_group.index.names = ['cmp', 'loc', 'dir', 'uid'] required_edps = base.invert_mapping( _get_required_demand_type( self.loss_params, performance_group, demand_offset ) ) available_edps = ( pd.DataFrame(index=demand_sample.columns) .reset_index() .groupby(['type', 'loc'])['dir'] .agg(lambda x: list(set(x))) .to_dict() ) # Raise an error if demand sample is missing necessary entries. _verify_edps_available(available_edps, set(required_edps.values())) demand_dict = _assemble_required_demand_data( set(required_edps.values()), nondirectional_multipliers, demand_sample, ) self.log.msg( '\nCalculating the median repair consequences...', prepend_timestamp=False, ) medians = self._calc_median_consequence( performance_group, loss_map, required_edps, demand_dict, cmp_sample ) self.log.msg( 'Successfully determined median repair consequences.', prepend_timestamp=False, ) self.log.msg( '\nConsidering deviations from the median values to obtain ' 'random DV sample...' ) self.log.msg( 'Preparing random variables for repair cost and time...', prepend_timestamp=False, ) rv_reg = self._create_DV_RVs(medians.columns) # type: ignore if rv_reg is not None: assert self._asmnt.options.sampling_method is not None rv_reg.generate_sample( sample_size=sample_size, method=self._asmnt.options.sampling_method ) std_sample = base.convert_to_MultiIndex( pd.DataFrame(rv_reg.RV_sample), axis=1 ) std_sample.columns.names = [ 'dv', 'loss', 'dmg', 'loc', 'dir', 'uid', 'block', ] std_sample = std_sample.sort_index(axis=1) sample = (medians * std_sample).combine_first(medians) else: sample = medians self.log.msg( f'\nSuccessfully generated {sample_size} realizations of ' 'deviation from the median consequences.', prepend_timestamp=False, ) # sum up the block losses sample = sample.groupby( # type: ignore by=['dv', 'loss', 'dmg', 'loc', 'dir', 'uid'], axis=1 ).sum() self.log.msg('Successfully obtained DV sample.', prepend_timestamp=False) self.sample = sample return
[docs] def convert_loss_parameter_units(self) -> None: """Convert previously loaded loss parameters to base units.""" if self.loss_params is None: return units = self.loss_params['DV', 'Unit'] arg_units = self.loss_params['Demand', 'Unit'] column = 'LossFunction' params = self.loss_params[column].copy() assert isinstance(params, pd.DataFrame) self.loss_params.loc[:, column] = self._convert_marginal_params( params, units, arg_units, divide_units=False, ).to_numpy() return
def _calc_median_consequence( self, performance_group: pd.DataFrame, loss_map: dict, required_edps: dict, demand_dict: dict, cmp_sample: dict, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculate median repair consequences. Calculates the median repair consequences for each loss function-driven component based on its quantity realizations and the associated loss parameters. Parameters ---------- performance_group: pd.DataFrame Dataframe with a single column `Blocks` containing an integer for the number of blocks of each (`cmp`-`decision_variable`)-`loc`-`dir`-`uid`. loss_map: dict Dictionary mpping component IDs, `cmp`, to their repair consequences. required_edps: dict Dictionary mapping (`cmp`-`realization`)-`loc`-`dir`-`uid` (each entry of the `performance_group`'s index) with the EDP name (e.g., `PFA-1-1`) that should be used as its loss function input. demand_dict: dict Dictionary mapping each EDP name to the values in the demand sample in the form of numpy arrays. cmp_sample: dict Dict mapping each `cmp`-`loc`-`dir`-`uid` to the component quantity realizations in the asset model in the form of pd.Series objects. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Dataframe with medial loss for loss-function driven components. Raises ------ ValueError If loss function interpolation fails. """ medians_dict = {} # for each component in the asset model component: str decision_variable: str location: str direction: str uid: str blocks: int for ( # type: ignore (component, decision_variable), location, direction, uid, ), blocks in performance_group['Blocks'].items(): consequence = loss_map[component] edp = required_edps[ (consequence, decision_variable), location, direction, uid ] edp_values = demand_dict[edp] assert self.loss_params is not None loss_function_str = self.loss_params.loc[ (component, decision_variable), ('LossFunction', 'Theta_0') ] assert isinstance(loss_function_str, str) try: median_loss = base.stringterpolation(loss_function_str)(edp_values) except ValueError as exc: msg = ( f'Loss function interpolation for consequence ' f'`{consequence}-{decision_variable}` has failed. ' f'Ensure a sufficient interpolation domain ' f'for the X values (those after the `|` symbol) ' f'and verify the X-value and Y-value lengths match.' ) raise ValueError(msg) from exc for block in range(blocks): medians_dict[ decision_variable, consequence, component, location, direction, uid, str(block), ] = ( median_loss * cmp_sample[component, location, direction, uid].to_numpy() / float(blocks) ) medians = pd.DataFrame(medians_dict) medians.columns.names = ['dv', 'loss', 'dmg', 'loc', 'dir', 'uid', 'block'] return medians.sort_index(axis=1) def _create_DV_RVs( # noqa: N802 self, cases: pd.MultiIndex ) -> uq.RandomVariableRegistry | None: """ Prepare the decision variable random variables. Prepares the random variables associated with decision variables, such as repair cost and time. Parameters ---------- cases: MultiIndex Index with `dv`-`loss`-`dmg`-`loc`-`dir`-`uid` entries that identify the RVs we need for the simulation (columns of the `medians` dataframe). Returns ------- RandomVariableRegistry or None A RandomVariableRegistry containing all the generated random variables necessary for the simulation. If no random variables are generated (due to missing parameters or conditions), returns None. """ rv_reg = uq.RandomVariableRegistry(self._asmnt.options.rng) rv_count = 0 # for each component in the loss map for ( decision_variable, consequence, component, location, direction, uid, block, ) in cases: # load the corresponding parameters assert self.loss_params is not None parameters = self.loss_params.loc[(consequence, decision_variable), :] if ('LossFunction', 'Family') not in parameters: # Everything is deterministic, no need to create RVs. continue family = parameters.loc['LossFunction', 'Family'] theta = [ theta_value for t_i in range(3) if (theta_value := parameters.get(('LossFunction', f'Theta_{t_i}'))) is not None ] # If there is no RV family we don't need an RV if pd.isna(family): continue # Since the first parameter is controlled by a function, # we use 1.0 in its place and will scale the results in a # later step. theta[0] = 1.0 # type: ignore # assign RVs rv_reg.add_RV( uq.rv_class_map(family)( # type: ignore name=( f'{decision_variable}-{consequence}-' f'{component}-{location}-{direction}-{uid}-{block}' ), theta=np.array(theta), truncation_limits=np.array([0.0, np.nan]), ) ) rv_count += 1 # assign Time-Cost correlation whenever applicable rho = self._asmnt.options.rho_cost_time if rho != 0.0: for rv_tag in rv_reg.RV: if not rv_tag.startswith('Cost'): continue split = rv_tag.split('-') consequence = split[1] component = split[2] location = split[3] direction = split[4] uid = split[5] block = split[6] time_rv_tag = rv_tag.replace('Cost', 'Time') if time_rv_tag in rv_reg.RV: rv_reg.add_RV_set( uq.RandomVariableSet( ( f'DV-{consequence}-{component}-' f'{location}-{direction}-{uid}-{block}_set' ), list(rv_reg.RVs([rv_tag, time_rv_tag]).values()), np.array([[1.0, rho], [rho, 1.0]]), ) ) self.log.msg( f'\n{rv_count} random variables created.', prepend_timestamp=False ) if rv_count > 0: return rv_reg return None
def _prep_constant_median_DV(median: float) -> Callable: # noqa: N802 """ Return a constant median Decision Variable (DV) function. Parameters ---------- median: float The median DV for a consequence function with fixed median. Returns ------- callable A function that returns the constant median DV for all component quantities. """ def f(*args): # noqa: ANN002, ANN202, ARG001 return median return f def _prep_bounded_multilinear_median_DV( # noqa: N802 medians: np.ndarray, quantities: np.ndarray ) -> Callable: """ Return a bounded multilinear median Decision Variable (DV) function. The median DV equals the min and max values when the quantity is outside of the prescribed quantity bounds. When the quantity is within the bounds, the returned median is calculated by linear interpolation. Parameters ---------- medians: ndarray Series of values that define the y coordinates of the multilinear DV function. quantities: ndarray Series of values that define the component quantities corresponding to the series of medians and serving as the x coordinates of the multilinear DV function. Returns ------- callable A function that returns the median DV given the quantity of damaged components. """ def f(quantity): # noqa: ANN001, ANN202 if quantity is None: msg = ( 'A bounded linear median Decision Variable function called ' 'without specifying the quantity of damaged components' ) raise ValueError(msg) q_array = np.asarray(quantity, dtype=np.float64) # calculate the median consequence given the quantity of damaged # components return np.interp(q_array, quantities, medians) return f def _is_for_lf_model(data: pd.DataFrame) -> bool: """ Determine if the data are for the lf_model. Parameters ---------- data: pd.DataFrame Data to be checked. Returns ------- bool Whether the data are for the lf_model. """ return 'LossFunction' in data.columns.get_level_values(0) def _is_for_ds_model(data: pd.DataFrame) -> bool: """ Determine if the data are for the ds_model. Parameters ---------- data: pd.DataFrame Data to be checked. Returns ------- bool Whether the data are for the ds_model. """ return 'DS1' in data.columns.get_level_values(0)