Parses the information provided in the BIM model. |
- pelicun.tests.dl_calculation.rulesets.MetaVarRulesets.parse_BIM(BIM_in, location, hazards)[source]
Parses the information provided in the BIM model.
The atrributes below list the expected metadata in the BIM file
- Parameters:
- location: str
Supported locations: NJ - New Jersey LA - Louisiana
- hazard: list of str
Supported hazard types: “wind”, “inundation”
- BIM attributes:
- NumberOfStories: str
Number of stories
- YearBuilt: str
Year of construction.
- RoofShape: {‘hip’, ‘hipped’, ‘gabled’, ‘gable’, ‘flat’}
One of the listed roof shapes that best describes the building.
- OccupancyType: str
Occupancy type.
- BuildingType: str
Core construction material type
- DWSII: float
Design wind speed II as per ASCE 7 in mph
- Area: float
Plan area in ft2.
- LULC: integer
Land Use/Land Cover category (typically location-specific)
- Returns:
- BIM: dictionary
Parsed building characteristics.