1.1. Install on Windows 10

This version of the HydroUQ app uses OpenFOAM for pre-processing the CFD model. Backend mesh generation and visualization, which the GUI relies on, are powered by OpenFOAM-10 and OpenFOAM-7’s built-in meshing tools.


The packaged distribution of OpenFOAM is only available for Linux systems. To install OpenFOAM on Microsoft Windows 10, the user needs to use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). WSL will provide a virtual environment for running Linux applications on Windows.

1.1.3. Install OpenFOAM for Windows

To install OpenFOAM-10 and OpenFOAM-7 on Windows 10, follow the instructions below:

  1. First, open PowerShell from the start menu and run it as an administrator. Then, in the command window type wsl --install which will install all the necessary Linux features. For detailed instructions please follow Install WSL.

  2. Open WSL from the start menu and run the following commands on the opened terminal window.

sudo sh -c "wget -O - http://dl.openfoam.org/gpg.key | apt-key add -"
sudo add-apt-repository http://dl.openfoam.org/ubuntu
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openfoam10
sudo apt-get install openfoam7

Further instructions can be found in OpenFOAM.org.

1.1.4. Download the Application

Navigate to the HydroUQ Download page, which should resemble Fig., for a list of downloadable files and directories. Click the Windows_Download.zip file and select Download in the pop-up window’s bottom right.

HydroUQ tool download page

Fig. HydroUQ tool download page.

After downloading, extract the zip file to your preferred location, such as C:/SimCenter/. You can create and move a shortcut of the HydroUQ.exe to your Desktop for convenience.


Use an external compressor like 7-Zip for faster extraction than the default Windows function.

1.1.5. Test the Installation

After installation, perform basic checks by running the HydroUQ.exe from the installation directory.


Since the SimCenter is not registered as a Windows vendor, our applications may trigger a warning about unsigned applications from unknown sources when you start the HydroUQ app application for the first time. It is safe to bypass this warning for SimCenter applications.

Launch the application to view the user interface as shown in Fig. It’s recommended to run the Feature - Stochastic Wave Loading on a Simple Structure - Stochastic Wave Spectra to ensure proper operation.


Fig. HydroUQ tool on startup in Windows 10

1.1.6. Troubleshooting

If the test example fails, refer to troubleshooting.


Analysis failure may be due to the local working directory path defined in the preference menu. Check for:

  • Avoid setting the local working directory under cloud-synced folders like OneDrive or Box, which may cause file-not-found errors.

  • Avoid including non-alphabetic characters or spaces in the path, which may potentially lead to encoding or file-not-found errors.

  • Avoid setting the local working directory on a different drive than the app executable (.exe), which may result in permission errors , e.g. the executable is under the C drive, and the working directory is under the E drive.