7. Release Notes¶
7.1. Version 5.2.0 (Current)¶
Release date: November 2024
Inclusion of Residual Demand model for post-disaster traffic flow simulation
7.2. Version 5.3.0 (Current)¶
Release date: Feb 2025
Added Power Network for a HAZUS damage assessment.
Integration of pyrecodes software for performing Recovery simulation post event.
7.3. Version 5.2.0¶
Release date: December 2025
A traffic flow simulator was integrated to assess the impact of natural hazards on highway transportation services. The Residual Demand Simulator, based on pseudo-equilibrium dynamic traffic assignment theory, was originally developed by Zhao et al. (2019).
The HAZUS-style highway bridge analysis was improved by applying capacity scaling factors, such as skewness, spectral shape, and 3D effect factors, as defined in the HAZUS technical manual. The refined bridge analysis now fully aligns with FEMA’s HAZUS methodology.
7.4. Version 5.1.0¶
Release date: September 2024
Inclusion of REWET for recovery of water networks after event (WBS,,, and
Add Datasets to Simulate High-Resolution Damages and Losses in Buried Pipeline Networks (WBS Expansion of the SimCenter Damage and Loss Model Library to include detailed water pipeline damage and loss models.
Revise interface to review uncertainty in recovery response (WBS
Add the capacity spectrum method to for building seismic performance estimation (R2D.3.2)
Develop Multi-Fidelity Models in Regional Simulations (WBS Allowing multiple fidelities of models in a single regional analysis by allowing user-defined OpenSees models for a subset of buildings in the region to run in workflows.
7.5. Version 5.0.0¶
Release date: August 2024
A needed release for changes required to interact with DesignSafe and new TapisV3 interface.
Due to AI generated spam on message board, users now directed to post questions using github discussions.
A procedure for estimating shear-induced seismic slope displacement for shallow crustal earthquakes is added to the earthquake event generation tool.
7.6. Version 4.1.0¶
Release date: April 2024
Enhanced earthquake event generation toolbox to include simulation of Peak Ground Velocity (PGV) and liquefaction-induced Permanent Ground Deformation (PGD).
Improved BRAILS-Buildings widget for more flexible interaction with BRAILS building inventory generation capabilities, allowing:
Import of footprint and building data from OpenStreetMaps, Microsoft Global Building Footprints dataset, FEMA USA Structures, and user-specified data sources.
Use of National Structures Inventory data or other user-specified data to create a baseline building inventory.
Requesting specific attributes for inventory generation.
Updated the damage and loss engine Pelicun to version 3.3.
7.7. Version 4.0.1¶
Release date: January 2024
Added support for transportation infrastructure assessment.
Revised earthquake scenario simulation tool interface.
Introduced Brails-Transportation tool for transportation infrastructure inventory generation.
Integration of PreTrained Surrogate Models from EE-UQ for structural analysis.
7.8. Version 3.0.0¶
Release date: May 2023
Interface revision with a new Tools section and reorganization of existing applications.
Addition of Hazard Occurrence Model for earthquake selection.
Updated input file format to support multiple asset types with multiple asset subtypes.
7.9. Version 2.2.0¶
Release date: September 2022
Enhanced data acquisition from Census and ARC.
Updated ground motion input options for OpenQuake.
7.10. Version 2.1.0¶
Release date: March 2022
Regional site response analysis capability for motion translation from rock to surface.
Hazard import as raster.
Custom fragility function support in Pelicun DL framework.
Tsunami hazard support.
Import population demographics from census and integration with building inventory.
7.11. Version 2.0.0¶
Release date: December 2021
Integration of QGIS into R2D, enabling:
Loading of various GIS files for visualization and information extraction.
Post-process results based on advanced queries and expression filters.
External database joining to GIS features for enhanced pre- and post-processing.
Export of GIS layers in multiple formats for external GIS application viewing.
Advanced query and expression-based asset filtering for analysis inclusion.
OpenQuake source selection tool enhancements:
Scenario-Based and Classical Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis using OpenQuake for intensity measure calculation.
Building inventory import widget supporting ShapeFile format.
Note: Version updates to 2.0.0 are critical as older versions will not run on design-safe due to backend changes.
7.12. Version 1.0.0¶
Initial Release for earthquake impact assessment on regions:
Earthquake Scenario application for ground motion selection based on PEER NGA & user-defined inputs.
User-defined building inventory input.
Building modeling with MDOF-LU.
Building loss estimation utilizing Pelicun and Hazus fragilities and consequence functions.