1. San Francisco, CA


The SimCenter was financially supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grant CMMI-1612843. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. National Science Foundation. We would like to acknowledge (1) the contributions and collaboration with many faculty, post-doctoral researchers, students, and staff who have contributed to the SimCenter’s work, and (2) the support and close collaboration with DesignSafe, which facilitates access to high-performance computing and information technologies for SimCenter tools.

Table 1.1 Documentation Version History


Release Date




Initial release


This documentation is intended to introduce the implementation of the SimCenter’s earthquake regional loss modeling workflow in the context of San Francisco, California.

The San Francisco Bay Area encompasses three large cities: San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose, which together with the surrounding communities have a population of about 7.7 million people. The seismic hazard in the San Francisco Bay Area is dominated by the San Andreas and Hayward faults that straddle the region. The San Andreas Fault is located just to the west of San Francisco and is capable of a magnitude Mw 8 earthquake, such as the Mw 7.8 event that occurred in 1906. The Hayward Fault, which runs up the eastern edge of the Bay Area, is capable of a magnitude Mw 7 earthquake, such as the Mw 6.7 event that occurred in 1868. Recently, the USGS completed an earthquake scenario study for a Mw 7 event on the Hayward fault, which provided an opportunity to contrast existing regional assessment methods with the SimCenter’s computational workflow.

The SimCenter workflow tools were applied to assess the performance of 1.84 M buildings in the San Francisco Bay Area due to a Mw 7.0 earthquake rupture on the Hayward fault. Probabilistic assessment of earthquake consequences with building (parcel) level resolution at this scale is only feasible using high-performance computing resources, which is facilitated by SimCenter’s regional Workflow for Hazard and Loss Estimation (rWHALE, [Elhadded19]). The testbed focuses on the assessment of response, damage, repair costs, and repair times for all 1.84 M buildings in the simulation.


Elhaddad, W., McKenna, F., Rynge, M., Lowe, J. B., Wang, C., and Zsarnoczay, A. (2019). NHERI-SimCenter/WorkflowRegionalEarthquake: rWHALE (Version v1.1.0). http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2554610