4.6. Tsunami Debris Motion Through a Scaled Port Setting - WU TWB Digital Twin - MPM

Problem files


4.6.1. Outline

Example to demonstrate how to run a MPM simulation to determine loads on an array of port buildings during a tsunami with respect to debris impacts and damming. After, we perform an OpenSees simulation of one building assuming uncertainties in the building properties.

The Waseda University Tsunami Wave Basin (WU TBW) flume is 4 meters wide (from X=-2m to X=2 m), 1 meter tall (Z=0.0m to Z=1.0m), and 9 meters long (Y=0.0m to Y=9.0m).

The case is initialized with a still water level of 0.23 meters.

Results for free surface, velocity, and pressure, as well as structural load forces, are output at a specified interval to match experimental instruments.


Fig. Simulation of MPM debris impacts on one row of five obstacles


Fig. Schematic of the flume and sensor locations


Fig. Smart debris used in experiments

4.6.2. Simulation

Simulation Time: 6 seconds - Ran on TACC Lonestar6, 56 processors, 3 NVIDIA A100 GPUs, 1 node -> Real Time: 1hr, 20 minutes

The case can be run for as long as desired, but mind that the longer the case runs, the longer the postprocessing routines will be.

In order to retrieve results from the analysis, the analysis must complete and postprocess the model output files into a VTK format before the end of the allotted submission time.

Provide a large amount of time for the ‘Max Run Time’ field in HydroUQ when submitting a job to ensure the model completes before the time allotted runs out!

Be aware that the smaller the OpenFOAM Outputs and OpenSees Outputs ‘Time Interval’ value is, the longer the post-processing of the case will take after analysis has been completed, and the larger the results.zip folder will be.


Use caution when requesting sensors and using high sampling rates. Only ask for what you need, or you will end up with massive amounts of data.

4.6.3. Analysis

Retrieving the results.zip folder from the Tools and Applications Page of Design Safe..


Fig. Locating the job files on DesignSafe

Check if the job has finished. If it has, click ‘More info’.


Fig. Once the job is finished, the output files should be available in the directory to which the analysis results were sent

Find the files by clicking ‘View’.


Fig. Locating this directory is easy.

Move the results.zip to somewhere in My Data/. Use the Extractor tool available on DesignSafe. Unzip the results.zip folder.


OR Download the results.zip folder to your PC and unzip to look at the model results.


Fig. Download the results to look at the VTK files of the analysis. This will include OpenFOAM and OpenSees field data and model geometry

Extract the Zip folder either on DesignSafe or on your local machine. You will need Paraview to view the model data.


Fig. Locate the zip folder and extract it to somewhere convenient

4.6.4. References