1.1. Install on Windows 10

1.1.1. Install Java


Java is needed to use OpenSHA to characterize the regional seismic hazard (see Earthquake Scenario Simulation). If you do not plan to use that feature, you can skip this step of the installation.

If you have not yet installed Java, please download the installer from Java website. The version 16.0.2 has been tested to be working with the latest R2D app. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Java. If you run into a JVM error that suggests setting JAVA_HOME environment variable, you can do so per this link


The Java website should automatically detect your operating system and offer the corresponding installer for you to download. Make sure you see “64-bit Java for Windows” at the top of the page before downloading the installer.

1.1.3. Download the Application

To download the R2D app, navigate to the R2D Download page which should resemble figDownload-R2D. The download page contains a list of downloadable files and directories.


Fig. R2DTool download page.

Click on the file with a name ending with Windows_Download.zip to download the R2D app. In the pop-up window, click on the Download button in the bottom right corner.

After the download is completed, extract the zip archive to a location in your filesystem. We suggest extracting it to the C:/SimCenter/ folder. You can create a shortcut that points to the R2D.exe executable of the application and move this shortcut to your Desktop for easy access.


Using an external compressor program, such as 7-Zip, can significantly reduce the zip archive extraction time compared to the Windows default extraction function.

1.1.4. Test the Installation

Once the installation procedure has been completed, it is a good practice to run some basic checks. Navigate to the location where you placed the application and open it by running the R2D.exe executable.


Since the SimCenter is not registered as a Windows vendor, our apps are not recognized by the operating system as signed applications. You may receive a warning message that lets you know about the risks involved in running unsigned applications from unknown sources when you start the R2D app application for the first time. It is safe to bypass that warning when running SimCenter applications.

Once the application starts, you should see the user interface shown in Fig. We recommend running the example problem r2dt-0006 to test the application.


Fig. R2DTool on startup.

1.1.5. Troubleshooting

If the analysis fails, please see the troubleshooting page.


When analysis fails, a quick check is to inspect the local working directory path in the preference menu. The below could lead to the analysis failure

  • The path is located under a cloud folder, e.g. OneDriver, Box (may give file-not-found error due to the real-time cloud-only sync)

  • The path contains non-alphabetic characters (may give an encoding error)

  • The path contains empty space (low likelihood, but it may give the file-not-found error)

  • The path is located under a different driver from the app executable (.exe) path, e.g. one is under C drive, and the other is under E drive (may give a permission error)