2.4.2. Run Remotely on DesignSafe

There are two ways to run the applications remotely on DesignSafe: one is through the Data Depot user interface on DesignSafe, where job details are submitted through a Jupyter notebook. The other is by calling on Tapis CLI directly through Ubuntu. Prepare Input Files

  1. Prepare the input files in a folder called input_data, then zip the folder. You may use this example input file set (input_data_eq.zip) as a template.

  2. Prepare workflow settings in the configuration file. You may use the example configuration file (rWHALE_config_remote.json) as a template.

    • Set 'runDir' to /tmp/rWhale/.

    • Set 'localAppDir' to /tmp/rWhale/.

    • Specify applications for each workflow step and their inputs. For more details on the format of the configuration file, see Inputs.

  3. Upload the zipped input_data file and configuration file to “My Data” on the DesignSafe Data Depot.

  4. Upload the CreateLauncherTasks script and a Jupyter notebook with commands for setting up the job on Tapis. You can use this example Jupyter Notebook (run_rWHALE.ipynb) as a template.

On DesignSafe, the files should appear on Data Depot as:

../../../../../_images/DS_data_depot.png Run Job Through Jupyter

This method uses Jupyter Notebook to run the job, accessing Tapis CLI in the backend.

  1. Click on the run_rWHALE.ipynb notebook, then click Open in Jupyter. You will be taken to a new page for editing the Jupyter Notebook.

  1. Specify settings for running the job on Frontera. Submit the job by running all cells in the Jupyter Notebook (Cell > Run All).

  1. To view the status of the job, navigate to the Workspace on DesignSafe. The right bar will list all jobs that have been submitted in order of newest to oldest. Job outputs can be accessed by clicking on “More Info” on the job.

  1. To access the job outputs, click on “More Info” on the job. It will navigate you to the job archive folder on Data Depot.

    • The aggregated outputs are saved in HDF files: “DM.hdf”, “DV.hdf”, and “EDP.hdf” contain the EDP and DL summary results for all built assets. “realizations.hd5” contains the response simulation results for every event simulated per built asset.

    • “launcher.err” contains error messages produced from running the job.

    • “launcher.out” contains the log file.

../../../../../_images/DS_results.png Submit Job Through Tapis

This method submits the job using Tapis CLI directly. If using Windows, this is executed in the Ubuntu subsystem. Please refer to Chapter 9 of the Tapis How-To Guide for more details.

  1. First, ensure that Tapis CLI is installed on your computer. Open a Ubuntu window and install Tapis CLI using pip:

    pip install tapis-cli

Or, install Tapis CLI from Github:

git clone https://github.com/TACC-Cloud/tapis-cli-ng.git
cd tapis-cli-ng/
pip install --upgrade --user .
  1. Set up a Tapis session on each host where you will use the Tapis CLI. This is a one-time operation where you will be asked to agree to terms, select a tenant, and finally enter a username and password for that tenant. Run the command:

    tapis auth init

You will see an output in the Ubuntu window similar to the following.

  • Select “y” to the prompts.

  • Set tenant_name to “designsafe”.

  • Set username and password to your TACC username and password.

  • Keep registry_url to https://index.docker.io

  • Set git_username and git_token to your Github account details. See directions here for more information on generating a git token.

Use of Tapis requires acceptance of the TACC Acceptable Use Policy
which can be found at https://portal.tacc.utexas.edu/tacc-usage-policy
Do you agree to abide by this AUP? (type 'y' or 'n' then Return) y
Use of Tapis requires acceptance of the Tapis Project Code of Conduct
which can be found at https://tapis-project.org/code-conduct
Do you agree to abide by this CoC? (type 'y' or 'n' then Return) y
To improve our ability to support Tapis and the Tapis CLI, we would like to
collect your IP address, operating system and Python version. No personally identifiable information will be collected. This data will only be shared in
aggregate form with funders and Tapis platform stakeholders.
Do you consent to this reporting? [Y/n]: Y

| Name | Description | URL |
| 3dem | 3dem Tenant | https://api.3dem.org/ |
| agave.prod | Agave Public Tenant | https://public.agaveapi.co/ |
| araport.org | Araport | https://api.araport.org/ |
| bridge | Bridge | https://api.bridge.tacc.cloud/ |
| designsafe | DesignSafe | https://agave.designsafe-ci.org/ |
| iplantc.org | CyVerse Science APIs | https://agave.iplantc.org/ |
| irec | iReceptor | https://irec.tenants.prod.tacc.cloud/ |
| portals | Portals Tenant | https://portals-api.tacc.utexas.edu/ |
| sd2e | SD2E Tenant | https://api.sd2e.org/ |
| sgci | Science Gateways Community Institute | https://sgci.tacc.cloud/ |
| tacc.prod | TACC | https://api.tacc.utexas.edu/ |
| vdjserver.org | VDJ Server | https://vdj-agave-api.tacc.utexas.edu/ |

Enter a tenant name [tacc.prod]:
tacc.prod username: taccuser
tacc.prod password for taccuser:
  1. Initialize a job with the name “R2D_test_run” by executing the command:

    tapis jobs init rWhale-2.1.0 --name R2D_test_run > job.json

  2. A job.json file is created. You may make changes to this file using VIM Editor, by running the command:

    vim job.json

  3. Edit the job.json file to specify settings for running the job on Frontera. To make edits in the VIM Editor, type Ctrl+I. To exit out of the editor, type :wq.

  4. Once the job.json file is prepared, submit the job by running the command:

    tapis jobs submit -F job.json

An ACCEPTED status indicates the job.json was valid, and e-mail alerts (if they were specified in job.json) will track the progress of the job. Also, take note of the long hexadecimal ID (job ID) when you submit the job. This identifier can be used to track progress and download results.

  1. To check on the status of a particular job, run the following command with the job ID:

    tapis jobs status <job ID>

  2. Once the job has been completed, the results can be downloaded either from the job archives (accessed from the Workspace on DesignSafe) or directly from Tapis, with the following command:

    tapis jobs outputs download --progress <job ID string>

Or, to download a specific file from the outputs,

tapis jobs outputs download <job ID> <name of file>