2.4. Asset Representation¶
This section discusses the translation of asset descriptions into representations of structures suitable for simulation within the workflow, in this case consistent with the HAZUS description of building classes and associated attributes, which becomes the default data schema. Thus, the description of assets below is organized according to the HAZUS conventions for classifying buildings and organizing damage and loss data according to attributes associated with those building classes.
The following discussion will reference a number of rulesets developed for this testbed to enable various assignments of these HAZUS building classes and corresponding attributes. Details of these rulesets are available to users in one of two forms:
Ruleset definition tables (PDFs) curated in DesignSafe that include additional documentation justifying the proposed rule, with provenance information for any sources engaged in that rule’s development.
Scripts (in Python) curated in GitHub that implement the ruleset’s logic for this testbed.
Each section provides a table linking the relevant Tables and Scripts. Note as well that all of the rulesets introduced herein are tiered, initiating by assigning all assets a default value for its building classification or a given attribute based on the primary rule. This ensures that every asset receives a HAZUS building class and related attribute assignments, regardless of data sparsity.
2.4.1. Building Classifications¶
HAZUS classifies buildings based on a more nuanced interpretation of Occupancy Class (see building inventory field OccupancyClass) based on other attributes of relevance for a given hazard type.
For wind losses, HAZUS groups buildings into 5 main types by primary building material/construction mode (wood, masonry, concrete, steel, manufactured home). Buildings must then be sub-classified into one of 55 corresponding HAZUS building classes (HazusClass-W) based on characteristics such as occupancy, number of stories, and footprint size, using rulesets that call upon various fields in the building inventory. The HAZUS building classifications for wind losses are listed in Table, and the corresponding rulesets (PDFs and Python scripts) are cross-referenced later in Table Note that while rulesets were developed for marginally and non-engineered building classes in HAZUS, these classes are not used in the current implementation of this testbed.
BuildingDescription |
HazusClass-W |
OccupancyClass |
Wood, Single-Family Homes 1 story |
WSF1 |
RES1 |
Wood, Single-Family Homes 2+ stories |
WSF2 |
RES1 |
Wood, Multi-Unit/Hotel/Motel 1 story |
RES3*, RES5, RES6, COM8 |
Wood, Multi-Unit/Hotel/Motel 2 stories |
RES3*, RES5, RES6, COM8 |
Wood, Multi-Unit/Hotel/Motel 3+ stories |
RES3*, RES5, RES6, COM8 |
Wood Marginally- or Non-Engineered Multi-Unit/Hotel/Motel 1 story |
RES3*, RES5, RES6, COM8 |
Wood Marginally- or Non-Engineered Multi-Unit/Hotel/Motel 2 stories |
RES3*, RES5, RES6, COM8 |
Wood Marginally- or Non-Engineered Multi-Unit/Hotel/Motel 3 stories |
RES3*, RES5, RES6, COM8 |
Wood Marginally- or Non-Engineered Multi-Unit/Hotel/Motel 4 stories |
RES3*, RES5, RES6, COM8 |
Masonry, Single Family Homes 1 story |
MSF1 |
RES1 |
Masonry, Single Family Homes 2+ stories |
MSF2 |
RES1 |
Masonry, Multi-Unit/Hotel/Motel 1 story |
RES3*, RES5, RES6, COM8 |
Masonry, Multi-Unit/Hotel/Motel 2 stories |
RES3*, RES5, RES6, COM8 |
Masonry, Multi-Unit/Hotel/Motel 3+ stories |
RES3*, RES5, RES6, COM8 |
Masonry, Low-Rise Strip Mall height < 15 ft |
COM1, COM2 |
Masonry, Low-Rise Strip Mall height > 15 ft |
COM1, COM2 |
Masonry, Low-Rise Industrial/Warehouse/Factory Building |
IND* |
Masonry, Engineered Residential Building, Low-Rise (1-2 Stories) |
RES* |
Masonry, Engineered Residential Building, Mid-Rise (3-5 Stories) |
RES* |
Masonry, Engineered Residential Building, High-Rise (6+ Stories) |
RES* |
Masonry, Engineered Commercial Building, Low-Rise (1-2 Stories) |
COM* |
Masonry, Engineered Commercial Building, Mid-Rise (3-5 Stories) |
COM* |
Masonry, Engineered Commercial Building, High-Rise (6+ Stories) |
COM* |
Masonry Marginally- or Non-Engineered Multi-Unit/Hotel/Motel 1 story |
RES3*, RES5, RES6, COM8 |
Masonry Marginally- or Non-Engineered Multi-Unit/Hotel/Motel 2 stories |
RES3*, RES5, RES6, COM8 |
Masonry Marginally- or Non-Engineered Multi-Unit/Hotel/Motel 3 stories |
RES3*, RES5, RES6, COM8 |
Concrete, Engineered Residential Building, Low-Rise (1-2 Stories) |
RES* |
Concrete, Engineered Residential Building, Mid-Rise (3-5 Stories) |
RES* |
Concrete, Engineered Residential Building, High-Rise (6+ Stories) |
RES* |
Concrete, Engineered Commercial Building, Low-Rise (1-2 Stories) |
COM* |
Concrete, Engineered Commercial Building, Mid-Rise (3-5 Stories) |
COM* |
Concrete, Engineered Commercial Building, High-Rise (6+ Stories) |
COM* |
Steel, Pre-Engineered Metal Building, Small |
COM*, IND*, EDU*, AGR*, REL*, GOV* |
Steel, Pre-Engineered Metal Building, Medium |
COM*, IND*, EDU*, AGR*, REL*, GOV* |
Steel, Pre-Engineered Metal Building, Large |
COM*, IND*, EDU*, AGR*, REL*, GOV* |
Steel, Engineered Residential Building, Low-Rise (1-2 Stories) |
RES* |
Steel, Engineered Residential Building, Mid-Rise (3-5 Stories) |
RES* |
Steel, Engineered Residential Building, High-Rise (6+ Stories) |
RES* |
Steel, Engineered Commercial Building, Low-Rise (1-2 Stories) |
COM* |
Steel, Engineered Commercial Building, Mid-Rise (3-5 Stories) |
COM* |
Steel, Engineered Commercial Building, High-Rise (6+ Stories) |
COM* |
Manufactured Home, Pre-HUD |
RES2 |
Manufactured Home, 1976 HUD |
RES2 |
Manufactured Home, 1994 HUD - Wind Zone I |
RES2 |
Manufactured Home, 1994 HUD - Wind Zone II |
RES2 |
Manufactured Home, 1994 HUD - Wind Zone III |
RES2 |
Essential Facility - Fire Station |
GOV2 |
Essential Facility - Elementary School |
EDU1 |
Essential Facility - High School (2 Story) |
EDU1 |
Essential Facility - High School (3 Story) |
EDU1 |
Essential Facility - Hospital Small (<50 beds) |
COM6 |
Essential Facility - Hospital Medium (50-150 beds) |
COM6 |
Essential Facility - Hospital Large (>150 beds) |
COM6 |
Essential Facility - Police Station |
GOV2 |
Essential Facility - Emergency Operation Centers |
GOV2 |
For flood losses, HAZUS groups buildings into one of 32 classifications based on the building use and other features. A separate ruleset was developed to assign buildings into one of these classes associated with inundation by water (HazusClass-IN). The HAZUS building classifications for flood losses are listed in Table, and the corresponding rulesets (PDFs and Python scripts) are cross-referenced later in Table
Occupancy |
HazusClass-IN |
OccupancyClass |
Single-family home |
RES1 |
Single-family home |
RES1 |
Single-family home |
RES1 |
Single-family home |
RES1 |
Single-family home |
RES1 |
Single-family home |
RES1 |
Single-family home |
RES1 |
Single-family home |
RES1 |
Mobile Home |
MH |
RES2 |
Apartment |
RES3 |
Hotel and Motel |
RES4 |
Nursing Home |
RES5, RES6 |
Retail |
COM1 |
Wholesale/warehouse |
COM2 |
Personal and Repair Services |
COM3 |
Business and Office |
COM4 |
Bank |
COM5 |
Hospital |
COM6 |
Medical Office / Clinic |
COM7 |
Entertainment & Recreation |
COM8 |
Theatre |
COM9 |
Garage |
COM10 |
Heavy Industry |
IND1 |
Light Industry |
IND2 |
Food/Drug/Chemical Industry |
IND3, IND5 |
Metals/Mineral Processing |
IND4 |
Construction |
IND6 |
Agricultural |
AGR1 |
Church |
REL1 |
City Hall / Post Office |
GOV1 |
Police Station / Fire Station |
GOV2 |
School / Library |
EDU1, EDU2 |
IND1 |
USACE - Galveston |
Average heavy industrial, Structure |
IND2 |
USACE - Galveston |
Average light industrial, structure |
IND3 |
USACE - Galveston |
Average Food/Drug/Chem, Structure |
IND4 |
USACE - Galveston |
Average Metals/Minerals processing, structure |
IND5 |
USACE - Galveston |
Average High Technology, structure |
IND6 |
USACE - Galveston |
Average Construction, structure |
AGR1 |
USACE - Galveston |
Average Agriculture, structure |
REL1 |
USACE - Galveston |
Church, structure |
GOV1 |
USACE - Galveston |
Average government services, structure |
GOV2 |
USACE - Galveston |
Average emergency response, Structure |
EDU1 |
USACE - Galveston |
Average school, structure |
EDU2 |
USACE - Galveston |
Average college/university, structure |
For wave-induced losses, HAZUS groups buildings into one of 10 classifications based on the building use, construction material, and number of stories. A separate ruleset was developed to assign buildings into one of these classes associated with losses driven by wave action (HazusClass-WA). The HAZUS building classifications for wave-induced losses are listed in Table, and the corresponding rulesets (PDFs and Python scripts) are cross-referenced in Table
Occupancy |
HazusClass-WA |
Wood 1 Story |
W1 |
Wood 2 Story |
W2 |
Wood 3 Story |
W3 |
Masonry/Concrete 1 Story |
MC1 |
Masonry/Concrete 2 Story |
MC2 |
Masonry/Concrete 3 Story |
MC3 |
Steel 1 Story |
S1 |
Steel 2 Story |
S2 |
Steel 3 Story |
S3 |
Mobile Home |
MH |
Ruleset Name |
Ruleset Definition Table |
Python script |
Building Class Rulesets - Wind |
Building Class Rulesets - Flood |
Building Class Rulesets - Wave |
To be released. |
2.4.2. Building Attributes¶
Within each of these building classes, such as wood single-family homes 1-2+ stories, the HAZUS Hurricane Technical Manual (HHTM) further differentiates buildings based on asset attributes and the hazard type (e.g., wind vs. flood) for the purpose of loss estimation. These attributes define key features of the load path and components (e.g., roof shape, secondary water resistance, roof deck attachment, roof-wall connection, shutters, garage), and the number of attributes necessary to describe a given building varies.
As these attributes are beyond what is typically encompassed in a building inventory, this testbed has developed and implemented a library of rulesets to infer the HAZUS-required attributes based on the fields available in the Building Inventory, legacy building codes in New Jersey, local construction practices/norms, surveys capturing owner-driven mitigation actions (e.g., [Javeline19]) and market/industry data. Where possible, the rulesets evolve over time, considering the age of construction to determine the governing code edition and availability of specific mitigation measures in the market. Though reliant on engineering judgment and historical data availability, each rule provides detailed notes cross-referencing the various documents and practices that governed that era of construction and thus informed the ruleset formation. In cases where engineering judgment was required, rules were assigned based on what was understood to be the most common construction practice. In cases where that was not clear, the ruleset assigned the most vulnerable configuration for a more conservative approach to loss estimation. Table and Table list the attributes for the wind and flood loss assessments.
Attribute |
Description |
Format |
HazusClass-W |
Hazus building classes as defined for wind hazards |
Choices: HazusClass-W in Table |
RoofSystem |
Underlying roof structure, applies only to masonry buildings |
Choices: Wood, OWSJ |
Hazard Prone Regions for WSF1-2 |
Choices: yes, no |
Wind Borne Debris for WSF1-2 |
Choices: yes, no |
Secondary Water Resistance for WSF1-2, WMUH1-3, MSF1-2, MMUH1-3 |
Choices: yes, no |
RoofCvr |
Roof cover for WMUH1-3, MMUH1-3, MERBL-M-H, MECBL-M-H, MLRI, MLRM1, MLRM2, SERBL-M-H, SECBL-M-H, CECBL-M-H, CERBL-M-H and Fire Stations, Elementary Schools, 2-story High School and 3-story High School and Hospitals and Police Stations, Emergency Operation Centers |
Choices: N/A, BUR, SPM |
RoofQual |
Roof cover quality for WMUH1-3, MMUH1-3, MLRI |
Choices: N/A, poor, good |
RDA-Wood |
Roof Deck Attachment for wood for WSF1-2, WMUH1-3, MMUH1-3, MSF1-2, MLRM1, MLRM2 |
Choices: A, B, C, D |
Roof Deck Attachment for OWSJ for MSF1-2 |
Choices: smtl standard, smtl superior, cshl standard, cshl superior |
R2WC |
Roof to Wall Connection for WSF1-2, WMUH1-3, MMUH1-3, MSF1-2, MLRM1, MLRM2 |
Choices: strap, toe-nail |
shutters |
Use of window opening protection for WSF1-2, WMUH1-3, MMUH1-3, MSF1-2, MERBL-M-H, MECBL-M-H, MMUH1-3,MLRM1, MLRM2, SERBL-M-H, SECBL-M-H, CECBL-M-H, CERBL-M-H, SPMBS-M-L, MH94HUDI-II-III, MH76HUD, MHPHUD and Fire Stations, Elementary Schools, 2-story High School and 3-story High School and Hospitals and Police Stations, Emergency Operation Centers |
Choices: yes, no |
Agarage |
Attached garage for WSF1-2, MSF1-2 |
Choices: none, SFBC 1994, standard, weak |
Mreinf |
Reinforcement in masonry walls for MSF1-2, MLRI, MLRM1, MLRM2, MMUH1-3 |
Choices: yes, no |
OWSJ-r |
OWSJ required for MSF1-2 |
Choices: cshl, smtl |
Metal-RDA |
Metal Roof Deck Attachment for MLRI, MERBL-M-H, MECBL-M-H, MLRM1, MLRM2, SERBL-M-H, SECBL-M-H, SPMBS-M-L and Fire Stations, Elementary Schools, 2-story High School and 3-story High School and Hospitals and Police Stations, Emergency Operation Centers |
Choices: standard, superior |
RDage |
Defines roof deck age for MLRM1, MLRM2, SPMBS-M-L and Fire Stations (HUEFFS), Elementary Schools (HUEFSS) |
Choices: new/avg, old |
UnitClass |
Number of units in strip mall for MLRM2 |
Choices: single, multi |
JoistSpace |
Joist spacing for multi-unit strip malls for MLRM2 |
Choices: N/A, 4, 6 |
WindDebris |
Likely sources of wind debris for MERBL-M-H, MECBL-M-H, MLRM1, MLRM2, SERBL-M-H, SECBL-M-H, CECBL-M-H, CERBL-M-H and Fire Stations, Elementary Schools , 2-story High School and 3-story High School and Hospitals and Police Stations, Emergency Operation Centers |
Choices: Res/Comm, Varies by Direction, Residential, None, A, B, C, D |
Window to wall ratio (WWR) for MERBL-M-H, MECBL-M-H, SERBL-M-H, SECBL-M-H, CECBL-M-H, CERBL-M-H and Police Stations, Emergency Operation Centers |
Choices: low, medium, high |
TieDowns |
Use of ties to connect mobile homes to foundations per HUD guidelnes for MH94HUDI-II-III, MH76HUD, MHPHUD |
Choices: yes, no |
Attribute |
Description |
Format |
HazusClass-IN |
Hazus building classes as defined for inundation (flooding) |
HazusClass-WA |
Hazus building classes as defined for wave action |
Choices: W1, W2, W3, MC1, MC2, MC3, S1, S2, S3, MH |
FloodType |
Assignment to flood zones as defined for Hazus damage/loss descriptions |
Choices: Riverine/A-Zone, Coastal/A-Zone, Coastal/V-Zone |
FirstFloorElev |
Assignment of first floor height as defined by Hazus |
Floating Point Number |
PostFIRM |
Assignment of FIRM phasing as defined by Hazus |
Choices: Yes, No |
NumberofStories |
Initalizing number of stories for Hazus analysis |
integer |
BasementType |
Assignement of basement type for Hazus analysis |
Choices: Basement, Split-Level Basement, No Basement |
OccupancyType |
Assignment of Occupancy type for Hazus analysis |
Duration |
Assignment of storm suration for Hazus Analysis |
Short, Long |
Wave Velocity |
Definition of wave velocity in ft/s for Hazus Analysis |
Floating Point Number |
Note that rulesets for assigning wind loss attributes call upon two meta-variables relevant to wind losses for any building: “Hazard Prone Region” and “Wind Borne Debris,” which are assigned based on the design wind speed at the asset location (Building Inventory field “DSWII”) and the flood zone (building inventory field FloodZone), per New Jersey code. These rules used to assign these meta-variables are provided in Table Also note that the roof shape (building inventory field RoofShape), derived from aerial imagery, and terrain roughness (building inventory field Terrain), derived from Land Use Land Cover data, are also attributes required by the HAZUS wind loss model. As these were already assigned in the Asset Description, they are not discussed again herein.
Ruleset Name |
Ruleset Definition Table |
Python script |
Attribute Assignment - Wind (Meta-Variable) |
Hazus Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind - Meta-Variables.pdf |
Finally, all of the rulesets used to assign attributes include a default value that can be updated based on available data, ensuring that each asset receives all the attribute assignments necessary to identify the appropriate Hazus fragility description. The following sections summarize the rulesets used for attribute assignments for specific classes of buildings. Additional attributes assigned to assets are discussed in the following subsections, organized by hazard and building class, where applicable.
Wind Loss Attributes for Wood Buildings¶
The wind loss model in HAZUS classifies wooden buildings into five building classes:
Two single-family homes (WSF1 and WSF2), and
Three for multi-unit homes (WMUH1, WMUH2, and WMUH3).
The required attributes for wind loss modeling, the possible entries (values, terms) that can be assigned for those attributes, and the basis for the ruleset developed to make that assignment are summarized in Table and Table Note that these rulesets were developed to reflect the likely attributes based on the year of construction and the code editions and construction norms at that time. The corresponding time-evolving rulesets (PDFs and Python scripts) are cross-referenced in Table
Attribute |
Valid Entries |
Basis |
secondary water resistance (SWR) |
yes | no |
Codes/standards/human subjects data |
roof deck attachment |
6d @ 6”/12” | 8d @ 6”/12”| 6d/8d mix @ 6”/6” | 8d @ 6”/6” |
Codes/standards |
roof-wall connection |
strap | toe-nail |
Codes/standards |
shutters |
yes | no |
Codes/standards/human subjects data |
garage |
shuttered houses = garage II (SFBC 1994, none) | unshuttered house = garage I (none, weak, standard) |
Trends/norms |
Attribute |
Valid Entries |
Basis |
secondary water resistance (SWR) |
yes | no |
Codes/standards |
roof cover |
N/A | BUR | SPM |
Trends/norms |
roof quality |
N/A | poor | good |
Trends/norms |
roof deck attachment |
6d @ 6”/12” | 8d @ 6”/12” | 6d/8d mix @ 6”/6” | 8D @ 6”/6” |
Codes/standards |
roof-wall connection |
strap | toe-nail |
Codes/standards |
shutters |
yes | no |
Codes/standards/human subjects data |
Ruleset Name |
Ruleset Definition Table |
Python script |
HAZUS Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind (WSF1-2) |
HAZUS Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind (WMUH1-3) |
Taking the attribute Second Water Resistance (SWR) as an example, the SWR attribute is assigned by a series of time-evolving rules calling upon four fields in the building inventory: year built, roof shape, roof slope, and average temperature in January. Table provides the detailed rules that map these four variables to the Second Water Resistance (SWR) attribute. This example demonstrates an instance where the attribute is assigned as a random variable, based on the fact that secondary water resistance is not required by code, though surveys of homeowners in hurricane-prone areas can be used to infer how many may have voluntarily adopted this mitigation practice.
Time Period |
YearBuiltNJDEP > 2000 |
1983 < YearBuiltNJDEP < 2000 |
YearBuilt <= 1983 |
Ruleset |
Assign as a Random Variable (RV) IF RoofShape = Gable OR Hip, SWR = yes (RV = 60%) IF RoofShape = Gable OR Hip, SWR = no (RV = 40%) |
IF RoofShape=Flat, SWR=yes ELSEIF RoofShape=(Gable or Hip) & RoofSlope <= 0.17, SWR=yes ELSEIF RoofShape=(Gable or Hip) & RoofSlope (> 0.17 & < 0.33) & AvgJanTemp=Below, SWR=yes ELSEIF RoofShape=(Gable or Hip) & RoofSlope (> 0.17 & < 0.33) & AvgJanTemp=Above, SWR=no ELSEIF RoofShape=(Gable or Hip) & RoofSlope >= 0.33, SWR=no |
SWR = no |
Note |
Minimum drainage recommendations are in place in NJ (See below). However, SWR indicates a code-plus practice. Use homeowner compliance data from NC Coastal Homeowner Survey (2017) to capture potential human behavior (% of sealed roofs in NC dataset). Minimum Code Requirements: R903.4 Roof Drainage. Unless roofs are sloped to drain over roof edges, roof drains shall be installed at each low point of the roof: R903.4.1 Secondary (Emergency Overflow) Drains or Scuppers: Where roof drains are required, secondary emergency overflow roof drains or scuppers shall be provided where the roof perimeter construction extends above the roof in such a manner that water will be entrapped if the primary drains allow buildup for any reason. |
This rule applies until 1984, for anything from 1983 or earlier, there is no information available so this rule will continue to be applied. According to 903.2 in the 1995 CABO, for roofs with slopes between 2:12 and 4:12, an underlayment consisting of two layers of No. 15 felt must be applied. In severe climates (less than or equal to 25 degrees average in January), these two layers must be cemented together. According to 903.3 in the 1995 CABO, roofs with slopes greater than or equal to 4:12 shall have an underlayment of not less than one ply of No. 15 felt. Two layers of felt cemented together is considered to be secondary water resistance. This ruleset is for asphalt shingles. Almost all other roof types require underlayment of some sort, but the ruleset is based on asphalt shingles because it is most conservative. According to table No. R-803.4 in 1992 CABO, for roofs with slopes between 2:12 and 4:12 in severe climates (less than or equal to 25 degrees average in January), one layer no 40 coated roofing or coated glass base sheet from the eves to 12 inches inside the exterior wall line is required. The rule used for asphalt shingles is assumed to apply to every roof because more specific requirements based on roofing type were not specified. According to R-803.3 in the 1989 CABO, for roofs with slopes between 2:12 and 4:12, an underlayment consisting of two layers of No. 15 felt must be applied. In severe climates (less than or equal to 25 degrees average in January), these two layers must be cemented together. According to R803.2 in the 1989 CABO, roofs with slopes greater than or equal to 4:12 shall have an underlayment of not less than one ply of No. 15 felt. Two layers of felt cemented together is considered to be secondary water resistance. This ruleset is for asphalt shingles. Almost all other roof types require underlayment of some sort, but the ruleset is based on asphalt shingles because it is most conservative. According to R-803.3 in 1986 CABO, for roofs with slopes between 2:12 and 4:12 in severe climates (less than or equal to 25 degrees average in January), one layer no 40 coated roofing or coated glass base sheet from the eves to 12 inches inside the exterior wall line is required. The rule used for asphalt shingles is assumed to apply to every roof because more specific requirements based on roofing type were not specified. According to R-803.1 and R-803.2 in 1983 CABO, for roofs with slopes between 2:12 and 4:12 in severe climates (less than or equal to 25 degrees average in January), two layers of Type 15 felt must be applied and cemented together from the eaves up the roof to overlie a point twenty four inches inside the interior of the building. |
Default |
Wind Loss Attributes for Masonry Buildings¶
The masonry buildings have 14 building classes: Their key attributes that influence the fragility functions are listed in Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, and Table
The wind loss model in HAZUS classifies masonry buildings into 14 building classes: 1. two masonry single family home classes (MSF1 and MSF2) 2. three masonry multi-unit home classes (MMUH1, MMUH2, and MMUH3) 3. two masonry low-Rise strip mall classes (MLRM1 and MLRM2) classes 4. three masonry engineered residential building classes (MERBL, MERBM, and MERBH) 5. three Masonry engineered commercial building classes (MECBL, MECBM, and MECBH) and 6. one masonry low-rise industrial building class (MLRI).
Their required attributes for wind loss modeling, the possible entries (values, terms) that can be assigned for those attributes, and the basis for the ruleset developed to make that assignment are summarized in Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table Note that these rulesets were developed to reflect the likely attributes based on the year of construction and the code editions and construction norms at that time. The corresponding time-evolving rulesets (PDFs and Python scripts) are cross-referenced in Table
Attribute |
Valid Entries |
Basis |
roof-wall connection |
strap | toe-nail |
Codes/standards |
secondary water resistance (SWR) |
yes | no |
Codes/standards/human subjects data |
shutters |
yes | no |
Codes/standards/human subjects data |
garage |
shuttered houses = garage II (SFBC 1994, none) | unshuttered house = garage I (none, weak, standard) |
Trends/norms |
masonry reinforcement |
yes | no |
Trends/norms |
roof deck attachment (wood truss roof only) |
6d @ 6”/12” | 8d @ 6”/12”| 6d/8d mix @ 6”/6” | 8d @ 6”/6” |
Codes/standards |
roof deck attachment (steel joist roof only) |
sheet metal standard | sheet metal superior | cover shingle stanford | cover shingle superior |
Trends/norms |
Attribute |
Valid Entries |
Basis |
secondary water resistance/human subjects data |
yes | no |
Codes/standards |
roof cover |
N/A | BUR | SPM |
Trends/norms |
roof quality |
N/A | poor | good |
Trends/norms |
roof deck attachment |
6d @ 6”/12” | 8d @ 6”/12” | 6d/8d mix @ 6”/6” | 8D @ 6”/6” |
Codes/standards |
roof to wall connection |
strap | toe-nail |
Codes/standards |
shutters |
yes | no |
Codes/standards/human subjects data |
masonry reinforcement |
yes | no |
Trends/norms |
Attribute |
Valid Entries |
Basis |
roof cover |
N/A | BUR | SPM |
Trends/norms |
shutters |
yes | no |
Codes/standards/human subjects data |
masonry reinforcement |
yes | no |
Codes/standards |
wind borne debris |
residential | commercial |
Trends/norms |
roof deck attachment (wood truss roof only) |
6d @ 6”/12” | 8d @ 6”/12”| 6d/8d mix @ 6”/6” | 8d @ 6”/6” |
Codes/standards |
roof to wall connection (wood truss roof only) |
strap | toe-nail |
Codes/standards |
roof deck attachment (steel joist roof only) |
standard | superior |
Trends/norms |
roof deck age (steel joist roof only) |
new | average | old |
Trends/norms |
unit class (steel joist roof and MLRM2 only) |
single | multiple |
Trends/norms |
joist space (steel joist roof and MLRM2 only) |
N/A | 4 | 6 |
Trends/norms |
Attribute |
Valid Entries |
Basis |
roof cover |
N/A | BUR | SPM |
Trends/norms |
shutters |
yes | no |
Codes/standards/human subjects data |
wind borne debris |
residential | commercial |
Trends/norms |
metal roof deck attachment |
standard | superior |
Codes/standards |
window wall ratio |
low | medium | high |
Trends/norms |
Attribute |
Valid Entries |
Basis |
roof cover |
N/A | BUR | SPM |
Trends/norms |
shutters |
yes | no |
Codes/standards/human subjects data |
wind borne debris |
residential | commercial |
Trends/norms |
metal roof deck attachment |
standard | superior |
Codes/standards |
window wall ratio |
low | medium | high |
Trends/norms |
Attribute |
Valid Entries |
Basis |
masonry reinforcement |
yes | no |
Codes/standards |
roof cover |
N/A | BUR | SPM |
Trends/norms |
roof quality |
N/A | poor | good |
Trends/norms |
metal roof deck attachment |
standard | superior |
Codes/standards |
Ruleset Name |
Ruleset Definition Table |
Python script |
HAZUS Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind (MSF1-2) |
HAZUS Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind (MMUH1-3) |
HAZUS Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind (MLRM1) |
HAZUS Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind (MLRM1) |
HAZUS Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind (MERBL-M-H) |
HAZUS Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind (MECBL-M-H) |
HAZUS Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind (MLRI) |
Taking the attribute shutters as an example, the shutters attribute is assigned based on time-evolving rules calling upon two fields in the building inventory: year built and the site’s exposure to wind borne debris (WBD). Table provides the detailed rules that map these two variables to the shutters attribute. This example demonstrates an instance where the attribute is assigned by a code-based rule for modern construction, but older construction is assigned as a random variable, based on the fact that shutters were not codified before 2000 IBC, but human subjects data suggests potential rates of voluntary shutter use. It is assumed that shutters are used only in areas susceptible to WBD.
Time Period |
YearBuiltNJDEP > 2000 |
YearBuiltNJDEP < 2000 |
Ruleset |
IF WBD = yes, shutter = yes; IF WBD = no, shutter = no. |
IF WBD = yes, Assign as Random Variable (RV): shutters = yes (RV = 46%), shutters = no (RV = 54%) |
Note |
1609.1.2 in 2015 IBC: Protection of Openings. In wind-borne debris regions, glazing in buildings shall be impact resistant or protected with an impact-resistant covering meeting the requirements of an approved impact-resistant covering meeting the requirements of an approved impact-resistant standard. Exceptions: Wood structural panels with a minimum thickness of 7/16 of an inch and a maximum panel span of 8 feet shall be permitted for opening protection in buildings with a mean roof height of 33 feet or less that are classified as a Group R-3 or R-4 occupancy. 1609.1.2 Protection of Openings in the 2006 NJ IBC. In wind-borne debris regions, glazing in buildings shall be impact resistant or protected with an impact-resistant covering meeting the requirements of an approved impact-resistant covering meeting the requirements of an approved impact-resistant standard. Exceptions: Wood structural panels with a minimum thickness of 7/16 of an inch and a maximum panel span of 8 feet shall be permitted for opening protection in buildings with a mean roof height of 33 feet or less that are classified as a Group R-3 or R-4 occupancy. 1609.1.4 Protection of Openings in the 2000 NJ IBC. In wind-borne debris regions, glazing in the lower 60 feet in buildings is required to be impact-resistant or meet standards of the Large and Small Missile Test. Exceptions: Wood structural panels with a minimum thickness of 7/16 of an inch and a maximum panel span of 8 feet shall be permitted for opening protection in one or two story buildings. |
Shutters were not required by code until the 2000 IBC. Before 2000, the percentage of commercial buildings that have shutters is assumed to be 46%. This value is based on a study on preparedness of small businesses for hurricane disasters, which says that in Sarasota County, 46% of business owners had taken action to wind-proof or flood-proof their facilities. In addition to that, 46% of business owners reported boarding up their businesses before Hurricane Katrina. In addition, compliance rates based on the Homeowners Survey data hover between 43 and 50 percent. Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212420916303855 |
Wind Loss Attributes for Steel Buildings¶
The wind loss model in HAZUS classifies steel buildings into nine building classes: 1. three steel engineered residential building classes (SERBL, SERBM, and SERBH) 2. three steel engineered commercial building classes (SECBL, SECBM, and SECBH) and 3. three steel pre-engineered metal building systems (SPMBS, SPMBM, SPMBL).
Their required attributes for wind loss modeling, the possible entries (values, terms) that can be assigned for those attributes, and the basis for the ruleset developed to make that assignment are summarized in Table, Table, Table Note that these rulesets were developed to reflect the likely attributes based on the year of construction and the code editions and construction norms at that time. The corresponding time-evolving rulesets (PDFs and Python scripts) are cross-referenced in Table
Attribute |
Valid Entries |
Basis |
roof cover |
N/A | BUR | SPM |
Trends/norms |
shutters |
yes | no |
Codes/standards/human subjects data |
wind borne debris |
residential | commercial |
Trends/norms |
metal roof deck attachment |
standard | superior |
Codes/standards |
window wall ratio |
low | medium | high |
Trends/norms |
Attribute |
Valid Entries |
Basis |
roof cover |
N/A | BUR | SPM |
Trends/norms |
shutters |
yes | no |
Codes/standards/human subjects data |
wind borne debris |
residential | commercial |
Trends/norms |
metal roof deck attachment |
standard | superior |
Codes/standards |
window wall ratio |
low | medium | high |
Trends/norms |
Attribute |
Valid Entries |
Basis |
shutters |
yes | no |
Codes/standards/human subjects data |
roof deck age |
new | average | old |
Trends/norms |
metal roof deck attachment |
standard | superior |
Codes/standards |
Ruleset Name |
Ruleset Definition Table |
Python script |
HAZUS Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind (SERBL-M-H) |
HAZUS Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind (SECBL-M-H) |
HAZUS Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind (SPMBS-M-L) |
Taking the attribute wind to wall ratio (WWR) as an example, the WWR attribute is assigned based on a rule that calls upon the window area estimate from the building inventory (field: WindowArea). Table provides the detailed rule that maps this variable to the WWR attribute. Note that WindowArea is a field that can be estimated from streetview data, but this rule also demonstrates how the value can be estimated based on industry norms (see explanation surrounding default value). This attribute is not assumed to evolve with time.
Time Period |
YearBuiltNJDEP <= 2000 |
YearBuiltNJDEP > 2000 |
Ruleset |
IF 0.2 <= WindowArea < 0.33, WWR = Low; IF 0.33 <= WindowArea < 0.5, WWR = Medium; IF 0.5 <= WindowArea, WWR = High; IF RoofShape = Gable OR Hip, SWR = yes (RV = 60%); IF RoofShape = Gable OR Hip, SWR = no (RV = 40%) |
WWR = medium |
Note |
HAZUS defines these categories on window to wall ratios (WWR) as follows: Low: 20% <= WWR < 33% Medium: 33% <= WWR < 50% High: WWR <= 50% If WindowArea information available in Custom Inventory from street view data, this should be used to determine the Window Area being low, medium, or high. If this information is not available, all engineered residential buildings are assumed to have low window area. This ruleset was created from the information on the Reference Buildings from the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Baltimore, MD was used as the test city because the climate was the most similar to Atlantic City of the data available. Office buildings (used as a test case for commercial), have 33% WWR and apartments (used as a test case for residential) have 15% WWR. Therefore, commercial is assumed to have medium window area, whereas residential buildings are assumed to have low window area. |
Default |
Wind Loss Attributes for Concrete Buildings¶
The wind loss model in HAZUS classifies steel buildings into 6 building classes: 1. three concrete engineered residential building classes (CERBL, CERBM, and CERBH) and 2. three concrete engineered commercial building classes (CECBL, CECBM, and CECBH).
Their required attributes for wind loss modeling, the possible entries (values, terms) that can be assigned for those attributes, and the basis for the ruleset developed to make that assignment are summarized in Table and Table Note that these rulesets were developed to reflect the likely attributes based on the year of construction and the code editions and construction norms at that time. The corresponding time-evolving rulesets (PDFs and Python scripts) are cross-referenced in Table
Attribute |
Valid Entries |
Basis |
roof cover |
N/A | BUR | SPM |
Trends/norms |
shutters |
yes | no |
Codes/standards/human subjects data |
wind borne debris |
residential | commercial |
Trends/norms |
window wall ratio |
low | medium | high |
Trends/norms |
terrain roughness |
open (0.03) | light suburban (0.15) | suburban (0.35) | light trees (0.70) | trees (1.00) |
Land Use/Land Cover |
Attribute |
Valid Entries |
Basis |
roof cover |
N/A | BUR | SPM |
Trends/norms |
shutters |
yes | no |
Codes/standards/human subjects data |
wind borne debris |
residential | commercial |
Trends/norms |
window wall ratio |
low | medium | high |
Trends/norms |
Ruleset Name |
Ruleset Definition Table |
Python script |
HAZUS Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind (CERBL-M-H) |
HAZUS Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind (CECBL-M-H) |
Taking the attribute roof cover (RoofCvr) as an example, the RoofCvr attribute is assigned based on a ruleset that calls upon the roof shape and year built from the building inventory. Table provides the detailed rule that maps these variables to the RoofCvr attribute. This provides an example of an attribute that is inferred from construction practices based on when different roof cover products entered the market.
Time Period |
YearBuiltNJDEP >= 1975 |
YearBuiltNJDEP < 1975 |
Ruleset |
IF 0.2 <= WindowArea < 0.33, WWR = Low; IF RoofShape = (Gable OR Hip), RoofCvr = N/A; IF RoofShape = Flat, RoofCvr = SPM |
IF RoofShape = (Gable OR Hip), RoofCvr = N/A; IF RoofShape = Flat, RoofCvr = BUR |
Note |
NJ Building Code Section 1507 (in particular 1507.10 and 1507.12) address Built Up Roofs and Single Ply Membranes. However, the NJ Building Code only addresses installation and material standards of different roof covers, but not in what circumstance each must be used. SPMs started being used in the 1960s, but different types continued to be developed through the 1980s. Today, single ply membrane roofing is the most popular flat roof option. BURs have been used for over 100 years, and although they are still used today, they are used less than SPMs. Since there is no available ruleset to be taken from the NJ Building Code, the ruleset is based off this information. Sources: https://www.spri.org/2019/01/singe-ply-roofing-101/, https://continuingeducation.bnpmedia.com/courses/johns-manville/understanding-single-ply-roofing-systems/ Assumptions of the Ruleset: All flat roofs built before 1975 are BURs. SPMs were developed in the 1960s, and considering that there is a time lag to start consistently using new methods, SPMs rose in importance through the 1970s, becoming more popular. This ruleset assumes that all roofs built after 1975 are SPMs. |
NJ Building Code Section 1507 (in particular 1507.10 and 1507.12) address Built Up Roofs and Single Ply Membranes. However, the NJ Building Code only addresses installation and material standards of different roof covers, but not in what circumstance each must be used. SPMs started being used in the 1960s, but different types continued to be developed through the 1980s. Today, single ply membrane roofing is the most popular flat roof option. BURs have been used for over 100 years, and although they are still used today, they are used less than SPMs. Since there is no available ruleset to be taken from the NJ Building Code, the ruleset is based off this information. Sources: https://www.spri.org/2019/01/singe-ply-roofing-101/, https://continuingeducation.bnpmedia.com/courses/johns-manville/understanding-single-ply-roofing-systems/ Assumptions of the Ruleset: All flat roofs built before 1975 are BURs. SPMs were developed in the 1960s, and considering that there is a time lag to start consistently using new methods, SPMs rose in importance through the 1970s, becoming more popular. This ruleset assumes that all roofs built after 1975 are SPMs. |
Wind Loss Attributes for Manufactured Homes¶
The wind loss model in HAZUS classifies manufactured homes (MH) into five building classes that are organized into three groupings, based on phasing of revisions to Housing and Urban Development (HUD) guidelines: 1. manufactured homes built before 1976 (MHPHUD) 2. manufactured homes built after 1976 and before 1995 (MH76HUD) 3. manufactured homes built after 1994 (MH94HUDI, M94HUDII, MH94HUDIII).
Their required attributes for wind loss modeling, the possible entries (values, terms) that can be assigned for those attributes, and the basis for the ruleset developed to make that assignment are summarized in Table ote that these rulesets were developed to reflect the likely attributes based on the year of construction and the code editions and construction norms at that time. The corresponding time-evolving rulesets (PDFs and Python scripts) are cross-referenced in Table
Attribute |
Valid Entries |
Basis |
shutters |
yes | no |
Codes/standards/human subjects data |
tie downs |
yes | no |
Codes/standards |
Ruleset Name |
Ruleset Definition Table |
Python script |
HAZUS Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind (Manufactured Homes) |
Hazus Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind - MH76HUD.pdf, Hazus Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind - MH94HUDI-II-III.pdf, Hazus Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind - MHPHUD.pdf |
Taking the attribute tie down (TieDown) as an example, the ruleset in Table considers the Year Built to determine if tie down use is governed by HUD standards based on the design wind speed or if it is a voluntary action predating code requirements and thus is governed by human subjects data. This provides an example of an attribute that is inferred from construction practices based on when different roof cover products entered the market.
Time Period |
YearBuiltNJDEP > 1994 |
1976 < YearBuiltNJDEP <= 1994 |
YearBuiltNJDEP <= 1976 |
Ruleset |
IF DWSII >= 70, TieDown = yes; IF DWSII < 70, TieDown = no |
Assign as Random Variable (RV): TieDown = yes (RV = 45%); TieDown = no (RV = 55%) |
Assign as Random Variable (RV): TieDown = yes (RV = 45%); TieDown = no (RV = 55%) |
Notes |
3280.306 (d) Requirements for ties. Manufactured homes in Wind Zone I require only diagonal ties. These ties shall be placed along the main frame and below the outer side walls. All manufactured homes designed to be located in Wind Zones II and III shall have a vertical tie installed at each diagonal tie location. Wind Zones I, II and III are defined as having design wind speeds of 70mph, 100mph and 110 mph, respectively. (Table 3280.305) The HUD Code was amended in 1994 with requirements that manufactured homes meet building and installation standards to provide wind safety safeguards in pre-designated storm regions of the country. Manufactured homes produced since 1994 have been proven to be equal and, in many respects, safer than site-built homes during tornadoes and hurricanes. More details |
The HUD Code was amended in 1994 with requirements that manufactured homes meet building and installation standards to provide wind safety safeguards in pre-designated storm regions of the country, therefore tie downs were not required by code before 1994. However, it is recommended that all manufactured homes install tie downs. Therefore, this ruleset assumes roughly the same percentage voluntary compliance as shutters before 1994, meaning, 45% of manufactured homes under the 1976 HUD codes should be randomly assigned to have tie-downs, and 55% should not. (More details) |
The HUD Code was amended in 1994 with requirements that manufactured homes meet building and installation standards to provide wind safety safeguards in pre-designated storm regions of the country, therefore tie downs were not required by code before 1994. However, it is recommended that all manufactured homes install tie downs. Therefore, this ruleset assumes roughly the same percentage voluntary compliance as shutters before 1994, meaning, 45% of pre-HUD manufactured homes should be randomly assigned to have tie-downs, and 55% should not. (More details) |
Wind Loss Attributes for Essential Facilities¶
The wind loss model in HAZUS futher classifies several groupings of essential facilities: 1. Fire Staions and Elementary Schools (HUEFFS, HUEFSS) 2. High Schools: 2-story and 3-story (HUEFSM, HUEFSL) 3. Hospitials: small, medium, large (HUEFHS, HUEFHM, HUEFHL) 4. Police Stations and Emergency Operations Centers (HUEFPS, HUEFEO)
Their required attributes for wind loss modeling, the possible entries (values, terms) that can be assigned for those attributes, and the basis for the ruleset developed to make that assignment are summarized in Table, Table, Table, and Table Note that these rulesets were developed to reflect the likely attibutes based on the year of construction and the code editions and construction norms at that time. The corresponding time-evolving rulesets (PDFs and Python scriots) are cross-referenced in Table
Attribute |
Valid Entries |
Basis |
roof cover |
Trends/norms |
shutters |
yes | no |
Codes/standards/human subjects data |
wind borne debris source |
Residential/Commerical (A) | Varies by Direction (B) | Residential (C) | None (D) |
Trends/norms |
roof deck age |
good | poor |
Trends/norms |
metal roof deck attachment |
standard | superior |
Codes/standards |
Attribute |
Valid Entries |
Basis |
roof cover |
Trends/norms |
shutters |
yes | no |
Codes/standards/human subjects data |
wind borne debris source |
Residential/Commerical (A) | Varies by Direction (B) | Residential (C) | None (D) |
Trends/norms |
metal roof deck attachment |
standard | superior |
Codes/standards |
Attribute |
Valid Entries |
Basis |
roof cover |
Trends/norms |
shutters |
yes | no |
Codes/standards/human subjects data |
wind borne debris source |
Residential/Commerical (A) | Varies by Direction (B) | Residential (C) | None (D) |
Trends/norms |
metal roof deck attachment |
standard | superior |
Codes/standards |
Attribute |
Valid Entries |
Basis |
roof cover |
Trends/norms |
shutters |
yes | no |
Codes/standards/human subjects data |
wind borne debris source |
Residential/Commerical (A) | Varies by Direction (B) | Residential (C) | None (D) |
Trends/norms |
roof deck age |
good | poor |
Trends/norms |
metal roof deck attachment |
standard | superior |
Codes/standards |
Ruleset Name |
Ruleset Definition Table |
Python script |
HAZUS Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind (Essential Facilities) |
Hazus Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind - HUEFFS-HUEFSS.pdf, Hazus Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind - HUEFHS-M-L.pdf, Hazus Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind - HUEFPS-HUEFEO.pdf, Hazus Building Attribute Rulesets - Wind - HUEFSM-L.pdf |
Taking the attribute wind borne debris source (WindDebris) as an example, the WindDebris attribute is assigned based on assumptions surrounding the zoning in areas where each essential facility class is commonly constructed. These are generally A: Residential/Commercial or C: Residential, as summarized in Table
Essential Facility Class |
Default Values |
Notes |
WindDebris=A |
If a building is given class, according to zoning, neighboring buildings are likely of this class. Thus, this assignment is made based on OccupancyClass. We cannot assign “varies by direction” because we do not have specific information. All essential faciliteis are assumed to be residential/commerical hybrid. |
WindDebris=C |
If a building is given class, according to zoning, neighboring buildings are likely of this class. Thus, this assignment is made based on OccupancyClass. We cannot assign “varies by direction” because we do not have specific information. Schools are assumed to be in residential areas. |
WindDebris=A |
If a building is given class, according to zoning, neighboring buildings are likely of this class. Thus, this assignment is made based on OccupancyClass. We cannot assign “varies by direction” because we do not have specific information. Hospitals are assumed to be in hybrid commerical/residential areas. |
WindDebris=A |
If a building is given class, according to zoning, neighboring buildings are likely of this class. Thus, this assignment is made based on OccupancyClass. We cannot assign “varies by direction” because we do not have specific information. Police and fire departments are assumed to be in hybrid commerical/residential areas. |
Flood Loss Attributes¶
The flood loss model in HAZUS focuses on a collection of attributes, some of which are already defined in the building inventory (number of stories and occupancy type as defined in Building Classifications), while other building inventory fields like first floor elevation require adjustment. The new or adjusted attributes required for the flood model are itemized in Table with their possible assignments (values, terms) and the ruleset developed to make those assignments. Note that these attributes are generally not time evolving, with the exception of considering if the building was constructed after Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) were adopted (date varies by municipality). The corresponding rulesets (PDFs and Python scripts) are cross-referenced in Table
Attribute |
Valid Entries |
Basis |
flood type |
Riverine/A-Zone | Coastal/A-Zone | Coastal/V-Zone |
Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) |
first floor elevation |
[floating point number] |
Dimensional data from building inventory, FIRM standards |
construction post-FIRM adoption |
yes | no |
Date of municipality’s adoption of FIRMs |
basement type |
Basement | split-level | basement | no basement |
characteristic from building inventory |
duration |
short | long |
Observation of storm-surge characetistics in New Jersey |
wave velocity |
[floating point number] |
Established depth-velocity relationship |
Ruleset Name |
Ruleset Definition Table |
Python script |
HAZUS Building Attribute Rulesets - Flood |
Taking the attribute first floor flood elevation (FirstFloorElev) as an example, the FirstFloorElev attribute is assigned by adapting the building inventory field (FirstFloorHt1), defined by computer vision methods (see Populated Inventories), and adjusting it based on the conventions used to define this quantity based on the flood zone (A-Zone vs. V-Zone), as summarized in Table
Ruleset |
Notes |
IF FloodType = (Riverine/A-Zone or Coastal/A-Zone), FirstFloorElev=FirstFloorHt1; If FloodType = Coastal/V-Zone, FirstFloorElev = FirstFloorHt1 - 1 |
Units of feet. For A Zone, top of finished floor; for V Zone, bottom of floor beam of lowest floor; define X based on typical depth of girders assuming bottom of door is used to estimate first floor height (https://www.apawood.org/Data/Sites/1/documents/raised-wood-floor-foundations-guide.pdf) – take X = 1ft as avaerage value of different options |
FirstFloorElev = 1 |
If no information available |
- Javeline19
Javeline, D., & Kijewski-Correa, T. (2019). Coastal homeowners in a changing climate. Climatic Change, 152(2), 259-274.